This thread is to vent on rippers


Well-Known Member
yo TTT maybe that guy was right what if it was an inside job

maybe your partner fucked you or maybe he told somone about the grow or did u tell anyone about them?

everyone is a suspect
I know everybody is suspect but I'd rather not think my partner had anything to do with it weve been friends for like 20+ years and honnestly if he did do it or had something to do with it (which I dont think he did) $$ is neaver worth a friendship I've seen it too often fuck shit up like that.I think it was the plane that flew over mid summer like I said in an earlyer post but man I'd like to know forshure.... thats why I'm inventing the bud tracker 5000 lol it would be the next must have for any grower I'd be rich without neaver having to grow another plant

you guys are awesome

taker easy guys


Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
A jackoff that lives near me had his crib broken into while he was asleep. He shot and killed one intruder out of three. The cops then found his illegal grow of 200 plants in his basement. The grand jury is gonna decide whether or not to charge him with murder since he'd had dealings with the intruder in the past. Whatever happens, his life is gonna be fucked up for a long, long time. He's also got all the pot charges to deal with too which are felonies.


Well-Known Member
I know everybody is suspect but I'd rather not think my partner had anything to do with it weve been friends for like 20+ years and honnestly if he did do it or had something to do with it (which I dont think he did) $$ is neaver worth a friendship I've seen it too often fuck shit up like that.I think it was the plane that flew over mid summer like I said in an earlyer post but man I'd like to know forshure.... thats why I'm inventing the bud tracker 5000 lol it would be the next must have for any grower I'd be rich without neaver having to grow another plant

you guys are awesome

taker easy guys

Yah a Lo-Jack for your pot plants? Or Pot-Star :)


Sux man, been there five years ago and again this year. Five years ago, my grow buddies little brother took 20 plants just before harvest. Last year I got busted for growing, it was a neighbors grandson who needed to dime on some people to get a reduced sentence for transporting weight. This year I lost 7 ladies about a week from done had to be a stranger because it is so far from my home

Best comment that I can make from my rips and losses is to use multiple locations ( I have three plots this year ) grow alone and tell no one. I have harvested one plot, lost one and the other is coming to a close shortly. Dogs and security are good things as long as nobody gets injured by a trap but in my situation, how are you gonna get a dog to cover my 100 acres?

Risk and hope, the outdoor grow... I am going to a closet grow inside..

Good luck and bad Karma to the rippers...
