Help with Blackmail! big time!!


Well-Known Member
as i see it theirs two ways to deal w/ ur preference would be to fill a hole in the deseret.your freedom and family is being threatened an you have to ask riu how too handle it?
2nd an the right way is to go too the district attorney w/ the ARE being blackmailed/extorted.if your legal dont hesitate.
After he was saying he was a str8 arrow and what you've posted I think this guy should be reported. Doing nothing is fine too as I said earlier, but where does this guy go next, how many of you guys are from cali. could be you. I'm not one for snitchin but there is a line depending on the crime. In a way walking away would be like seeing a person stealing your neighbors car and not doing anything about it. What's the grow worth? money wise and right to do it wise?


Well-Known Member
Kinds seems to mean. If I play my metal really load every now and then my country playing neighbors are less likely to try and sell me their cd!!! Kinda. lol.


Well-Known Member
This is really crazy but I am being blackmailed by a neighbor, so it would seem.

I live in CA where I am growing plants with 5 others and we all have legal scrips for our grow. We are close to harvest now and the following letter is what I found taped to my gate of my home.

Dear Neighbor, (my last name here)

As a good neighbor I have been silent all summer as your marijuana crop has grown. It is such a large crop it is clearly not for medicinal problems. Based on its size and quality you should be able to make tens of thousand of dollars, even if you wholesale the entire crop. As a good and silent neighbor who works hard and pays taxes it bothers me that you will make more off your illegal crop in our little neck of the woods than I will all year long. You will pay no taxes for little work while I will pay a lot of taxes for hard work. I feel that as a good and silent neighbor I am like a silent partner. This is what I propose to keep peace and friendship among neighbors. Just cut 8 oz. of quality bud. Don't dry or trim just walk out cut and put into a ziploc bag, put that in a grocery bag. (the letter then goes on to describe where to leave the bag of marijuana). You don't have to do this, but it's such a small amount and it would make me feel better that I work my ass off pay taxes and you make more than me. If I wanted to turn you in I could've a long time ago. You have a good thing going don't get greedy. Do this little thing for me and you won't have to pull up your crop early or worry about distribution. Cops, Feds, IRS, TV Stations, just smile and tell your friends I have a good neighbor who only wanted 8 oz.

This really pisses me off as we have always worked and paid taxes and still do! We are within the legal limits of plants, but of course I would rather that law enforcement not be involved. This is so shitty, this is my first outdoor grow. Nosy ass neighbors need to stay off my place and mind their own business.

Does anybody have any ideas on this? I'm also feeling a bit threatend in general. O.K. I am really pissed. :evil:
if yer all legal go to the cops and tel em yer being blackmaled fer yer meds....... right him a letter

Straight up G

New Member
Kinds seems to mean. If I play my metal really load every now and then my country playing neighbors are less likely to try and sell me their cd!!! Kinda. lol.
Ok, fair enough. But that is no way to act, if someone behaved like that around here they'd be sectioned.


Well-Known Member
different demographics perhaps. You would never hear that where I live either but I grew up in the country it's one of those things that we took to mind when stealing gas. It's not how I would deal with it either mostly cause I don't need to.

Straight up G

New Member
different demographics perhaps. You would never hear that where I live either but I grew up in the country it's one of those things that we took to mind when stealing gas. It's not how I would deal with it either mostly cause I don't need to.
Good point its not black and white.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
you said he wanted it today at noon! that was 11 hours ago, so what did you do ??
Actually that was about 3 hours ago. Well as I said before, he gets nothing from me but the designated area of pickup will be watched, see if we can't catch ourselves a lil rat. Sure would be nice to know who the little coward is!


Ya a Fake bag would have loured the little rat fuck in. Id love to here what happened if anything. Who did you have watching the spot


Well-Known Member
Ya a Fake bag would have loured the little rat fuck in. Id love to here what happened if anything. Who did you have watching the spot
Nothing has happened so far. We'll see how long we can wait. Got one of us in our group of legal scrip holders watching.


Active Member
Actually that was about 3 hours ago. Well as I said before, he gets nothing from me but the designated area of pickup will be watched, see if we can't catch ourselves a lil rat. Sure would be nice to know who the little coward is!
ooh sorry, uk/america time differnce


Active Member

when you walk out with all that weed you will be busted. if you are seen carrying weed out of your house, you will be busted, responding to that request is jumping from the frying pan to the fryer.

write him a letter back that says:

1) Giving or selling marijuana is illegal. and you are not a criminal, so you cannot oblige. You will also not sell any of your product, it is all for personal use. Harvest comes only once a year, and you dry and store it for the rest of the year. no selling or giving away. <-- Make that point as clear as possible, even if it's not true.

2) You are well within your limits for a patient/caretaker, so you are doing nothing illegal. <---- even if it's not true, cite laws in place in your state, and sound as knowledgeable as possible, just to make his blackmail threat go down the sewer.

3) There is no way he will get any of your product. EVER. nothing he can do, no matter how much he huffs and puffs: no. EVER. <---- that is very important, you will not give him shit. NEVER EVER. and tell him to never contact you again. and if you ever spot him trespassing on your property he will be shot, he has already threatened you and you are not playing games, and that you hope this is the last contact you two will ever have.

You should look for a local NORML chapter and seek advice on what to do now. Get in contact with a lawyer, and work from there. good luck....

best thing so far...