What's wrong with socialism?


Well-Known Member
Socialism is not "Bad" it just does not work very well, IMHO because it goes against mindset that evolution has instilled. Basically with socialism there is no motivation to work. Why would you work your ass off when all the proceeds are spread out to your neighbors and it gains you nothing? You won't, you will do the absolute minimum required to get your share. Competition/greed is a large driving mechanism of progress. Imagine natural selection where the lions shared all their food with the hyenas. Not much evolution would happen would it? That being said, a completely free market system is not the answer. Greed will quickly corrupt without oversight. Also, for those of you who want every industry deregulated, think again. It does not make sense to have 20 electric/gas/telephone company running wires/pipes to every single home in the country. What would be the point in having 20 gas lines running outside your house? It would be utterly wasteful. What's the answer? I would say something in the middle, but I think the question that is being asked or at least should be asked. Is what is fundamentally wrong with the system we (the USA) have now? There really isn't much wrong with it, but the people doing the overseeing have not done their jobs well. i.e. the Madoff ponzi scheme and the mortgage meltdown. Obviously the people who were suppose to be watching and investigating these type of things were asleep at the wheel. If you really want to understand what is going on take a look at this book http://www.amazon.com/Broken-Branch-Congress-Institutions-Democracy/dp/0195174461 it will give you an insight into why congress does what it does.


Elite Rolling Society
Did you hear on the news last night that CASH FOR CLUNKERS was called a GREAT Success?

Yep, they said not only did they get 450,000 Clunkers off the roads, they got 450,000 VOTE FOR OBAMA bumper stickers off the road too.


New Member
That's a good point "stonedu".

Want to see which industries in the USA are on the ropes? One need only hunt down the heavily unionized corp's. i.e. socialism.


Well-Known Member
Socialism is mild authoritarianism. You will see more and more of this as the world approaches it carrying capacity(8 to 8.5 bil. under current technology, pop.today 6bil.+)predicted around 2050.Oil will be scarce, the oceans will be fished out,barring a major reduction in pop. socialism followed by authoritarianism is inevitable.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Socialism is mild authoritarianism. You will see more and more of this as the world approaches it carrying capacity(8 to 8.5 bil. under current technology, pop.today 6bil.+)predicted around 2050.Oil will be scarce, the oceans will be fished out,barring a major reduction in pop. socialism followed by authoritarianism is inevitable.
Not if we eat all the fat people. :roll:

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Socialism is mild authoritarianism. You will see more and more of this as the world approaches it carrying capacity(8 to 8.5 bil. under current technology, pop.today 6bil.+)predicted around 2050.Oil will be scarce, the oceans will be fished out,barring a major reduction in pop. socialism followed by authoritarianism is inevitable.

We'll wipe out the population with another huge war before then if we're lucky.


Well-Known Member
socialism sucks because it forces those who dont want to be part of their little world to participate, it reaps benefits from the deserving and gives them to people who you do not know or really care about, or those who could be considered "less deserving"

this is true in capitalism as well, but because people understand the flaws of capitalism and realize its potential for good, this makes it a perfect system. socialism might work for a society with citizens use to being spied on and having their freedoms systematically curtailed (england), but for a place like america, a place with such a diverse amount of people with different backgrounds and what not.

i know, understand, and respect capitalism, i dont know socialism and do not want to. as it is now i eat good, i have a car (although it is a piece of shit), i can own firearms, date bitches and get money!

socialism............the government holds your dick while you pee, nanny state i will always be against


Well-Known Member
Socialism is mild authoritarianism. You will see more and more of this as the world approaches it carrying capacity(8 to 8.5 bil. under current technology, pop.today 6bil.+)predicted around 2050.Oil will be scarce, the oceans will be fished out,barring a major reduction in pop. socialism followed by authoritarianism is inevitable.
thats fucking stupid and bullshit

i remember seeing a thing from the 70s saying we would have run out of fossil fuel by 1997

whats up!

plus with newer technology expanding ever so quickly (thanks to computers) mankind will eventually seek out and destroy as many of the hardships as possible

we are an adapting species


Well-Known Member
RobRoy: you don't know the first thing about ME. Am I knocking on your door, telling you you can't do x, y, or z? No, I'm not. So how am I not "allowing" other people to live their lives? If something I say makes you feel bad about your life, that's YOUR problem, not mine. Maybe you ought to look harder at yourself, instead of blaming ME.

Trust me, I am all FOR being able to live your life the way you want as long as you aren't hurting anyone. So why can't you allow ME to live mine the way I want? Am I hurting you somehow, by posting my opinion on this forum?


Well-Known Member
Warlord: War that reduces pop.much would almost surely be nuclear, leaving large areas of planet uninhabitable.No net gain,probably a large net loss.


Well-Known Member
Stable Bisc.Run out of fossil fuels by 1997?Doubt you saw that.It's been known for a LONG time the earth has a LOT of coal,shale oil,and natural gas.Did I mention we are running out of fresh water?Technology can handle that as long as we give up on lettuce, tomatoes and melons.Oh yea, the South American rain forest is rapidly disappearing, no prob.Braz.Gov.will take care of that, I have confidence.Loss of rain forrest will certainly result in desertification of most of S.A..By the way,Rain forrest loss will affect EL NINO causing great desertification in southern Asia and Central America,sounds like a big fix for a computer?Melting ice caps bring a sea level rise and temp.increase,minor inconvienieces.Oops forgot to mention that all that fresh water from the caps is and has been degrading the ocean currents(Gulf Sream, Atlantic Current,Humbolt Current, Etc.).They have failed in past,result ,ICE AGE.Dont worry Tech. will prevail. Right on Soylent Green,eat algae.


Well-Known Member
I just want to hear some honest, informed opinions on why you think socialism is so horrible. Please bear in mind that socialism is not the same as communism, fascism, or nazism. Let's just stick with socialism for now.

2 questions:

What do you think socialism means?


Why do you consider socialism "bad"?
Socialism is the pre-cursor to communism.

It's a pipe dream. It will never work.
Communism has killed more people than any other political ideology, including fascism.

The only people that believe in either socialism or communism are the very naive and the very gullible.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Stable Bisc.Run out of fossil fuels by 1997?Doubt you saw that.It's been known for a LONG time the earth has a LOT of coal,shale oil,and natural gas.Did I mention we are running out of fresh water?Technology can handle that as long as we give up on lettuce, tomatoes and melons.Oh yea, the South American rain forest is rapidly disappearing, no prob.Braz.Gov.will take care of that, I have confidence.Loss of rain forrest will certainly result in desertification of most of S.A..By the way,Rain forrest loss will affect EL NINO causing great desertification in southern Asia and Central America,sounds like a big fix for a computer?Melting ice caps bring a sea level rise and temp.increase,minor inconvienieces.Oops forgot to mention that all that fresh water from the caps is and has been degrading the ocean currents(Gulf Sream, Atlantic Current,Humbolt Current, Etc.).They have failed in past,result ,ICE AGE.Dont worry Tech. will prevail. Right on Soylent Green,eat algae.
:peace:Man, are you ever one gloomy dude!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Stable Bisc.Run out of fossil fuels by 1997?Doubt you saw that.It's been known for a LONG time the earth has a LOT of coal,shale oil,and natural gas.Did I mention we are running out of fresh water?Technology can handle that as long as we give up on lettuce, tomatoes and melons.Oh yea, the South American rain forest is rapidly disappearing, no prob.Braz.Gov.will take care of that, I have confidence.Loss of rain forrest will certainly result in desertification of most of S.A..By the way,Rain forrest loss will affect EL NINO causing great desertification in southern Asia and Central America,sounds like a big fix for a computer?Melting ice caps bring a sea level rise and temp.increase,minor inconvienieces.Oops forgot to mention that all that fresh water from the caps is and has been degrading the ocean currents(Gulf Sream, Atlantic Current,Humbolt Current, Etc.).They have failed in past,result ,ICE AGE.Dont worry Tech. will prevail. Right on Soylent Green,eat algae.

Soylent Green is.... PEOPLE!

Sorry, couldn't resist.:mrgreen:

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Eh, pretty much everything we could do to harm the planet (except nuclear waste) the planet can fix in a few hundred thousand years. The human race is just a bump in the road in the grand scheme of things and in 5 million years when there are nothing left but 12,0000 different species of animals all derived/evolved from the last two jack russell terriers in exsistence that were left over after we messed it all up no one will care. big whoop! See i think LONG term.


Well-Known Member
Eh, pretty much everything we could do to harm the planet (except nuclear waste) the planet can fix in a few hundred thousand years. The human race is just a bump in the road in the grand scheme of things and in 5 million years when there are nothing left but 12,0000 different species of animals all derived/evolved from the last two jack russell terriers in exsistence that were left over after we messed it all up no one will care. big whoop! See i think LONG term.
ROFL! +rep for this , even though I disagree, because the animals all derived from the last two jack russell terriers comment just made me spray beer out of my nose.
