How Many Times Have You Successfully Ordered Seeds?

Just once since I'm new to the scene. Guess who it was? (drumroll.........ready?) bcseeds.....they're Actually not as bad as people want you to believe BUT I will say that male/female ratios SUCK ASS with them. They give out plently of freebies though, I got more than double of what I ordered and the 4 out of 23 that did turn out to be female look pretty good I do say so myself. Feel free to check out my gj, the proof is in the pudding....I'm definitely going with attitude on the next go-round to see what the fuss is about with them.
1/2 from gypsy nirvana.. they took my dj short purple crush.. fuckin bastards
1/1 bcseedking.. thanks for the hermies and the huge waste of time and money
2/2 the doc chron.. im sticking with the doc
i have ordered from the attitude once, just skeptical on a second order... i think im gonna hold out until around Christmas time a place a big order because the mail biz will be so busy
i made 3 different purchases from dr.chronic seed bank in one day they arrived 7 days later. i will always choose dr. chronic its a great company the orders came so fast. i hear of people ordering from some other sources and the seeds came 1 month later. im not saying their the one and only reliable source but from my experience they are the fastest deliviers.
I love attitude. They have a million breeders to choose from!
I live in michigan I get my seeds in 6-7 days, And I NEVER add the stealth for 11 bucks!
The more $ you spend, you get free seeds and I've never lost an order the many times i've ordered.
One bit of advide buy a green dot visa or something in a dif name and NEVER send cash to anyone!!!
I sent a money order to nirvana & never got my order!
With a card there's a paper trail proving payment
the same happened to me i sent a check by mail to nirvania i had the correct order info,postage stamp,location exsetra....
but 20 days later my check showed up in my mail box.
Attitude sent my seeds within 12 hours of my order
tracking works after 36hrs says it's on it's way... YAY!!
im soo stoked
Ill let ya guys know what turns up!
I've posted before and I had the liberty of ordering from, and like another guy said, it wasn't as bad as people say, don't know about the germination rate and male:female, but I ordered 10 WW and recieved 30, as well as 10 Lavender and got 15. Not too stealth, but did receive them in under 2 weeks from sending my order out in cash. Soaking in water as we speak, hopefully they come out good.
16 times in the last 18 months, twice from hemp depot, 13 from bidzbay and 1 from
I got northern lights seeds off EBAY about 10 years ago before they made it illegal. That worked out well, wish they didnt ban all that shit off there :( Nirvana is the way to go for U.S. customers ill vouch for them
Thanks bro for the welcome I've been here a while just lurking I guess. Yea I grow a little but I think I'm a seed addict too.

Im a general gonja addict, anything to do with it, from growing, to smoking.

Seeds to weeds, I love em all, they all work to get to the goal, gettin me stoned!