Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

How much do you think top quality bud should cost/oz?

  • 50

    Votes: 71 12.9%
  • 100

    Votes: 79 14.3%
  • 150

    Votes: 93 16.8%
  • 200

    Votes: 110 19.9%
  • 250

    Votes: 81 14.7%
  • 300 or higher

    Votes: 118 21.4%

  • Total voters
:-)......and on that note :::pulling out my RX pad::: An extremely strong indica is in order for Ahmadinejad. Too bad he can't OD on it. :mrgreen:
It's a plant.... it should grow freely and be given away freely ... it should be delivered to your door in the morning like milk, and shouldnt cost any more than milk... a kilo a day of free weed delivered to my door... now thats heaven

so are you saying that grocery stores shouldnt charge for veggies? i mean seeing as they are plants also?
Growing out of the ground argument is a little goofy.Truffles grow in the ground and they cost more then weed and don't get you high.It is about demand and what someone is willing to pay for it on the black market.Since you can not grow huge fields of it like corn or cotton it cost more due to the supply not being high especially for the good stuff.Of course pot heads are going to complain about the price we are the ones buying it.Im sure crack heads wish they got more bang for their buck too.
Growing out of the ground argument is a little goofy.Truffles grow in the ground and they cost more then weed and don't get you high.It is about demand and what someone is willing to pay for it on the black market.Since you can not grow huge fields of it like corn or cotton it cost more due to the supply not being high especially for the good stuff.Of course pot heads are going to complain about the price we are the ones buying it.Im sure crack heads wish they got more bang for their buck too.

typical and ever so boring supply and demand argument . . . .
typical and ever so boring supply and demand argument . . . .

it just seems that you are unwilling to concede that it is all about supply and demand.

let me ask you something!

is everyone able to grow top shelf smoke outside?

are you saying it doesnt cost anything or nearly nothing to grow outside?

all rhetorical of course . . .

sounds like you have issues.

weed is a want

food isnt a want but a need to survive . . .

so STFU if you are going to start in with your piss poor arguments and name calling

are you so stupid you dont know how to use any other words? or is your vernacular so small?
Prices r ridiculous for everything in this world... and if u wnt free to cheap weed grow it itself.... If ur not gon spend money buyin it u will spend money growin it... Unless u grow it somewhere it get everything it needs with out Carin for it... It does suk paying 70 75 for badazz shit that's always the best... I can get it for. 50-60 but that's when it's in the other cat has it.... Anyway growing or consuming yeah it cost out here for a stoner.
First and foremost, I am not a pothead. When a person uses that term, I envision Cheech and Chong.

Apparently you are a firm believer in the pharmaceutical industry.


To you me mine.

I apologize if that's what 'pothead' brings to mind. Let me stress that I didn't mean any pejorative in the term itself. to me, a pothead is just an enthusiastic user of pot, like a Dead-head or, say, the bubbleheads. (;))

But where did I say I was a firm believer in the pharmaceutical industry? I said that pharmaceuticals are useful. Yes, long-term use of complicated chemicals can cause problems. Using speed on an ongoing basis can seriously fuck you up. Same with antidepressants.

But if you happen to be lying in a hospital bed with your heart stopped? At that moment, meth is just about the healthiest thing you could possibly take. There is no strain of pot which is useful for that, but there is a pharmaceutical which is. This is all I'm saying.

What I'm not saying is that i'm a "firm believer in the pharmaceutical industry" (whatever THAT means.)
Alright I'll tell ya the prices for where I live.

35 bucks for an eighth of dank
25 for an eighth of mids
Ounce of mids around 140-160 for dank bud 160-200
5 bucks a joint
Bowl pack 2-5 bucks
15 bucks a blunt 25 for a FAT blunt

yeah it's pretty expensive

It used to go around for like 40 a lid
I apologize if that's what 'pothead' brings to mind. Let me stress that I didn't mean any pejorative in the term itself. to me, a pothead is just an enthusiastic user of pot, like a Dead-head or, say, the bubbleheads. (;))

But where did I say I was a firm believer in the pharmaceutical industry? I said that pharmaceuticals are useful. Yes, long-term use of complicated chemicals can cause problems. Using speed on an ongoing basis can seriously fuck you up. Same with antidepressants.

But if you happen to be lying in a hospital bed with your heart stopped? At that moment, meth is just about the healthiest thing you could possibly take. There is no strain of pot which is useful for that, but there is a pharmaceutical which is. This is all I'm saying.

What I'm not saying is that i'm a "firm believer in the pharmaceutical industry" (whatever THAT means.)

If I misread, I'm big enough to apologize. I'm often misread myself.
My frustrations with the pharmaceutical industry are warranted. I just see more harm than good.....and honestly, I just don't like the term "pothead" used while discussing it as a valuable medicine. If I was a bit aggressive with you...I am sorry.
My frustrations stem from actually having used in the past/currently these "wonder" drugs (as they are openly marketed to be)
I think it's a shame that I have a child who is being brought up in a society that will teach him that something as natural as MJ is an evil "drug." And, at the same time, they will teach society in general that these chemicals are science at its best---all while sending the message that the "pothead" is a "druggie"....while the actual drug addict is your common, sensible, legal....basically "the norm"...what is acceptable.
Kids today are making drugs I've never even heard of....from household chemicals to mixing what's in their parents medicine cabinet.
When I was in high school, the commonly used "drug" was MJ. The rich kids randomly bought coke on the weekends..most drank alcohol at one time or another.
I never got into the coke scene in me, that was the drug not needed to be explored...."that" was the "harsh stuff" in my high school days. Note that wasn't so long ago either.
We now see that the pharmaceutical industry has acknowledged the medicinal benefits.....but ONLY when adding their "patented" CHEMICALS. It matters not that in actual studies, the participants report the natural form to be most beneficial. They have NO right to label it a level one drug!!! And they have no right to place their patent upon MJ. That is just RIDICULOUS...and they KNOW it too. But, they will just keep on doing so, because to admit openly that it just is what it needs to be in its natural form.....LOSES them TRILLIONS in the long run.
Can you even imagine how many anti-depressants, painkillers, uppers, downers, anti-inflammatory, ETC. would diminish in value?....and therefore be taken off the market?
It will always be about the almighty buck .....not about what is good for you or your health.
The FDA is a JOKE. I know this from personal experience.
A couple of years ago, I was prescribed a commonly prescribed antibiotic. It left me partially paralyzed. After only having taken 3 doses, I knew it just had to be that medicine....this was by no means the norm for me.
I later googled the side-effects and learned that THOUSANDS across this country had a negative effects like mine..and worse.
I went to great lengths to report this to the FDA. I contacted them via the phone. I was told repeatedly I would be receiving a form to fill out and send back to them. I never received a thing. To the FDA, "thousands" are just insignificant.
Do I trust the industry that is supposed to be looking out for me? I will not put an ounce of faith into them.

buying sucks! cant wait to move into my new place and start growing my own.. u guys will know cause ill be asking lots of questions :)
If I misread, I'm big enough to apologize. I'm often misread myself.
My frustrations with the pharmaceutical industry are warranted. I just see more harm than good.....and honestly, I just don't like the term "pothead" used while discussing it as a valuable medicine. If I was a bit aggressive with you...I am sorry.
My frustrations stem from actually having used in the past/currently these "wonder" drugs (as they are openly marketed to be)
I think it's a shame that I have a child who is being brought up in a society that will teach him that something as natural as MJ is an evil "drug." And, at the same time, they will teach society in general that these chemicals are science at its best---all while sending the message that the "pothead" is a "druggie"....while the actual drug addict is your common, sensible, legal....basically "the norm"...what is acceptable.
Kids today are making drugs I've never even heard of....from household chemicals to mixing what's in their parents medicine cabinet.
When I was in high school, the commonly used "drug" was MJ. The rich kids randomly bought coke on the weekends..most drank alcohol at one time or another.
I never got into the coke scene in me, that was the drug not needed to be explored...."that" was the "harsh stuff" in my high school days. Note that wasn't so long ago either.
We now see that the pharmaceutical industry has acknowledged the medicinal benefits.....but ONLY when adding their "patented" CHEMICALS. It matters not that in actual studies, the participants report the natural form to be most beneficial. They have NO right to label it a level one drug!!! And they have no right to place their patent upon MJ. That is just RIDICULOUS...and they KNOW it too. But, they will just keep on doing so, because to admit openly that it just is what it needs to be in its natural form.....LOSES them TRILLIONS in the long run.
Can you even imagine how many anti-depressants, painkillers, uppers, downers, anti-inflammatory, ETC. would diminish in value?....and therefore be taken off the market?
It will always be about the almighty buck .....not about what is good for you or your health.
The FDA is a JOKE. I know this from personal experience.
A couple of years ago, I was prescribed a commonly prescribed antibiotic. It left me partially paralyzed. After only having taken 3 doses, I knew it just had to be that medicine....this was by no means the norm for me.
I later googled the side-effects and learned that THOUSANDS across this country had a negative effects like mine..and worse.
I went to great lengths to report this to the FDA. I contacted them via the phone. I was told repeatedly I would be receiving a form to fill out and send back to them. I never received a thing. To the FDA, "thousands" are just insignificant.
Do I trust the industry that is supposed to be looking out for me? I will not put an ounce of faith into them.

yep, thanks for summing it up for me.

this is the essential problem with the pharmaceutics industry, they reject natural cures, and if there are plausible natural cures, they copy the chemical composition and patent it as an artificial drug.

fuck the FDA. and pharmaceutics.
Mj.could and should be available at a cost comparable to any other row crop,lettuce $1.50 a head,corn $.67 an ear, Tomatos $1.49 a lb.Okra $.99 lb..Give a good farmer 20acres,a John Deere, bulk rate chemicals,and a farmer's market system of distribution and the price will be below $5.00 per pound "guaranteed".
Mj.could and should be available at a cost comparable to any other row crop,lettuce $1.50 a head,corn $.67 an ear, Tomatos $1.49 a lb.Okra $.99 lb..Give a good farmer 20acres,a John Deere, bulk rate chemicals,and a farmer's market system of distribution and the price will be below $5.00 per pound "guaranteed".

actually if you scale that a bit differently, it's more likely to drop down to 50 bucks an oz. 5 bucks a pound is a ridiculous price for cannabis.

cannabis definitely works in a different scale than other agricultural crops.
it seems to me the price for western grade weed has settled at about $10 a gram weather you're in astralia usa or even amsterdam. that can't be a coincidence so i don't think it'll ever be as cheap as lettuce. i live in a third world country (cambodia) where you can get a kg for $50 to $100 a kg but it's barely fit for chicken feed. however i've trained a grower to supply my coffee shop with western style outdoor and he recieves $750 a kg and it then gets sold through my coffee shop at $1.50 a gram. but remembr most of the locals get paid $1 or $2 a day. i wouldn't grow any where in the world for less than $10 a gram, i'd rather smoke it myself
It takes a bit to grow, trim, cure and the risk. So I should go through that effort and give you a deal. I know people that get rid of pounds for $2500 to people with a medical card and thats stuff from mendocino from people that know what they are doing. It takes 8 hours or more to really trim a pound (it isn't fun).

If you can't grow your own, don't complain about the price
It takes a bit to grow, trim, cure and the risk. So I should go through that effort and give you a deal. I know people that get rid of pounds for $2500 to people with a medical card and thats stuff from mendocino from people that know what they are doing. It takes 8 hours or more to really trim a pound (it isn't fun).

If you can't grow your own, don't complain about the price

god that's so lame, I hate how people bring this thread back up with a stupid monotonous comment like this . . .
god that's so lame, I hate how people bring this thread back up with a stupid monotonous comment like this . . .
My growing abilities are right on time, but I'm still willing to SHARE the damn joy, LOL.
I'm going to say it again. Never EVER should there entail the slightest greed when partaking of the herb.
Profits on a larger scale of growing should be minimal. Too many people out in the world like myself and Poplars who are willing to grow to put a smile on your face. :bigjoint:
My growing abilities are right on time, but I'm still willing to SHARE the damn joy, LOL.
you're a righteous person babs and i don't mind sharing with friends and co-inhabittors but what when they leave do you fill their pockets with your hard grown when they are ready to leave, if you do i bet you have lots of "friends"
Profits on a larger scale of growing should be minimal. Too many people out in the world like myself and Poplars who are willing to grow to put a smile on your face. :bigjoint:
what world are you guys living on if there were so many people willing to grow to put smiles on peoples faces there would be no market and we wouldn't be writing this thread. in my world most people i know can't grow their own due to lack of knowledge lack of time due to work or they have more money than time and don't need to go to jail. everyone of my customers are greatfull for what i do and if i asked more than $10 a gram they'd happily pay because they enjoy the quality, they realise the risk i take and they are friends not free-loaders. if you're living off a trust fund and you have all the time in the world to scratch around in the dirt , well good luck to you but nobody pays my bills (except me of coarse). so if you're a trust fund kid, or you want to feed the world, or you're a free loader get off my back. my friends are greatfull for what i do and as far as i'm concerned i'm a free market producer suppling a product that's in demand but why do i have to defend myself on a site of like-minded folks. why are you guys making me out to be evil or putting a guilt trip on me?. weed screws with some people's heads and make them irrational in this case it's selfishness, just because you have enough to smoke yourselves doesn't give you the right to deny people who haven't got anything. take a look at yourselves before you cast judgment on me. again why should i have to defend myself amongst like minded folks
Hey all, 1st, this is me: 70, male, retired, using since 1963. Back "in the day" we bought "lids", (re: Prince Albert smoking tobacco cans, packed tight with Mexican), for $5, & kilos of Mexican for $75/100 each! This was NOT Medical Marijuana, we WERE "potheads", enjoying the mental "freedom" this lovely herb gave us. But, this mental freedom had a HEAVY price, LOSS of physical freedom due to Draconian laws enacted in the 1930's by incredibly greedy & self-serving interest's, (ie: DuPont, Hearst Newspapers, et al).
OK, now fast forward to Nov. 1996, the People of California have decided that there IS "medical marijuana", and it should be "compassionately dispensed".
So there you are, we morph from the "Demon Weed" to "Compassionate Medicine" with one stroke of the pen! (at least in CA).
As a small outdoor grower, (approx 220 sq. ft private sunlit patio), I am a little annoyed at the notion that I should feel all warm & fuzzy & "compassionate" towards those who suddenly come out of the woodwork needing "medicine".
Where the hell were all you people 30 years ago?
YES, i'm a pothead! I enjoy the stone or high I get when I smoke, nothing has changed over the years, including the amount of labor and cost of a decent annual grow. The clown above, who claims that he can make "triple" his money at $10 per ounce is WAY out of line.
I had a great season, produced 8.5 lbs of 6 delicious strains. I'm out of pocket, $2000 for this year, NOT counting my labor which is considerable! So for just the material cost, my stuff would be $14.75 per oz. If the white fly & spider mites had their way, I would have prob. come out with 5/6 lbs.
I see it this way: if you want to get high/medicate, pay the going price in your given area or grow your own and deal with those costs.
But please leave "compassion" of this equation.
I wish you ALL, Good luck & good grow + Happy Holidays....BB bongsmilie