Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

We were driving back up Highway 20 to the camp grounds and we hit a turkey doing 60mph.

Best. Kill. Ever.

Apart from that I still have yet to get my hunting license (as easy as it is), but the 30-06 does work on paper targets... woooooo. :roll:
We were driving back up Highway 20 to the camp grounds and we hit a turkey doing 60mph.

Best. Kill. Ever.

Apart from that I still have yet to get my hunting license (as easy as it is), but the 30-06 does work on paper targets... woooooo. :roll:

Back years ago my brother hit one in a 73 Vega stationwagon (dead center in the windshield). What a mess! Guts -n- feathers throughout that POS car.
Lol the deer was by far the best. My buddies mom had just rolled her car into a ditch because she swerved a deer. Up there it happens a lot (was scary when I took my street bike up there lol). So he was explaining to me how if you see a deer don't ever fucking swerve and break, and to just "hit the son' bitch". Long behold 15 minutes later down the dark night road around a left blind turn... fuckin' deer. I instantly pressed back into the seat a little bit with a kind of =O "uh oh" face, look at my buddy driving, feel him let off the gas (thinking if he could stop)... nope, gets back on the gas and *BAP*. Fuckin' bambi hit a 4' solid steel bumper carried by a 1998 Chevy Silverado and then just whipped into the trees and it was gone...

Blood and hair on the headlight and that was it... took a fucking huge chunk out of the deer. I was pretty much =O for a good 3 minutes then we just started laughing our asses off.

Oh weed.
FUCK THAT !!! I would rather take a 12 pointer, or shit even a 5, me and my rifle hiking out into no where then to press the gas to a deer in the head lights.
Damn, that sucks - But shit happens sometimes. I had a Bull moose on the road in front of my truck a couple weeks ago, at night, at 70 mph. Still pulling seat cushion material outta my grommet.
my dad told me a story of when he and a friend hit a little buck. they trew it in the back of the station wagon and minutes later it came too in the middle of town and kicked out the rear and side window of the car b4 they could pull over and beat it to death with a tire iron. the shit you could of goten away with back when the roads were still dirt..LOL
been waiting for the storys to come in this year.

Never had VERSsus channel before well didnt know about it, been loving my wakeandbake coffee and my versus hunting in the morning. Very nice bulls on there.
It would be alot fairer if the deer had a gun...

Fuckin pussys..
Hunting doesn't really seem like fun to me either, but unless you are a vegan, you can't really talk. Chances are the beef you eat on a daily basis, came from a factory farm, where the cow lived in shitty conditions it's whole life before being slaughtered. At least the deer got to be free.
It would be alot fairer if the deer had a gun...

Fuckin pussys..

I ate moose tonite - what did you have?
I killed it, I processed it, and my family and I eat it. How is that wrong?

Whats wrong is picking up a bucket of chicken legs from KFC and pretending that because you didn't see it die, it didn't.

I think you are the fucking pussy that can't take responsibility for what you eat. Grow a set and harvest what you eat before you pretend to be above those of us that bring home food.
See you at Publix - NOT.
Got these pictures off my game camera the other day
scrape tree 003.jpg

scrape tree 004.jpg

On a side note the whitetails are really starting to rut hard right now. I have had quite a bit of action but no harvest yet. I will be patient.
I envy you Airman - our rut is just about over now but with the ton of snow we just got it will drive the big guys down out of the high country.
Nice Blackie - do you have scent/bait station set up or just got lucky on the pic?
Good luck on him.
I put the camera on a tree that always seems to get scrapes around it hoping to catch a nice buck, but I got this instead. No bait or anything like that. Earlier this year I got a picture of a very large kitty just 50 yards down the trail.
I sure wish it would snow a little more around here. It always seems to make things a bit easier.
For the past few years our wolf population has been getting out of control and it is definitly starting to show in the game numbers.