Games take more skill than sports?

My point is - learning a video game can not be put in the same ball park as say being a professional tennis player. There are only certain aspects of the game that need to be learnt. The fact of the matter is a video game is designed for anyone to learn and get good at, you have to have sooooo much more to be a professional sportsman/women - hence u cant just put in a few hundred hours and be playing on center court wimbledon.

what about the boys who dedicate there lifes to games in the same way as them professional tennis players.. and go to competitions ect there cant be that much of a diference compare the top ranked player in wow compared to pete samprus i garuntee you the wow guy plays way more hours on the computer then pete plays tennis..

Dedication = talent ..or skill?
To hell with WoW. Go play diablo II, you dont have to pay to play. Its the same shit, but fuckin cooler.

And they got a new one coming out...

Where do you think they ripped the idea from!? Themselves!!!! Just for the new era nerds.

So I say fuck that WoW shit. That shit will eat your life.
what about the boys who dedicate there lifes to games in the same way as them professional tennis players.. and go to competitions ect there cant be that much of a diference compare the top ranked player in wow compared to pete samprus i garuntee you the wow guy plays way more hours on the computer then pete plays tennis..

Dedication = talent ..or skill?

I kind of understand your point, but look at it this way:

What if I went up to Tiger Woods and told him that i'm more skillful than he is because I can finish a certain course on my xbox below what he could ever achieve in real life??? I would hope he'd wrap a 5 iron round my head.
I just want to say that I love my sport.... I play netball twice a week almost all year long ((we have about 2 months off)) with a team of old friends....and we have an awesome time,,,weather we are winning or losing.... its fast ,it takes co ordination and it involves loads of strategy and thinking on your feet and it involves the much better can exercise get..... and we all need it right ?
almost all the other exercise I get in my life requires an effort and will power because I am an artist and tend to work up to 14 hours straight then crash out then wake up and work some more...I guess I'm a geek in my own way.... but my sport is a life saver for me because I never let my team down ,,so I don't make excuses and slack off
I kind of understand your point, but look at it this way:

What if I went up to Tiger Woods and told him that i'm more skillful than he is because I can finish a certain course on my xbox below what he could ever achieve in real life??? I would hope he'd wrap a 5 iron round my head.

lol ok i see were your coming from to man but if you sat down with tiger woods and a brand new golf game was set down infront of yas Golf evolustion 5000, neither of you have seen the game before and begin to play against each other after going true the tutorials etc one of you win by a sizeable margin does this not mean that there is a certain level of adaptation and or skill in being victorious?I think so.. there is only a certain amount of combinations etc you can learn in a game but with the development of the industry over the last few years games have become sooo vast that there is just as many variables in technique in some games as some sports ya kno..
Video games are easy. Anyone can pick up a controller and in a couple of hours be a respectable Halo player. Sports are more about talent then skill. Some people could spend weeks tryin to learn to play football.
Video games are easy. Anyone can pick up a controller and in a couple of hours be a respectable Halo player. Sports are more about talent then skill. Some people could spend weeks tryin to learn to play football.

I beg to differ. Sports take talent and skill. Can you run a route like Randy moss? Can you rotate your hips like deon sanders? Do you know there is actually a technique behind a jumpshot? There are guys in the NBA who can jump out the gym but can't shoot to save there lives? There is technique to skating up and down ice while trying to corrale a puck. There is a skill involved in making a 90mph ball land wherever you want it to. Or putting the proper amount of spin on a tennis ball. People spend YEARS trying to learn sports. They say it takes a minimum of 10,000 hours to become proficient at anything. That includes sports.
lol ok i see were your coming from to man but if you sat down with tiger woods and a brand new golf game was set down infront of yas Golf evolustion 5000, neither of you have seen the game before and begin to play against each other after going true the tutorials etc one of you win by a sizeable margin does this not mean that there is a certain level of adaptation and or skill in being victorious?I think so.. there is only a certain amount of combinations etc you can learn in a game but with the development of the industry over the last few years games have become sooo vast that there is just as many variables in technique in some games as some sports ya kno..

I agree with you on that, because we would both be doing the same thing. I think it is impossible to compare playing games on a console to playing sports as the thread suggests. They are COMPLETELY different in so many ways shapes and forms! :peace:
I beg to differ. Sports take talent and skill. Can you run a route like Randy moss? Can you rotate your hips like deon sanders? Do you know there is actually a technique behind a jumpshot? There are guys in the NBA who can jump out the gym but can't shoot to save there lives? There is technique to skating up and down ice while trying to corrale a puck. There is a skill involved in making a 90mph ball land wherever you want it to. Or putting the proper amount of spin on a tennis ball. People spend YEARS trying to learn sports. They say it takes a minimum of 10,000 hours to become proficient at anything. That includes sports.
That's what I was saying. Actual sports take alot more dedication.
See .. i know and see where this guy is going with this subject.

and i totally DISAGREE

Someone has to be naturally gifted and work towards those goals to be able to participate in high-level games(e.g. NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB etc...)

WoW or any mmorpg for that fact takes no skill or god given talent ... if you have time to blow and/or bored... then u can become the most domintatin player u can be in those games (e.g. South Park WoW Episode .. they clleary showed(with humor obviously) that if u sit and do nothing all day ur toon can become anything u want it to be ... sports are nothing like ...

when was the last time you played an organized sport(im not talking about pick-up games or back kyard smear the quuer) at a high-level?

welpp ... idk .... but I am going to take a long shot here and say that you or anyone else on WoW have the power, speed, and physique of Adrian Peterson .. .. So who actaully WORKS to get better? .. WoW players, OR serious Atheletes, not to mention Pro players...
The best MMORPG players do have talent. Probably mostly in the strategy area. You're comparing organizing a group of people to take on some NPC to organizing a group of people to go head to head against other people. Yeah there is pvp stuff. What about the fatigue in sports? Playing through pain and the like.
I Disagree, Video Games require coordinated hands, fair vision, decent reflexes and a basic knowledge of the game, anybody can master any game as long as they know how it works, and spend a little bit of time on it

Most sports, require, some natural talent (Some people arent good at certain sports as they are others, myself being an exmaple) good hand-eye coordination, endurance in all different muscles, teamwork, a thorough knowledge of the game, strategy and flawless technique.

In a game, such as a soccer, football, hockey game, you press a button and it shoots wherever you are aiming, in real life, you have to use all your skills in unison to actually make the shot go where you want it to, soccer, to kick the ball requires a good technique, the jumpshot in basketball also requires flawless technique if you want to sink it consistently :eyesmoke:
You could play a realistic baseball game on video, and get it down real well.

But, put you out there with the REAL pitcher, and the real weight of a bat, and crosswinds and weather..... u would instantly realize the difference. When that 90 mph curveball starts swinging in towards ur head..... u'd know.

There is no comparison.
Guitar Hero is the only game I can think of that takes some skill. Even then, after 3 or 4 weeks of nonstop play, anyone can be/think they are the best.

Play guitar in real life? Have fun learning how to play with no scuffs and with passion for the next 5-10 years.

WoW? Computer based gaming
Sports? Life based gaming

WoW? No real rewards
Sports? Trophies, babes, fans, getting to have your moment on the turf.. Life bro.
I agree with you on that, because we would both be doing the same thing. I think it is impossible to compare playing games on a console to playing sports as the thread suggests. They are COMPLETELY different in so many ways shapes and forms! :peace:

i will agree with you on that they r completly different hobbie genre's

Ohhh yeah I said it... and I firmly believe it too. This thread I want to be an open, yet very CIVILIZED debate. My opinion: That video games require A LOT more skill than any organized sport on the planet. My reasoning: It takes what? 11 people on the feild for a football team? 5 for a basketball team, 8 for a baseball team.. the most players for a team (that are on the feild at once) is 11 I believe, yes?... mmmk...

World of Warcraft (yes I'm a big fucking nerd, get over it, i'm using this game as an example). Requires more skill, teamwork, organization, stratagy, and leadership than those sports ever will.

First let me explain a (small) bit of WoW for those of you unfamiliar with it. You pick a race on either Alliance or Horde side, 5 races to each side (irrelivant) and depending on what race you choose, you have a grand total of NINE classes to choose from.

Death Night

Now then each class has their own unique set of spells, each class has about 10-20 or so spells. Also, at level 10, each class gets to go down what is called a "Talent Tree" For instance, a mage can choose to go down Fire, Frost, or Arcane, or they can separate their talents into hybrids.

Now then in World of Warcraft, there are certain bosses that you must kill for quests, in which case you must form a "raid", or - a party of 25 people to take down this one toss, and this is where my argument stems.

Now a Warrior can go into the Fury, Protection, or (I believe it's Arms?) talents. Fury, of corse, is designed for the played to do more damage, and Protection is designed for the player to withstand more damage. A preist, which can go into "Light, Shadow, or Balance", goes into Shadow for damage, or Light for healing.

In a raid, it's the Warriors job to take damage, and the Preists job to heal... Now then, there are still 7 other classes, which I could go into pages of detail about, but would rather not :joint: However, if the preist dies, the warrior dies, if the warrior dies, the rest of of the 23 raid memebrs die. Other classes possess different rolls, but it takes the control, organization, stratagy and team work of TWENTY FIVE people, verses 5 to throw a ball in a hoop... 25 people knowing their class, talents, spells, and their roll in the raid to make it happen.

Please.. share thoughts

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:

Dude raiding takes no fucking skill. It's all a scripted fight and you get a bunch of virgins on ventrilo to all do 'their part'. I've done raiding and lots of arenas. Raiding is seriously the most pointless thing that so many people in WoW get wrapped up in like dedicating 4-6 hours a day 5 days a week. I haven't played WoW in a year, but pvp is where the skill is it, especially high rated arenas.
I love how everyone thinks if u play wow your a virgin and have no life. I play wow and have been playing since Burning Crusade came out, lvl 80 hunter and i have a girlfriend, not a virgin, and actually have a life? you know how i do this? because it's not hard to put a video game down...