Buds drying out on LIVE plants?!?!


Well-Known Member
Wow not bad! i was expecting some haggard buds but they dont look too bad...

I have never heard of anything drying out before chopping! :lol:

But hopefully it smokes well, and im excited to hear the yield of this plant


Active Member
illl bet that if you look at the bottom of the pots you will see white crust built up on the bottom, i had a plant that this happened to and basicly whats going on is the salt is keeping the plant from sucking up all the nutrients and water it needs, ill bet with a good flush it will clear up
Yep...that's what I was thinking. My first plant got funky at the end too...I'm almost sure it was salt build up. Now I always do a flush like 1/2 through flowering. I think part of it is that I was using like 5 different kinds of nutes. LOL. It took me like 20 minutes to measure out all the crap I was feeding it. HAHA

But...the buds I got off that first plant were still awesome....just like those buds will be.

Great Job on Your First Grow!



Active Member
Wait so r u guys saying that I shouldn't harvest but I should flush and the reason the fan leaves are gone is because of a nutrient deficiency due to salt build up? My buds don't look like they're deficient in anyway they r very green and sticky but some have the crusty feel of wen u dry buds after harvest. Just the exterior. I had a fan blowing on it 24/7, could that dry them out? Now I'm worried cuz I put it I the 48hr dark period and should I have not done that? Sorry of this is hard to understand I'm really stoned. Is it a good idea to go back on my lighting schedule and flush it? I do feed alot of nutes. I usemore than the recommend dose of cha ching every watering even tho it says every other watering!!! If I did turn the lights back on and flush would that help the trichomes ripen? Or is it too late cuz they've been in the dark 36 hours now.


chop it, dry it, cure it and smoke it. they are just giving you pointers for your next grow. btw looks good. good job on your first grow. may you have many more that get better and better


Well-Known Member
I would continue with the harvest...... and get ready to blow your trumpet in celebration of a job well done... I think the fact your lighting is so intense is a big reason your plant has finished maybe a week earlier then most of her strain but she is defiantly finished in my opinion...... enjoy the fruits of your labour :^D


Active Member
Damn you lucky ass working at a med lab. Sure wish I lived in an MJ friendly state!!!

unfortunetly I am just the guy that get new patients and I occasionally help out with filling our 2 50 gal resivour(pain in the ass) and tightening our hoses that link the resivour to the meter bucket and meter bucket to all of our ebb and flow buckets(also a pain in the ass) or helping prune. My boss thinks I'm I don't have enough knowledge even tho I spend every waking minute researching and loving these plants! so that's why I have this plant at home to show her I can b a full time grower and I have a passion and love for these plants. I've also did a personal hydro top feed drip which was gorgeous till I put it in 12/12 to sex it :-( was a male! But I got great hands on experience with hydroponics and the magical way it works! topping, super cropping and learning the nutes system and pH and tds and ppm


Well-Known Member
i would say 3 bags at most but ..... thats just a guess. Where the fuck is all your fan leaves or any leaves for that matter? If the plant has no leaves its just gonna die,,,,,,, which is what urs started doing. on your next grow DO NOT pick leaves unless they are over 50% damaged. ALL that light with no leaves to absorb it. Thats why it started dryin out like that. o well leason learned so no big deal just remember WHAT them leaves are there for.


Active Member
i would say 3 bags at most but ..... thats just a guess. Where the fuck is all your fan leaves or any leaves for that matter? If the plant has no leaves its just gonna die,,,,,,, which is what urs started doing. on your next grow DO NOT pick leaves unless they are over 50% damaged. ALL that light with no leaves to absorb it. Thats why it started dryin out like that. o well leason learned so no big deal just remember WHAT them leaves are there for.
I absolutley did NOT clip the fan leaves. I understand the importance of fan leaves without, molecules of carbon dioxide --->1 molecule of glucose + 6 molecules of oxygen
the one molecule of sugar C6H12O6 is the glucose molecule
This means that carbon dioxide(6CO2) w/ Water
(6h2o) and light energy creates glucose and oxygen. But to my knowledge during flowering fan leaves start to use their stored energy fir the buds and thus they give what they can and die natually.


Active Member
i would say 3 bags at most but ..... thats just a guess. Where the fuck is all your fan leaves or any leaves for that matter? If the plant has no leaves its just gonna die,,,,,,, which is what urs started doing. on your next grow DO NOT pick leaves unless they are over 50% damaged. ALL that light with no leaves to absorb it. Thats why it started dryin out like that. o well leason learned so no big deal just remember WHAT them leaves are there for.
oh just so u know anything green has chlorophyll which is a vital part of photosynthesis proving that my buds and the little leaves inside them or still collecting light energy. Hey my mom has a double degree in horticultural science and botany. So I've grown up growing hundereds of orchids, roses and African violets with my mom so I do have a good knowledge of how plants work.


Well-Known Member
proving that my buds and the little leaves inside them or still collecting light energy.
No i was not tryin to be a dick (i use the word fuck for everything.........bongsmilie .) I just wanted to make sure you wasnt one of those many people who pinch fan leaves just to get more light. So i was kinda askin a question about why the fan leaves were gone. I know that buds use the suns energy too, just not as much as the larger leaves. Plus i wanted to make sure u knew that pinching anything during flower can slow the process down. (apparently u already knew that :grin:.)
How tall did u say that was 3 1/2 ft.? did u wiegh it wet? If i had better pics then i would nail the yeild on the head....:blsmoke:

ALSO thats a very nice plant !

Hey my mom has a double degree in horticultural science and botany. So I've grown up growing hundereds of orchids, roses and African violets with my mom so I do have a good knowledge of how plants work.
then u were born with a green thumb in your mouth !............:joint:


Active Member
chop it, dry it, cure it and smoke it. they are just giving you pointers for your next grow. btw looks good. good job on your first grow. may you have many more that get better and better
Yes...go ahead and harvest. Stop stressing! Your plant looks great. We're just giving you some things to keep an eye out for and possibly adjust next time.

You should be happy - not stressing. This is supposed to be fun!



Well-Known Member
I bet the trichs will come around after curing. Are you using one of those handheld microscope thingys. I find them very difficult to get a good look at unless you chop a bud and pretty much crush it on the table with the scope on top. How are the hairs looking? If they are pretty much all red or died off and recceded into the bud your good. If it visibly looks like you could break a piece off and throw it in the bowl and smoke its ready, done, finished, fineto (sp) hahaha.



Well-Known Member
after lookin closer ... it dont look like its ALL the way done . but its ready... trust me.(man that thing is huge, can only imagine if somthin might have slowed it down..)
i do think u MIGHT have overfed her is why all the leaves died so quick? not too sure.... i am not that good with sativa's

good luck on next one!


Well-Known Member
That thing looks friggin' fantastic, especially for a first grow! I'd be proud as hell if mine turned out like that. Enjoy smoking that baby!


New Member
Yes, the reason ur leaves have died is because ur plants are done. At some point an annual will simply collapse... it's job being done.

Harvest and enjoy!