Glen Beck's a Douche!


Active Member
Great idea. We can call them the Neo Fascist Party (NDP). Maybe a jackass mule as the mascot? The Democrats will be none too pleased, though. Kind of raining on their parade, don't ya think?
Or we could call it the "I actually care about people, the environment, and our social liberties party" About as unfascist of a belief system as you can get. Learn what concepts mean before you start throwing them around in situations they don't apply. The only jackass in this conversation is you Choda Boy


Active Member
We needn't get into this here. I have discussed this on far too many threads, but Obama has not EVER produced an ORIGINAL LONG form BC. Until then, the question remains. It's not an outrageous request if you think about it. What's the problem, really? Why the flat out refusal? Does that make sense.... really? College admissions? College thesis? All classified? All missing? I smell a rat.
I don't have my original BC anymore, all I could get is a copy. Are you going to say I wasn't born here because I no longer have the original? If this is such a conspiracy, how could the local Honolulu paper have put his birth announcement on his birthday, when they still have the original from 1961? To make it easy for you all here it is



New Member
Same ol same ol.... read up on the difference between what you are showing me and a long form BC. For one thing, where is the doctor's sig?

read up on Hawaii's loopholes concerning the short form and why that loophole was finally closed.... after 1962.

You might be surprised if you keep an objective mind about it.

Anyone back in the day could have gotten that form, and not be born in HI. Read up on it.


Well-Known Member
Same ol same ol.... read up on the difference between what you are showing me and a long form BC. For one thing, where is the doctor's sig?

read up on Hawaii's loopholes concerning the short form and why that loophole was finally closed.... after 1962.

You might be surprised if you keep an objective mind about it.

Anyone back in the day could have gotten that form, and not be born in HI. Read up on it.
that argument ignores the birth announcements in the papers in 1961.
the president isn't an american?
might as well say the earth is flat.


Active Member
That is the same BC you are looking at. No one has EVER seen the original long form.

try again plz.
I have looked it up everywhere, and not one legitimate news source contends the President is a foreigner. You would have to look at World Net Daily and other far right wing blogs to find people pushing this crap. If you truly believe this launch a lawsuit and see how far you get before being laughed out of the judicial system.


New Member
That is not surprising at all. The TEAM OBAMA made it quite clear to the press that is they EVER wanted access to the President, the BC would not ever be asked or discussed.

What you didn't find of course is a "copy" of the original BC. It is hidden and under guard, just like his college admission records.


Well-Known Member
Or we could call it the "I actually care about people, the environment, and our social liberties party"
Aren't you a Democrat already? And comically so?

About as unfascist of a belief system as you can get.
Learn what concepts mean before you start throwing them around in situations they don't apply.

The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

The only jackass in this conversation is you Choda Boy
Boy? Isn't that a code word for ni**ger? Are you a racist? And a leftist? And an environmentalist? And a fascist goon, to boot? bongsmilie


Active Member
Aren't you a Democrat already? And comically so?

Learn what concepts mean before you start throwing them around in situations they don't apply.

The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

Boy? Isn't that a code word for ni**ger? Are you a racist? And a leftist? And an environmentalist? And a fascist goon, to boot? bongsmilie
If we are going to start pulling out reference material

Main Entry: fas·cism
Pronunciation: \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
Date: 1921
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality &#8212; J. W. Aldridge>

&#8212; fas·cist \-shist also -sist\ noun or adjective often capitalized
&#8212; fas·cis·tic \fa-&#712;shis-tik also -&#712;sis-\ adjective often capitalized
&#8212; fas·cis·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(&#601;-)l&#275;\ adverb often capitalized

Straight from Webster Choda Boy. Again, don't use terms you don't understand just because you heard Rush or Glenn Beck use them


Well-Known Member
If we are going to start pulling out reference material

Straight from Webster Choda Boy. Again, don't use terms you don't understand just because you heard Rush or Glenn Beck use them
Un-believable. Again with the homophobia? :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just for fun, because I had to pick up my son's birth certificate today, I asked the people at the window how I could go about getting a birth certificate that looks like the original one my parents received when I was born. You know what they said? They said, "ask your parents for it, we don't make those anymore". So, I asked them if they have the original (or something like it) on file, that maybe they could photocopy for me. The answer? "No. We computerized our records years ago. All the information is in the computer, and all we can print out are the CERTIFICATIONS OF LIVE BIRTH that serve as your birth record".

If you've ever read any of Obama's books, you would remember that he said his birth certificate was one of his most prized possessions. OBAMA has the original long form certificate, but since he calls it a "prized possession", the chances are very slim that he would allow hundreds of reporters and other members of the press to put their grubby hands on it (especially since it's IRREPLACEABLE). Hawaii does not issue the "long form" birth certificate anymore, period, just as many other states do not. Do you really expect Obama to turn over one of his prized possessions to the MEDIA, just to quell the paranoia of a very small subsection of the population who doesn't believe he is American?

If so, you're dumber than I thought.


Well-Known Member
Just for fun, because I had to pick up my son's birth certificate today, I asked the people at the window how I could go about getting a birth certificate that looks like the original one my parents received when I was born. You know what they said? They said, "ask your parents for it, we don't make those anymore". So, I asked them if they have the original (or something like it) on file, that maybe they could photocopy for me. The answer? "No. We computerized our records years ago. All the information is in the computer, and all we can print out are the CERTIFICATIONS OF LIVE BIRTH that serve as your birth record".

If you've ever read any of Obama's books, you would remember that he said his birth certificate was one of his most prized possessions. OBAMA has the original long form certificate, but since he calls it a "prized possession", the chances are very slim that he would allow hundreds of reporters and other members of the press to put their grubby hands on it (especially since it's IRREPLACEABLE). Hawaii does not issue the "long form" birth certificate anymore, period, just as many other states do not. Do you really expect Obama to turn over one of his prized possessions to the MEDIA, just to quell the paranoia of a very small subsection of the population who doesn't believe he is American?

If so, you're dumber than I thought.
The "Prized Possession" argument. A classic, in its own right.:mrgreen:


Active Member
This thread is starting to get dumbed down with conspiracy theories. Let's get back to REAL issues. Cap in Trade...Good to me...Go


Well-Known Member
haven't read it yet...

it's over a thousand pages long, and VERY TEDIOUS.... i'll look up a summary soon, i don't have the dedication for that...hehe