The Hempy Collective

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Hey brother,

First off, take a deep breathe and relax. If you don't get it right this time you'll get it right the next time. Are the pictures all of the same plant are all of your plants looking like this? Are you measuring your temps and humidity? Do you have any Superthrive? What's the Ph of your water? Lights, etc.?


lol i know i sounded pretty aggrevated but im not THAT bad lol. just, annoyed that its getting worse u know, i made a new thread here, theres everything u need to know... thanks
Need help here, please. I planted seven germinated seeds into 100% perlite in 16oz foam cups. Here is the problem:

1) 2 seedlings sprouted, but have not shown growth in 2 days. Actually, they look wilted. I am misting everyday and watering twice daily (probably a bottle cap full) no nutes yet.

2) 1 seed sprouted but lost its cap. I mean that the seed top fell out so only a stem remains. Is this one a gonner?

3) Other seeds that germinated have not sprouted and its been 4 days.

Here is a picture of one of the seedlings.

Did I make a big mistake planted straight into 100% perlite?

Here is a photo (all i have is a cam phone)

Please please help.
Hey bro,

I also had bad luck planting in strait pearlite. I went out and bought some Rapid Rooter plugs and seedlings popped up in about two days or so. For some reason pearlite isn't that friendly for a lot of people when it comes to sprouting germinated seeds. I'm sure some people have good luck with it but the majority of new growers seem to have lots of problems growing seedlings in pearlite. My growth has been slow in pearlite even after the seedlings grew two leaf sets. I built a DWC Bubbler and am going to move my seedlings into that later on tonight.

Good luck,

if you use seeds and go straight to perlite, you have to give them a lot of care until they develop. i never fill up the reservoir at first, i just water enough for every day so that the roots don't dry out before they hit the res.
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