Glen Beck's a Douche!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Again you long as that business does its business in my country in neighborhood,in my company, its my damn business to make sure that the CEO,CFO,COO and even CP30 does wtf is right..Peoples health should not be a profit decision..!!!!:evil: get that thru that hard Cracker skull of yours... oh I forgot you play a big time trade dealer on the net ...maybe you trade health insurance ???:roll:
Using your "logic", substitute Pot.

"As long as that guy is in my neighborhood he'll obey the law, ain't no damn hippies gonna smoke pot!! "

Using the force of government to justify telling anther how to live or operate their business is wrong, everytime.

Unregulated free markets are the way to go. In a free maret you can choose whether or not to place your business with a company, in a regulated market it becomes difficult. In my opinion, your heart is in the right place, but your head isn't. Maybe you would consider reading this book?

The Market for Liberty by Linda and Morris Tannehill.


Well-Known Member
Using your "logic", substitute Pot.

"As long as that guy is in my neighborhood he'll obey the law, ain't no damn hippies gonna smoke pot!! "

Using the force of government to justify telling anther how to live or operate their business is wrong, everytime.

Unregulated free markets are the way to go. In a free maret you can choose whether or not to place your business with a company, in a regulated market it becomes difficult. In my opinion, your heart is in the right place, but your head isn't. Maybe you would consider reading this book?

The Market for Liberty by Linda and Morris Tannehill.
Wow.... unregulated free market is the way to go ????? WTF.... Now we see how and why these CEO are doing what they doing..... So it would have been ok with you if we just went ahead and gave AIG there bonus...???? Hell MR.CEO it does not matter that you ran the company in the ground, its ok that we steady lost profits with you at the helm, oh so what we had to lay off 27 percent of our work force since you been guiding the ship..its ok because you will still get your 20 million bonus....Did you guys not learn anything with the "Enron scandel...thats the kind of corruption you get when you start quickly we forget... Capitalism is a good thing , but it always will breed greed and thats when the problem begins... We as American have become this greedy freakin monster I hate to say..We always need more...So again I say if you run a company why the phuck should you get a bonus when that joker failed or is failing ???? wished I got a bonus when I failed at my job...Think about it like this ....A pilot flying for an airline always late..poor arrival time ....rough landings ( with passengers complaining ) even crashed a plane do to an error on his/her part.....your logic in thinking would still have this fool flying and getting a bonus...hey its not your business you never fly that airline anyways...


Well-Known Member
it was not set up by the government, the government has no place in business like you say.

it was done by the private sector. ENTIRELY by the private sector. it was the governments lack of intervention that led to the crisis. The SEC is supposed to monitor corporations financial statements to see if they are disclosing every single aspect of their operation accurately. they obviously do not do their job. it is because of the complexity and flexibility of corporate accounting practices that happen when combining financial statements.

stop blaming the government because these banks managed themselves into bankruptcy. you are wrong.

blame the government for bailing them out, and leaving the rest of america in shambles....


Well-Known Member
The fact that people expect corporate entities to act correctly in an unregulated free market environment
speaks to the lack of foresight those who espouse that philosphy demonstrate.
Money is the single most corrupting force in our human existance.
When corporations are allowed to act without restraint in pursuit of this corruptive
force, it is inevitable that corruption will be the result. The average person makes less than $50,000 a year.
The CEO's of some of these companies make that BY THE HOUR. That kind of money almost never brings out the best in people.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
The fact that people expect corporate entities to act correctly in an unregulated free market environment
speaks to the lack of foresight those who espouse that philosphy demonstrate.
Money is the single most corrupting force in our human existance.
When corporations are allowed to act without restraint in pursuit of this corruptive
force, it is inevitable that corruption will be the result. The average person makes less than $50,000 a year.
The CEO's of some of these companies make that BY THE HOUR. That kind of money almost never brings out the best in people.
There's already plenty of regulation, and besides the politicians and the banks are on the same team.

You don't even know where campaign money (especially Obama's) comes from? :mrgreen:

Where was the SEC when Bernie Madeoff was running a ponzi scheme? Asleep at the switch as usual.

Where was the congressional oversight when the banks were lending to anyone with a pulse?

Where was the fed when the real-estate bubble was ready to burst. They were wrong as usual. They're forecast are notoriously wrong.

What about Sarbanes-Oxley, and the new accounting rules, requiring mark to market? Now they changed the rules back to the old method of accounting to cook the banks books. See the Market rallying? It's pretty obvious the koolaid drinkers don't have a clue as to what's been going on.

The accounting rules were just changed so that the banks can cook the books, because Obama is in on the game.

Citigroups Robert Rubin (resigned) and works for Obama now.

Sen. Barack Obama: No. 2 on the Fannie/Freddie list of favored politicians after just four short years in the Senate.

It's no wonder Obama hates FOX news lol

Glenn Beck Viewership Beats The Combined Competition Every Night In September


Well-Known Member
as we see people can't be trusted when you deregulate... someone has to watch the crooks.... its just sad to say that most that watch the crooks are crooks as well or not doing there job until some big mess breaks out ....then everyone trys to cover thier own azz....


New Member
I think these banks knew what the score was.
I bet the Fed told them secretly "We got your back."
No way these guys didn't know what they were doing.
Then again maybe I'm giving the intellegencia to much credit.
The banks resisted the temptation at first. They had their guidelines already on who can pay back loans and who cannot. It was the govt. which brought the pressure to bear upon them to do the lending. Never forget that with the stick of being dragged out in public for a verbal lashing in front of Congress and President Clinton (who threw the reckless lending into high gear) was the carrot of going along with FULL govt. guarantees.


Well-Known Member
The very fact that Moore did not release this film online, where people can view it for free, shows that he loves capitalism just as much as everyone else. He is an entertainer, just like Beck, driven by money as much, if not more, than he is driven by the desire to uncover "the truth".
I just wanted to post a correction to this previous post - because it has recently come to my attention that there were, in fact, free showings of this film in several cities across the U.S. who were affected considerably by the current economic situation - places with high unemployment rates, foreclosure rates, etc.

So while I stand by my assumption that Moore loves capitalism, the evidence might suggest that he actually loves capitalism a little less than everyone else.

dimension 2350

New Member
I just wanted to post a correction to this previous post - because it has recently come to my attention that there were, in fact, free showings of this film in several cities across the U.S. who were affected considerably by the current economic situation - places with high unemployment rates, foreclosure rates, etc.

So while I stand by my assumption that Moore loves capitalism, the evidence might suggest that he actually loves capitalism a little less than everyone else.
I love his films but I think he's a jackass


New Member
His films "Dimension", are a joke and wholly deceptive. He feeds into the psychosis of the conspiracy minded ppl. who already have enough mental instability. They don't need Mike Moore profiting off of their mental inflictions. It's predatory.

You are right of course... he is a Jackarse.

dimension 2350

New Member
His films "Dimension", are a joke and wholly deceptive. He feeds into the psychosis of the conspiracy minded ppl. who already have enough mental instability. They don't need Mike Moore profiting off of their mental inflictions. It's predatory.

You are right of course... he is a Jackarse.
I still think there interesting*


New Member
I think they are interesting as well. Most propaganda films are made to be interesting. :wink: Moore could have easily gotten a job with Hitler.


New Member
That's nice, but to ignore politics is to be controlled by politics. Paying attention is your only defense. That and a good education so you can decipher the tricks and ploys.


Active Member
I just wanted to post a correction to this previous post - because it has recently come to my attention that there were, in fact, free showings of this film in several cities across the U.S. who were affected considerably by the current economic situation - places with high unemployment rates, foreclosure rates, etc.

So while I stand by my assumption that Moore loves capitalism, the evidence might suggest that he actually loves capitalism a little less than everyone else.
I respect the retraction. I haven't seen the movie yet, but from what I understand, he doesn't hate capitalism, he's just showing how the system has gotten fucked up by greed.


Active Member
That's nice, but to ignore politics is to be controlled by politics. Paying attention is your only defense. That and a good education so you can decipher the tricks and ploys.
I agree with you on that. I am still trying to figure out your core views? Did you like the Bush Administration or are you just skeptical about government in general?


Well-Known Member
I think they are interesting as well. Most propaganda films are made to be interesting. :wink: Moore could have easily gotten a job with Hitler.
or fox news channel.... but moore actually fact checks his films....

fox news just reports shit, without any real fact checking:

watch this:

Fox News reports: "The DEA said this stuff WILL KILL YOU" "This ain't your grandfather's marijuana, it's grown under 24 hours of light, and it's 300% more potent"

now read this:

According to which US Government authority you want to believe, the lethal dose of marijuana is either about one-third your body weight, or about 1,500 pounds, consumed all at once.
In summary, enormous doses of Delta 9 THC, All THC and concentrated marihuana extract ingested by mouth were unable to produce death or organ pathology in large mammals but did produce fatalities in smaller rodents due to profound central nervous system depression.
The non-fatal consumption of 3000 mg/kg A THC by the dog and monkey would be comparable to a 154-pound human eating approximately 46 pounds (21 kilograms) of 1%-marihuana or 10 pounds of 5% hashish at one time. In addition, 92 mg/kg THC intravenously produced no fatalities in monkeys. These doses would be comparable to a 154-pound human smoking at one time almost three pounds (1.28 kg) of 1%-marihuana or 250,000 times the usual smoked dose and over a million times the minimal effective dose assuming 50% destruction of the THC by smoking.
Thus, evidence from animal studies and human case reports appears to indicate that the ratio of lethal dose to effective dose is quite large. This ratio is much more favorable than that of many other common psychoactive agents including alcohol and barbiturates (Phillips et al. 1971, Brill et al. 1970).


Its a two headed single party system designed to keep us jumping from one party to the other, not realizing what is really happening and that would be a one world government and currency in the making