I Have A ? For You Religious People.


New Member
Yes, the USA is overwhelmingly Christian, especially in the business world which lives by networking. The church is a network, just like the golf course is.

So don't go throwing stones at corrupt business ppl and corp's. They are overwhelmingly CHRISTIAN followers at the helm..

So much for piety.


Active Member
Yes, the USA is overwhelmingly Christian, especially in the business world which lives by networking. The church is a network, just like the golf course is.

So don't go throwing stones at corrupt business ppl and corp's. They are overwhelmingly CHRISTIAN followers at the helm..

So much for piety.

Are you still bitching about Christians? OMG! You need to either commit your heart to Jesus and find inner peace, or look for a hoby. Theres a bunch out there.

Seeing how you recognize that Christians pretty much own and run the world, maybe you should act with a little more humility, seeing how your hatred for Jesus could get you fired or demoted.

p.s I don't think you wouldn't know piety if it bent you over a couch and was slapping up against those lily white cheeks. :twisted: :peace: :twisted:


Active Member
There is a difference between NON G*D and ANTI G*D.

So this is the lie you use in order to appease your conscience?


Right, right, right. You will say that you don't hate God, you just don't believe in His existence and therefor feel nothing towards Him. The problem with that is there is a shit load of posts where you are showing some very impassioned, angry, emotional arguments against God's existence. You even can't bring your self to spell out the word G-O-D you hate him so much.

So, my question is, why do you ooz contempt towards a fairy tail? If you didn't believe in God's existence, He wouldn't be such an interesting topic to you. Oh, wait! Let me try to anticipate your answer. It's the Christians who make you talk about GOD, not that you want to or anything. Right?


Well-Known Member
that you don't hate God, you just don't believe in His existence and therefor feel nothing towards Him. The problem with that is there is a shit load of posts where you are showing some very impassioned, angry, emotional arguments against God's existence. You even can't bring your self to spell out the word G-O-D you hate him so much.
I guess if you considered hating "god" the same as hating some asshole character on General Hospital the same, then you'd have a point.

Since both are fictions.

One made to entertain, and sell cheap crap to housewives.

One made to dominate, and feed crap to everyone.

Sort that one out for yourself.

The most pathetic part of Christianity is how it seems so bent on insinuating itself in the public's bedrooms. Would you like to have sex? Well, it's a horrible sin unless you get married in one of "our" temples. Afterwards you may only have sex with the person we have designated your partner until you die. Of course if you don't, that's a sin. But if you come and beg "us" for forgiveness, we'll work something out. Would you like to make a donation?

What a load of horse shit.


The most pathetic part of Christianity is how it seems so bent on insinuating itself in the public's bedrooms. Would you like to have sex? Well, it's a horrible sin unless you get married in one of "our" temples. Afterwards you may only have sex with the person we have designated your partner until you die. Of course if you don't, that's a sin. But if you come and beg "us" for forgiveness, we'll work something out. Would you like to make a donation?

What a load of horse shit.

lmao +rep for that gem! :mrgreen:


Active Member
The bible is a bunch of crap... most of it anyway. The old testament was rearranged, the names changed, and the way things happened are either made up,in half truths, or close to the truth since all of it was taken from other sources (Sumerian and Akkadian). The new testament... there is not a single scholar or anyone else for that matter from the time of Jesus that documented his happenings. Everything written about Jesus was done centuries after his death. On top of all this, the one who had a big hand in this was a king named Constantine of rome (274 to 337 A.D.) which was a pagan (it is said that he was christian before death by some) until the day he died and was dubbed "Christian" after he died; it was finally "canonized" by the Nicean council sixty years after Constantine's death. Strange is it not? Here's another one for you, compare Jesus to Osiris and see the many similarities between the two. You would almost think that Jesus is an Egyptian god rip-off from 3000 years before his time. There are other "saviors" out there that share similar stories of Jesus and have the same MO. Anyway, good luck with your findings. +rep if you find this useful.

Edit: here's a nice lil web page that will keep you interested if you would like to know more about Jesus in comparison to the other saviors of the world http://www.egyptorigins.org/osirisandjesus.htm... Happy reading :)


Active Member
So this is the lie you use in order to appease your conscience?


Right, right, right. You will say that you don't hate God, you just don't believe in His existence and therefor feel nothing towards Him. The problem with that is there is a shit load of posts where you are showing some very impassioned, angry, emotional arguments against God's existence. You even can't bring your self to spell out the word G-O-D you hate him so much.

So, my question is, why do you ooz contempt towards a fairy tail? If you didn't believe in God's existence, He wouldn't be such an interesting topic to you. Oh, wait! Let me try to anticipate your answer. It's the Christians who make you talk about GOD, not that you want to or anything. Right?
I'll speak on behalf. Some of us were brought into a religious home and our parents or the ones that raised us are such believers and are so worried inside for our salvation that we see the distress in them and makes us want to believe but the truth is that we feel something is seriously wrong, so we become rebellious to our teachings but at the same time we would love to see some stone cold truth; real proof. It will never happen and so we have such anger inside, even hatred because we feel like we have been lied to our whole lives... we're supposed to give ourselves up for god and for some of us rebels, it rubs us the wrong way to know that we spend our whole lives watching those we love waste their life away in ignorance and/or think that we may be wrong and beat ourselves up our whole lives in confusion. Ignorance is bliss then...


Well-Known Member
It also doesn't help that religion insinuates itself into politics and the public school system at every opportunity.

I'm not sure if our Christian friend is a history buff, but they might recollect a period of European-wide theocracy.

It was called "The Dark Ages".

And then the religious "right" dares set foot in a science class and discounts hundreds of years of hard work and research by people who often found themselves persecuted by the church for the mere crime of being inquisitive about the function of the universe.

If you put science and religion in a dark room, science looks for the light switch. Religion just sits there in the dark waiting to take credit for it when the lights come on. Sometimes it molests a kid or two while it has the benefit of darkness.

One of my favorite quotes:
Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church.


Well-Known Member
I'll speak on behalf. Some of us were brought into a religious home and our parents or the ones that raised us are such believers and are so worried inside for our salvation that we see the distress in them and makes us want to believe but the truth is that we feel something is seriously wrong, so we become rebellious to our teachings but at the same time we would love to see some stone cold truth; real proof. It will never happen and so we have such anger inside, even hatred because we feel like we have been lied to our whole lives... we're supposed to give ourselves up for god and for some of us rebels, it rubs us the wrong way to know that we spend our whole lives watching those we love waste their life away in ignorance and/or think that we may be wrong and beat ourselves up our whole lives in confusion. Ignorance is bliss then...
+ rep..., this has been about the Most Honest Thing I've heard an Atheist leaning Person Say..., and I completely agree with every word you Said,

ON my Behalf and my personal opinion, Don't give up on God, just start over, and YOu are Right, he's not the God you were schooled to know, those teachings are from an entanglement of Greed / Manipulation / Power..but it works because truth still lies within and that is why the people are easily drawn to it, and held in Bondage. But the Strong, People who seek the True Nature of God, begin to break themselves free of the Lies, because in all Honesty, they want to Live a Life of Truth...., and so, I try to Get people to understand, that bashing somebody over the Head because they believe in the Literate Bible God, only works into the favor, of those who you despise... You are doing them a Favor, Supplying the Never Sleeping, all ways at Work Devil..., Believe Me, the Religious Get It, of all Faiths, Just Like those who are Atheist Get iT..., but none the less you are going to have weak minded people on both sides that believe/deny a Literal God, and believe/deny We Literally evolved from Bubbles..

I just think it's easier to get people to understand your point of view by using Honey, instead of Acid, then say you are doing them a Favor...

Anyhow, + rep bro for sharing your thoughts and feelings..

I'm about tired of these Senseless Threads, they are not POintless, I just think I'm starting to just get beyond them Now..



Active Member
+ rep..., this has been about the Most Honest Thing I've heard an Atheist leaning Person Say..., and I completely agree with every word you Said,

ON my Behalf and my personal opinion, Don't give up on God, just start over, and YOu are Right, he's not the God you were schooled to know, those teachings are from an entanglement of Greed / Manipulation / Power..but it works because truth still lies within and that is why the people are easily drawn to it, and held in Bondage. But the Strong, People who seek the True Nature of God, begin to break themselves free of the Lies, because in all Honesty, they want to Live a Life of Truth...., and so, I try to Get people to understand, that bashing somebody over the Head because they believe in the Literate Bible God, only works into the favor, of those who you despise... You are doing them a Favor, Supplying the Never Sleeping, all ways at Work Devil..., Believe Me, the Religious Get It, of all Faiths, Just Like those who are Atheist Get iT..., but none the less you are going to have weak minded people on both sides that believe/deny a Literal God, and believe/deny We Literally evolved from Bubbles..

I just think it's easier to get people to understand your point of view by using Honey, instead of Acid, then say you are doing them a Favor...

Anyhow, + rep bro for sharing your thoughts and feelings..

I'm about tired of these Senseless Threads, they are not POintless, I just think I'm starting to just get beyond them Now..

Well thank you Brazko, I'm in this state of mind so I speak from experience. I was raised with hardcore catholic parents, much so that father is a Knight of Columbus and a deacon and mom is a teacher of catechism, first communion and confirmation to kids and adults also... They are leaders in the community and do all sorts of youth and adult seminars. Anyway, the list is long and I've been overly-exposed to the ways of god, yet I have always been exposed to the ways of the world and views of god that are mind boggling. The ultimate question I have asked has been: "If all was well in the kingdom of heaven, why then did God create 'ha-Satan'? God is the alpha and omega, beginning and end; keeper of time. When you are a chef, you are the only one that really knows the intricacies of your dishes. As a computer programmer you know what the code you are inputting for the latest software version... In other words, God is the greatest chef/programmer, the knower of all time; past, present, and future..." I always received the answer: "Because god gave you free will". This haunted me and it still does because it is not a straight answer. We are born, not created unlike ha-Satan. He WAS created and so everything that god put into him including his emotions and curious ways was like a time bomb, waiting to happen. I have always thought (still do) that if God is real, why did he do it? Was he bored from seeing perfection and decided to make a toy and watch us under a microscope like germs hoping that we would pass the test for future plans? Who knows? I understand nature and it's ways that only the strong survive and we admire those animals that make it and sometimes feel pity for those that don't. I for one don't like to be put to the test and much less see 'the one that loves me' have me get kicked around just to discard me and let the unimaginable happen to me if I fail. Good fathers don't do that to their children! They don't leave you in an alleyway with weapons or bare-handed to see if you can fend off thugs. For what purpose? As long as society is not straight with me on the origins of God, then I'm not down with any institution.

Sorry about the rant, I had to get it out. Thanks for the +rep though :)


Active Member
Well, at least we're all agreed that Christianity is big on molestation.

Irony: An atheist trying to convince a believer that there is no God.

Atheism: A defined system of belief that there is no system of belief worth putting your faith in. (also ironic)

You arguments would actually have some sway if you had some kind of faith in something. Oh, wait! Your an atheist. I guess you do have faith in something. My bad. You're on the right track. Keep it up.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
The following are a few sexual acts that are either "sins" or condemned by the church.
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]"`Do not approach a woman to have sexual relations during the uncleanness of her monthly period.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]"`When a man has an emission of semen, he must bathe his whole body with water, and he will be unclean till evening.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]When a man lies with a woman and there is an emission of semen, both must bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]"`When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening. 20"`Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean. 21Whoever touches her bed must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be unclean till evening. 22Whoever touches anything she sits on must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be unclean till evening. 23Whether it is the bed or anything she was sitting on, when anyone touches it, he will be unclean till evening. 24"`If a man lies with her and her monthly flow touches him, he will be unclean for seven days; any bed he lies on will be unclean. . . . 32These are the regulations for a man with a discharge, for anyone made unclean by an emission of semen, 33for a woman in her monthly period, for a man or a woman with a discharge, and for a man who lies with a woman who is ceremonially unclean.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]"`Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]"`If a man commits adultery with another man's wife --with the wife of his neighbor --both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]"`If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]"`If a woman approaches an animal to have sexual relations with it, kill both the woman and the animal. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. (Hey, I'm not condoning bestiality, but is it really Fido's fault he was molested?)
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]"`If a man lies with a woman during her monthly period and has sexual relations with her, he has exposed the source of her flow, and she has also uncovered it. Both of them must be cut off from their people.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]`If a man's wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13by sleeping with another man, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure --or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure-- 15then he is to take his wife to the priest
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]23If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, 24you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death --the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man's wife.http://www.bibleplus.org/homosexuality/homo_frame.htm

[/FONT]The official teaching rests on the view that the innate purpose of the sexual faculty is twofold: procreation and love union. Every sexual act must be open to procreation, and must be expressive of love. This is the church’s basis for condemning masturbation, contraception, sterilization and homosexual acts. It is also the ground for condemning artificial insemination, even with the husband’s semen (AIH). Contraception is wrong, in the hierarchical magisterium’s view, because it prevents procreation. AIH is wrong because the act of insemination is not the natural act which, by its very nature, is expressive of love.http://www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=113
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times]
I guess if you considered hating "god" the same as hating some asshole character on General Hospital the same, then you'd have a point.

Since both are fictions.

One made to entertain, and sell cheap crap to housewives.

One made to dominate, and feed crap to everyone.

Sort that one out for yourself.

The most pathetic part of Christianity is how it seems so bent on insinuating itself in the public's bedrooms. Would you like to have sex? Well, it's a horrible sin unless you get married in one of "our" temples. Afterwards you may only have sex with the person we have designated your partner until you die. Of course if you don't, that's a sin. But if you come and beg "us" for forgiveness, we'll work something out. Would you like to make a donation?

What a load of horse shit.
And I'll be happy to admit it.I hate religion.I hate the "god" that I have grown up being unwillingly subjected to every day of my life.But I hate ignorance.And ignorance is rampant in religion.


New Member
Yes, the Bible.... back in the good ol' days..... when gays were killed, women were 2nd class citizens and property of men.... and Jesus was down with slavery.

Let's all follow the Bible!!


Active Member
I'll speak on behalf. Some of us were brought into a religious home and our parents or the ones that raised us are such believers and are so worried inside for our salvation that we see the distress in them and makes us want to believe but the truth is that we feel something is seriously wrong, so we become rebellious to our teachings but at the same time we would love to see some stone cold truth; real proof. It will never happen and so we have such anger inside, even hatred because we feel like we have been lied to our whole lives... we're supposed to give ourselves up for god and for some of us rebels, it rubs us the wrong way to know that we spend our whole lives watching those we love waste their life away in ignorance and/or think that we may be wrong and beat ourselves up our whole lives in confusion. Ignorance is bliss then...

Your anger at your parents justifies not believing that God exists? That's not very rational. Or, is it because of your superior wisdom? Are you a teen ager? Personally, I don't care what your beliefs are. That's the beauty or freedom. Think what you want. Say that some of the most brilliant men and women I've ever met are ignorant because they had faith, then we have something to talk about. I find your beliefs no different from the christian churches, at least in sentiment. Based on what you wrote, its as if you became the people in your religious experiences (you and your friends, I mean).

Really, you think every nation that ever existed is ignorant because they knew there was a God? You are no different than a church that says you are the ignorant one because you can't see what is in front of your face. No one likes to told their entire life is all wrong, even you evidently. But you do the very thing to others you say has harmed you in the past.

I don't claim to be christian (too much bull shit tied to that word) but I agree the christian churches are filled with all kids of darkness, greed, pettiness, selfishness, molestations (sorry CJ for the bending over the couch comment. I didn't know all you were children. It makes scene, though). Kind of like all the things you'll find in life, regardless of the personal beliefs. Rage against the christian church all you want. I may even join in. We all have our horror stories. But, you hold you are better than me and most of the people on this site........... shit, in the entire world and throughout all history! There aren't many people who would agree with your superior wisdom. Wise in your own eyes.

So, stop your whining. You got your feelings hurt? Welcome to life! Just a tip...... it gets worse. Wouldn't it be nice if you knew there was someone who was very patient with you, and didn't want you to be alone in your struggles? I may be waisting my breath.


Your anger at your parents justifies not believing that God exists? That's not very rational. Or, is it because of your superior wisdom? Are you a teen ager? Personally, I don't care what your beliefs are. That's the beauty or freedom. Think what you want. Say that some of the most brilliant men and women I've ever met are ignorant because they had faith, then we have something to talk about. I find your beliefs no different from the christian churches, at least in sentiment. Based on what you wrote, its as if you became the people in your religious experiences (you and your friends, I mean).

Really, you think every nation that ever existed is ignorant because they knew there was a God? You are no different than a church that says you are the ignorant one because you can't see what is in front of your face. No one likes to told their entire life is all wrong, even you evidently. But you do the very thing to others you say has harmed you in the past.

I don't claim to be christian (too much bull shit tied to that word) but I agree the christian churches are filled with all kids of darkness, greed, pettiness, selfishness, molestations (sorry CJ for the bending over the couch comment. I didn't know all you were children. It makes scene, though). Kind of like all the things you'll find in life, regardless of the personal beliefs. Rage against the christian church all you want. I may even join in. We all have our horror stories. But, you hold you are better than me and most of the people on this site........... shit, in the entire world and throughout all history! There aren't many people who would agree with your superior wisdom. Wise in your own eyes.

So, stop your whining. You got your feelings hurt? Welcome to life! Just a tip...... it gets worse. Wouldn't it be nice if you knew there was someone who was very patient with you, and didn't want you to be alone in your struggles? I may be waisting my breath.

So you spent that entire response talking about how irrational the post was, then at the very end of your post, you justify your belief by the warm cushy feeling you get in your stomach before you go to bed at night, knowing "someone who was very patient with you, and didn't want you to be alone in your struggles" is watching out for you.

That's just a little ironic...


Active Member
And I'll be happy to admit it.I hate religion.I hate the "god" that I have grown up being unwillingly subjected to every day of my life.But I hate ignorance.And ignorance is rampant in religion.

Just my humble opinion, but I think that's briliant, and probably the most well founded argument against the christain church I've heard on this thread. Thanks. :peace:

I wish you could come and speak at my mothers church. It's Baptist. They will tell you what you can and can't do with your naughty parts. Masterbation is a great subject for guilting some teen age boy or girl into submission. The pastor, imho, is a big child and uses the power he enjoys to bolster his fragile ego. He teaches about a god that I don't recognise, especially when he uses the Bible to support his vile attmpt to bring the congregation further under his control.

The bold part, very moving. Maybe because I've said the same thing. I was taught about a god that only seemed to care about how good I looked to "outsiders". Very self focused. When I got tired of thinking about myself so much I was confronted because you can't tell christians to start thinking about others more than themselves. It's all about their "good" whiteness, right? Got to protect god's image, because he can't seem to do it himself.

"For me, all things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial. For me, all things are permissible, but I will be mastered by nothing!"

That is a Bible verse that makes scene to me. Life was made for us to enjoy, so be free! And, it is wise to keep in mind that there are unbeneficial things that can take mastery over us. What those things are can only be decided by the individual. Say that to a christian and they'll try to shove you back into one of their boxes. If that doesn't work, then "to hell with you" is the only option. This is my long winded way of agreeing with you that religion breeds lazy minds.


Active Member
Yes, the Bible.... back in the good ol' days..... when gays were killed, women were 2nd class citizens and property of men.... and Jesus was down with slavery.

Let's all follow the Bible!!

Compared to the option of following an "evolved" monkey's wisdom............. I chose the Bible.


Active Member
So you spent that entire response talking about how irrational the post was, then at the very end of your post, you justify your belief by the warm cushy feeling you get in your stomach before you go to bed at night, knowing "someone who was very patient with you, and didn't want you to be alone in your struggles" is watching out for you.

That's just a little ironic...

Your self serving spin on my post not withstanding...... what do you find ironic?