Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

[QUOTE="SICC";3203500]or look into Ona Gel

google it, you can order online[/QUOTE]

Im assuming those Ona products are safe to put next to the plants...that is, they wont emit anything toxic or harmful into the air that might harm a plant that is very close to the product...right?
[QUOTE="SICC";3207491]it should droop, but not too much, depends on the temp, if its too cold you'll notice the difference in the drooping[/QUOTE]

ok good. yea the leaves seem to sag at night. First time i noticed it cause i never check the plants during dark time. It is important not to interrupt the dark time with light...correct?


Well-Known Member

Im assuming those Ona products are safe to put next to the plants...that is, they wont emit anything toxic or harmful into the air that might harm a plant that is very close to the product...right?

yea man i wouldn't recommend just anything haha

look into it, its just a gel that you leave open, or your scoop some out and sit by the plants,
it seems that the leaves are all starting to sag...thought in was cause it was dark...but the light hasn't seemed to help. Could it be I gave them too many nutes? Will this cause them to sag? Or maybe it was getting too hot in there...I did have the door completely shut which I dont think Ive done since adding the extra lights? So I have the door opened back up, and the ph is good... Could it be too many nutes causing the leaves to sag or was it prolly just the high temp?
it seems that the leaves are all starting to sag...thought in was cause it was dark...but the light hasn't seemed to help. Could it be I gave them too many nutes? Will this cause them to sag? Or maybe it was getting too hot in there...I did have the door completely shut which I dont think Ive done since adding the extra lights? So I have the door opened back up, and the ph is good... Could it be too many nutes causing the leaves to sag or was it prolly just the high temp?
t seems that the leaves are all starting to sag...thought in was cause it was dark...but the light hasn't seemed to help. Could it be I gave them too many nutes? Will this cause them to sag? Or maybe it was getting too hot in there...I did have the door completely shut which I dont think Ive done since adding the extra lights? So I have the door opened back up, and the ph is good... Could it be too many nutes causing the leaves to sag or was it prolly just the high temp?
I missed your post about this earlier, sorry.

"Switching to flower" means you are changing the light cycle to allow the plant to flower.

With the light cycle you are using now, your plants will not flower. They have to be given enough "dark time" to build up a chemical that induces flowering.
Dude are you sure my plants wont flower in their current cycle. If you remember I have them on a 16/8 cycle. The light settings on the aerogrow dont deviate from this more than an hour either I would assume 8 hours of dark is enough to flower a I wrong?


Well-Known Member
Dude are you sure my plants wont flower in their current cycle. If you remember I have them on a 16/8 cycle. The light settings on the aerogrow dont deviate from this more than an hour either I would assume 8 hours of dark is enough to flower a I wrong?
If you had an autoflower, then yes it would flower. At the current light settings, a marijuana plant that flowers according to photo period will not flower.

The light settings on the AG can be bypassed by using a figure 8 cord connected to the lights and then to a timer set for 12/12. You can find the cords on the original XBOX, PS1, PS2 and several other electronics. You can also pick one up at a radioshack store or online.

Timers are sold at Lowes, Home Depot and the like.

It's a good idea to shut off your AG water pump to prevent stem rot, mold and other things. Using a figure 8 cord and a timer will allow you to do this.

If you had an autoflower, then yes it would flower. At the current light settings, a marijuana plant that flowers according to photo period will not flower.

The light settings on the AG can be bypassed by using a figure 8 cord connected to the lights and then to a timer set for 12/12. You can find the cords on the original XBOX, PS1, PS2 and several other electronics. You can also pick one up at a radioshack store or online.

Timers are sold at Lowes, Home Depot and the like.

It's a good idea to shut off your AG water pump to prevent stem rot, mold and other things. Using a figure 8 cord and a timer will allow you to do this.


Alright. Very useful information. Thank you. I think what ill do is turn the aerogrower to the 24 hour setting and plug it into my timer so it turns itself off for 12 hours a day...

Another question:
Will the plants show signs that they are ready to flower...or is it simply a case of waiting a certain amount of time, say 6 to 7 months from the time of germination...I know different breeds need different lengths of time to fully veg. but what is a good rule of thumb that indicates a plant is ready to move into the flowering phase?

Also, when is the time to turn off the pump. At the start of flowering? Sooner?
Will the plants show signs that they are ready to flower...or is it simply a case of waiting a certain amount of time, say 6 to 7 months from the time of germination...I know different breeds need different lengths of time to fully veg. but what is a good rule of thumb that indicates a plant is ready to move into the flowering phase?
so basicly take a guess when its time to take the plant into the flowering phase... How do I know if they are ready or not?


Well-Known Member
well they will just about triple in size when you flower them, switched from 18/6, to 12/12.

so its up to you when you want them to start budding
also...I just put in the airstone, but they sent me a different one than I ordered. I ordered a long skinny tube, but was sent a 2 in wide 6 in long plank, and I cant position it in a way so that it is always directly under a pod...does the airstone have to generate bubbles directly under the pod and roots to be effective?

and in regards to your post: " so its up to you when you want them to start budding "... I am just concerned that the plants are too young to start budding...what is a good age to start flowering? Do they have to mature to a certain point before I should begin to flower? Or do you just switch to 12/12 whenever your ready to start building buds?
[QUOTE="SICC";3213987]well they will just about triple in size when you flower them, switched from 18/6, to 12/12.

so its up to you when you want them to start budding[/QUOTE]

So they will triple in size with 6 hours less light...thats interesting.
will it matter that my airstone is not directly underneath some of the pods...will those plants that are off to the side of the path of the rising bubbles, will they still benefit from the airstone?


Well-Known Member
will it matter that my airstone is not directly underneath some of the pods...will those plants that are off to the side of the path of the rising bubbles, will they still benefit from the airstone?
That fine its so small it will get to the roots fine. Just a fyi when you use the figure 8 cord going to the lamp lights, setup your timer to 12/12 hours, however keep the AG on at all times, and leave the air stone running at all times. This is what I would suggest. So the lights work 12/12 but AG and air stone is on all the time.