10 Females Flowering???

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Buster 420

Active Member
Gnats, midges, or chromids all the same thing and harmless to plants and humans. If your a fish it's the main course all year long.

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
Actually I think the nats are stuck to the plants bc of the resin LOL... It sucks bc there are quite a bit of them but I juss pick a few off a day w/e they don't hurt the plants like u said so...

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
No one can really tell how much you will get, im going to guess 20 ounces give or take, have you looked at the trichomes at all, and those pink hairs are pretty sweet dude!
from what i see ur not gunna get 20 oz thats alot for how small ur plants are. u got 10 females and ur prob lookin at atleast a oz a plant maybe more

but they look sexy keep up the good work one of mine still have about 4 weeks but shes gettin fat and the gods gift should be done soon

good luck


Active Member
Thanks man.. Yea what you guys guessing on yield for all 9 plants combined?? I'll keep posting pics prolly get some up tom. if it is nice outside...:blsmoke: Been gettin hit wit some rain past few days n the weather dip into the 40s at nite.. PEACE
I had read an online article a month or so ago that I just can't seem to find right now, but the 40 degree nights *will* affect your total harvestable weight. Here's a little snippet of another article I found, but it wasn't nearly as indepth:

"Optimal temperature is 27-30 C (80-86 F) if you have strong light with no CO2 enrichment. Less than 21 C (70 F) is too cold for good growth.
Low temperatures at night are OK down to about 60 degrees outdoors, then start to effect the growth in a big way. Mid 50’s will cause mild shock and 40’s will kill your plants with repeated exposure. Keep your plants warm, especially the roots. Elevate pots if you think the ground is sucking the heat out of the roots. This is an issue if you have a slab or other type of cold floor.
As temperature goes up, so does the ability of the air to hold water, thus reducing humidity, so a higher average temperature should reduce risk of fungus."

This was specifically INRE mj plants. Obviously they are still going forward with maturity, but I wouldn't expect them to bulk up like you think they will in the last few weeks with night temps in the 40s. Temp is also likely the reason your buds turned pink.

Best of luck:eyesmoke:

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
Yea its cool I know I am gonna get a good yield... They still got a couple more weeks and I got 9 plants... Plus its FREE NUG which is great for me:mrgreen: I'll have more pics up on Monday!!!:blsmoke: :peace:

Buster 420

Active Member
"Optimal temperature is 27-30 C (80-86 F) if you have strong light with no CO2 enrichment. Less than 21 C (70 F) is too cold for good growth.

Low temperatures at night are OK down to about 60 degrees outdoors, then start to effect the growth in a big way. Mid 50’s will cause mild shock and 40’s will kill your plants with repeated exposure.

Temp is also likely the reason your buds turned pink.

Best of luck:eyesmoke:
Sorry but most of this is b.s. 40's won't kill your plants with repeated exposure. If that was the case nobody could grow any where except the warm southern states.

Pink hairs is genetic.

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
Sorry but most of this is b.s. 40's won't kill your plants with repeated exposure. If that was the case nobody could grow any where except the warm southern states.

Pink hairs is genetic.
Yea I know man I live in Illinois and its been in the 40's some nites but not many so far... That nigga juss hatin on my plants...:mrgreen: Pink Hairs is GENETIC?:blsmoke: NICE Well I'll have some pics for tom...:peace:

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
I have new pics but something is wrong it wont let me upload them rite now... I'll be on later to see if I can get them on then... Sorrybongsmilie:peace:
P.S.- They lookin GOOD..

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
How many more weeks you think for the ones in the pots?? The up close pics are two of the potted plants... What ya think any INFO would be GREAT...


Well-Known Member
Hey again, I don't think they are starting to die. They look like they need a boost of N. During later flowering it's normal for the older leaves to go yellow and fall off. The energy is being put into the buds... just where you want it.

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
Looks great man. Hope you beat that frost. Should be heavy yielders by the looks of it.
Thanks... Yea I hope I beat the FROST to... I don't know when we are due for the 1st one but its been in the 40s some nites n its suppose to be 60's all this week... The ones in the pots arent going to produce as much as the ground ones but I should get a MILD yield...:mrgreen:
The flower nutes I am giving them have a 10-54-10 so I dont know why they would need more N...:peace:
How many more weeks for the close-up pics you guys think??
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