Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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God Bless the people of NYC that care about what really happen that day. Their struggle continues, the city is doing all they can to stop a referendum to have a vote for a real investigation into 911. It is my understanding that NYC has this legal right to call for a new investigation. The coming days will be telling.

http://www.nyccan.org/New Yorkers battle for 9-11 truth.

80,000 New Yorkers have signed the petition.
As with every other NYC ballot initiative, the City of New York is denying the will of its people to vote on the issues it considers most important.

NYC CAN responded by filing suit, and on September 9 the City conceded NYC CAN did in fact submit enough valid signatures to put the referendum before the voters. Now NYC CAN is battling to prove the petition is legally valid. On September 28, the referee will report on the petition's legality, and a final determination will be made in the days that follow.

Interview with 9/11 family member Jane Pollicino, who lost her husband Steve Pollicino in 2001.
She is courageously speaking out in favor of a new 9/11 inevstigation,spurred by the NYC CAN movement (http://nyccan.org )in New York. On the 27th of September, Join NYC CAN and thousands of New Yorkers as they converge on the streets of New York City to demand a new impartial investigation into 9/11.
She is right about all American should have a say in this not just NYC, but I think it has something to do with the crime taking place there so it is up to the people of the city.

On Monday, July 20, 2009, BGM followed Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, on the final day of his visit to Washington, D.C.

The final stop was the White House where Gage, with Slesinger, laid an AE911Truth banner on the sidewalk and addressed the tourists gathered there. Gage got into a heated but cordial debate with a man who identified himself as Kevin, a "reformed truther" and the former "debunking director" on the JREF Forum.
you cant "debunk" (stupid word) physics... but he gets credit for trying his hardest


upon finishing the video, i am amazed to see no one got pissed off, irate , or rude
I saw this in the news and thought it related.

Attorney: Oklahoma City bomb tapes appear edited

A few excerpts from the story:

"Four cameras in four different locations going blank at basically the same time on the morning of April 19, 1995"

Jesse Trentadue (the attorney) alleges guards mistook his brother for one (a bombing suspect) and beat him to death during an interrogation. The official cause of Kenneth Trentadue's death is listed as suicide, but his body had 41 wounds and bruises that Jesse Trentadue believes could have come only from a beating.


For 14 years I've been wondering how 2 guys, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols obtained and mixed 4,000 pounds of fertilizer and fuel-oil used in that bombing.
For 14 years I've been wondering how 2 guys, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols obtained and mixed 4,000 pounds of fertilizer and fuel-oil used in that bombing.

Diesel and ordinary Nitrogen fertilizer, so basically a gas station and the nearest Wal-Mart garden center. You do need something to light it all off with though, Blasting cap, det cord, dynamite, C4, etc etc which is the hard part.
I was listening to a man who demolishes skyscrapers for a living. He said that in order to implode those buildings it would require the building to be cordoned off for months while the project took place. This project would have taken dozens of workers who would need to open the walls, place shape charges in all the beams and run the detonation wires. This man explained that such an undertaking is a huge project and could not possibly be done covertly as the project would involve hundreds of man hours. Other demolition experts have corroborated this.

So how did they allegedly sneak these charges into the building? Was it magic?
I was listening to a man who demolishes skyscrapers for a living. He said that in order to implode those buildings it would require the building to be cordoned off for months while the project took place. This project would have taken dozens of workers who would need to open the walls, place shape charges in all the beams and run the detonation wires. This man explained that such an undertaking is a huge project and could not possibly be done covertly as the project would involve hundreds of man hours. Other demolition experts have corroborated this.

So how did they allegedly sneak these charges into the building? Was it magic?

what about the hundreds of other demo experts that think different?

"Was it magic?" <-------- i would like to know how it happened too, thats why we want a REAL investigation ... Thats all we want ....nothing more.... no crazy theory's, no crazy alien type shit , just a simple investigation .
maybe because it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure it all out. :mrgreen:

LOL, that was a good one.

I was watching an interview with some people who worked in the WTC complex before the attacks. They said a few weeks prior, the buildings had been closed for "work" to be done (can't remember the exact work, but there were 2 empty floors that were being renovated in some way). They suspected it was these "work crews" who were placing the charges later used to bring the buildings down.

When you consider that the bomb dogs who usually were stationed at the WTC had been called off several weeks prior to the attacks (around the same time the renovation "work" began), it seems plausible that the charges could have been set WELL in advance and gone unnoticed until 9/11.

I'll have to see if I can dig up those videos.

That makes me sick ............. what the fuck has the challenger and space shit have to do with real life? thats why the fuckin banks are broke, cause of lil things like that. When is china Ever gonna stop loaning us money for this trash ?? we have spent billions and lost millions of people just from one simple "false flag"


That makes me sick ............. what the fuck has the challenger and space shit have to do with real life? thats why the fuckin banks are broke, cause of lil things like that. When is china Ever gonna stop loaning us money for this trash ?? we have spent billions and lost millions of people just from one simple "false flag"



you think the space program is BS? :shock:


you forgot clinton's impeachment cost.

"...The new expenditures push the cost of the independent counsel's 4 1/2-year inquiry of the president and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to $39.2 million. Starr was appointed to continue the investigation of the Clinton's Whitewater land deal. The probe was expanded in January 1998 to include the Lewinsky matter. ..."


cheaters could've done it for free....:eyesmoke:
what about the hundreds of other demo experts that think different?

"Was it magic?" <-------- i would like to know how it happened too, thats why we want a REAL investigation ... Thats all we want ....nothing more.... no crazy theory's, no crazy alien type shit , just a simple investigation .

Name one person who does building demolition for a living who thinks differently.
I was listening to a man who demolishes skyscrapers for a living. He said that in order to implode those buildings it would require the building to be cordoned off for months while the project took place. This project would have taken dozens of workers who would need to open the walls, place shape charges in all the beams and run the detonation wires. This man explained that such an undertaking is a huge project and could not possibly be done covertly as the project would involve hundreds of man hours. Other demolition experts have corroborated this.

So how did they allegedly sneak these charges into the building? Was it magic?
Obviously it was no ordinary demolish so they are not going to do what all demolition company normally do. The fact that unreacted thermite was found in the dust leaves no doubt those building were demo ... exactly how they did it would be reveal with a real investigation. That's why so many are demanding one. I posted way back in post 1290 Kevin Ryan essay about WTC access. So this has already been discussed.

Oh and didn't you say you was through with this thread?
Name one person who does building demolition for a living who thinks differently.

Are u just tryin to play games now? Do you really wanna dispute this (with evidence) like normal people ? cause i am not going to argue like kids about this.

"According to the analysis of Frank Legge (Ph.D.), the rate of descent of WTC 7 closely matches the rate of gravitational free fall, which – combined with the uniformity of the descent throughout the breadth and length of the building – is irrefutable evidence of controlled demolition."

i can go on and on with people like that ALL day ............ NOW can you find me one SINGLE person who does demo for a living to say that wtc 7 was not demo? that wont happen....... a REAL demo man that watches that building fall KNOWS that was demo (no questions)
Are u just tryin to play games now? Do you really wanna dispute this (with evidence) like normal people ? cause i am not going to argue like kids about this.

"According to the analysis of Frank Legge (Ph.D.), the rate of descent of WTC 7 closely matches the rate of gravitational free fall, which – combined with the uniformity of the descent throughout the breadth and length of the building – is irrefutable evidence of controlled demolition."

i can go on and on with people like that ALL day ............ NOW can you find me one SINGLE person who does demo for a living to say that wtc 7 was not demo? that wont happen....... a REAL demo man that watches that building fall KNOWS that was demo (no questions)

There is nothing irrefutable about that. In fact it makes perfect sense that the building fell the way it did. Once a substantial portion of a building begins falling the downward force increases exponentially and basically becomes a free fall. The math is quite simple really even for a guy like me with only a couple of semesters of college physics. You have seen videos of an avalanche right? Same concept.

But let's set that aside for the moment. It is a fact, and you can call any demolition company to verify this, that imploding a building of that magnitude takes months of preparation and hundreds of man hours. In fact a guy I know is an OSHA inspector who works those jobs for months at a time.

The main claim of the 911 conspiracy theorists is that these were controlled demolitions. So instead of trying to obfuscate the issue how about explaining how they managed to complete hundreds of man hours of work on a building without being seen.
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