Ohhh yeah I said it... and I firmly believe it too. This thread I want to be an open, yet very CIVILIZED debate. My opinion: That video games require A LOT more skill than any organized sport on the planet. My reasoning: It takes what? 11 people on the feild for a football team? 5 for a basketball team, 8 for a baseball team.. the most players for a team (that are on the feild at once) is 11 I believe, yes?... mmmk...
World of Warcraft (yes I'm a big fucking nerd, get over it, i'm using this game as an example). Requires more skill, teamwork, organization, stratagy, and leadership than those sports ever will.
First let me explain a (small) bit of WoW for those of you unfamiliar with it. You pick a race on either Alliance or Horde side, 5 races to each side (irrelivant) and depending on what race you choose, you have a grand total of NINE classes to choose from.
Death Night
Now then each class has their own unique set of spells, each class has about 10-20 or so spells. Also, at level 10, each class gets to go down what is called a "Talent Tree" For instance, a mage can choose to go down Fire, Frost, or Arcane, or they can separate their talents into hybrids.
Now then in World of Warcraft, there are certain bosses that you must kill for quests, in which case you must form a "raid", or - a party of 25 people to take down this one toss, and this is where my argument stems.
Now a Warrior can go into the Fury, Protection, or (I believe it's Arms?) talents. Fury, of corse, is designed for the played to do more damage, and Protection is designed for the player to withstand more damage. A preist, which can go into "Light, Shadow, or Balance", goes into Shadow for damage, or Light for healing.
In a raid, it's the Warriors job to take damage, and the Preists job to heal... Now then, there are still 7 other classes, which I could go into pages of detail about, but would rather not

However, if the preist dies, the warrior dies, if the warrior dies, the rest of of the 23 raid memebrs die. Other classes possess different rolls, but it takes the control, organization, stratagy and team work of TWENTY FIVE people, verses 5 to throw a ball in a hoop... 25 people knowing their class, talents, spells, and their roll in the raid to make it happen.
Please.. share thoughts

Smoker Toker