Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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Wow, that response if chock full of IF, I Think, and maybes...:lol:

Here's a core problem, and shows the POLITICAL agenda behind the "truthers":
The only "problem" is you trying to stop people from pushing for a real investigation. You can call all the names you want and post all the disinformation you like ... it won't change a thing. People are going to continue to push for a real investigation. Too bad ... so sad that you can't handle that.:mrgreen:
Wow, that response if chock full of IF, I Think, and maybes...:lol:
well maybe i can admit , that i do not know the whole reason this was done. Is it THAT hard for you to do the same? And You have showed NOTHING proving me or anyone else wrong.

Here's a core problem, and shows the POLITICAL agenda behind the "truthers":

as you guys should all know by now, i am not the best "talker" on this thread , and you should also know that i barely know what a political agenda is, so how could i possibly have an agenda? You got me all fucked up with somebody else.... The one and ONLY thing I have to gain off this 911 shit is: If we can get the truth out quick enough then the schools cannot force MY kids to believe such bullshit. Plus i would love to see justice served on the right folks for once. THATS MY POLITICAL AGENDA ....understand or do you want to go on?
when you or your daddy can prove anything on this thread to be untrue then i'll listen to your shit. until then your personal agenda is way worse then my political agenda....................
well maybe i can admit , that i do not know the whole reason this was done. Is it THAT hard for you to do the same? And You have showed NOTHING proving me or anyone else wrong.

Why do you keep lying? You know damn well we have shown you a great deal of proof. And just so you know, the burden of proof is on you.

But regardless, when you call for an investigation, do you mean one like this?

Engineering Groups Gather Evidence, Provide Support in Clean-up

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C., engineering groups rallied to conduct a variety of studies, ensuring the safety of search and rescue workers and gathering evidence before it was land-filled or recycled. When the analyses are complete, the professionals hope to understand, in detail, why the buildings failed, particularly the World Trade Center towers.

For instance, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) formed teams to work with local officials in New York and Washington to collect and evaluate data from the scenes. The work will be distilled into a report for ASCE membership and other interested parties. That report is expected to be completed in the spring of 2002.

To help ASCE collect data, the Structural Engineers Association of New York issued a call for volunteers to work at the two scrap yards in New Jersey receiving steel from the World Trade Center.

The teams of engineers were posted at each salvage yard, watching for potential evidence. In particular, the engineers looked for steel from the floors where the airplanes hit and where the fires broke out. Close examination of the debris could provide that information. When the twin towers were built, each piece of steel was stamped with its location in the buildings. No details have been released about the teams' findings.

The New York engineers association also is collecting information about the buildings, including photographs before, during, and after their destruction, observations of specific structural or fire damage, or any other technical information. In addition, the group is asking for similar information about buildings still standing adjacent to the World Trade Center site.

Volunteers from the organization continue to assist at "ground zero" by assessing the structural stability of the debris and shoring safe routes for equipment. The group helped to assess damage to some 400 area buildings, to determine the extent of peripheral damage caused by the tower collapse.

The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) also was represented among the professionals evaluating the evidence of the World Trade Center collapse. The group, consisting of a core team of six people and another ten advisers, arrived at the disaster site in early October, said Scott Melnick, vice president of communications for AISC. The group’s investigation was expected to last for several months, with a final report anticipated within nine months to a year.

“They are evaluating not just the physical rubble, but doing computational analyses to create a model of the collapse,” Melnick said.

The AISC is a non-profit association representing the United States structural steel industry. The organization develops and maintains standards for design and construction of steel buildings in the United States.

The final report from the WTC investigation will be turned over to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which coordinates U.S. disaster relief efforts.
Copyright held by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 2001
It's the blueprints for the north tower ... more proof of it's design to withstand what happen.'
Table of World Trade CenterTower A Architectural Drawings

And I don't think I've posted anything about corporate news announcing the collapse of tower 7 before it happen ...

Building 7 of the World Trade Centre was brought down via a controlled demolition, planned months in advance of 11th September 2001. A script, prepared beforehand for the Zionist-controlled BBC, was read on television by a "reporter." Not much of a "reporter," though, because if she had just opened her eyes she would have noticed that the building she was telling millions of people had "collapsed" was still there. And it remained there for a further 26 minutes!

New NEWS - BBC Video - WTC 7 - Prior Knowledge

Or do you mean one like this?

On August 21, 2002, on the direction of the U.S. Congress, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated an investigation into the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers. In support of the overall investigation goals, the NIST Metallurgy and Materials Reliability Divisions pursued three objectives: assess the quality of the steel used in the construction of the towers, determine mechanical properties of the steel for input to the finite element models of the building collapse, and assess the failure mechanisms of the recovered steel components. This article describes the major findings of the metallurgical part of the NIST WTC investigation and shows how the findings were integrated into the investigation.

MODELING AND UNDERSTANDING THE COLLAPSE The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Building and Fire Research Laboratory and its contractors created a complex model to understand the collapse of the towers. Three semi-independent parts comprised the model: a model of the aircraft impact and initial damage, a model of the dynamic spread of resulting fires and the thermal environment they produced, and a structural model of the resulting deformation and eventual collapse of the towers. The output of the impact and fire models fed into the structural collapse model.

The aircraft impact model enabled investigators to determine the damage to the interior of the building, which was not visible to witnesses outside, and to determine the dispersion of jet fuel. This model included about nine floors of each building and a highly detailed model of the aircraft and its fuel. It used about two million elements, employed time steps of about 1 microsecond, and modeled a fraction of the first second of the disaster. The output of the model was the structural state of the building after the impact, but before the fires began. It included estimates of the path and distribution of the debris and fuel, the areas where the spray-applied fire-resistive material was stripped from the columns and floor trusses, and estimates of the number and location of severed or damaged core columns. The aircraft impact model used material models of the deformation behavior of the structural steels, both at quasi-static and at high strain rate.

The fire model employed the NIST Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), a computational fluid dynamics model that numerically solves a form of the Navier–Stokes equations to model thermally driven flow. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has used FDS for forensic reconstruction of fires before the WTC investigation. The building model of the fires, which used actual tenant floor layout information, contained eight relevant floors around the impact site. Each floor was divided into a computational grid of cells approximately 0.5 m on a side. The output of the fire model was the complete thermal history of each floor, which was then used to predict the temperatures of the beams and columns.

The structural models of the two towers were used to understand the collapse hypotheses. The global model examined a base case as well as a severe damage and fire case for each tower, and took as input the state of the damaged buildings predicted by the impact model and the thermal history of the floors predicted by the fire model. The global structural model, which necessarily employed simplifying assumptions because of its computational size, was based on more detailed component models that analyzed the response of individual components, such as the floor trusses, their connections at the seats, and the shear knuckles that provided shear transfer between the concrete floor and the truss assemblies. The behavior of the exterior wall column panels was also modeled in greater detail. The results of the more detailed component models indicated which failure and deformation modes could be neglected in the global model. The structural models employed steel material models of the room and elevated-temperature stress-strain behavior, and the elevated-temperature creep behavior.
THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TOWERS Seven steel companies supplied structural steel to the World Trade Center (WTC) construction. Above the seventh floor, the structure of the towers comprised four main subsystems; a different steel fabricator supplied each. Pacific Car and Foundry of Seattle, Washington, fabricated the closely spaced exterior wall column panels that gave the buildings their instantly recognizable shape. Stanray Pacific of Los Angeles, California, fabricated the enormous box and wide-flange columns that made up the core. Laclede Steel of St. Louis, Missouri, fabricated the thousands of floor trusses that spanned the opening between the core and the perimeter tube. Finally, Montague-Betts of Lynchburg, Virginia, fabricated all the beams above the ninth floor.

Exterior Wall Columns
The closely spaced exterior columns formed a stiff tube that resisted all the wind loads and a portion of the gravity load. The individual columns were roughly 14 in. square, and were fabricated by welding individual plates into box columns. Three adjacent columns, each three stories high, were joined by deep, horizontal spandrel plates at every floor to form a panel. Figure A shows a three-story tall, three-column wide exterior wall panel being lifted into place, and identifies the major structural components in the exterior wall.
Once in place, the panels were bolted on the end butt plates and at splice plates that connected adjacent spandrels. Nearly every panel assembly was unique, and each was intended for a specific location on a given face of one building. In the lower floors, the individual plates that made up the perimeter columns were up to 1 in. thick, but those in the fire and impact floors of interest were typically 0.25 in. thick. Yawata Iron and Steel (now Nippon Steel) supplied most of the steel for the perimeter columns. The design of the towers was also unusual in that the original plans called for 14 different strength grades of steel, as low as 36 ksi and as high as 100 ksi. Ordinary building construction might only use two or three strength grades. Each column in a three-column, exterior wall column panel could be fabricated from a different grade of steel as could the three spandrels. Because the wind loads differed between the different compass directions, the distribution of column strengths and thicknesses on each face of each building was unique; the two towers were not identical copies. In the floors of interest for the collapse model for WTC 1, the perimeter column plates were typically FY = 60 ksi.

Core Columns
The core of the building, which carried primarily gravity loads, was made up of a mixture of massive box columns made from three-story long plates, and heavy rolled wide-flange shapes. In general, the box columns carried the load in the lower stories, while the rolled shapes were used in the upper floors, but each type existed in the fire and impact zones. Most of the steel was specified as FY = 36 ksi. The plates for the box columns came from Japanese mills and were fabricated on the west coast and shipped to New York. Japanese and British steel mills supplied most of the wide-flange columns and beams used above the seventh floor, which were detailed by a fabricator on the east coast.

Floor Trusses
Lightweight floor trusses supported the concrete floors that spanned the open space between the conventionally framed core and the exterior wall columns. The chords of the floor trusses were fabricated from 0.25 in. or 0.375 in. L-angles, while their webs were typically made from a single length of 0.75 in. round bar. Laclede Steel rolled the shapes from steel made in its own electric-arc furnace. It also welded the individual truss sections, and then shipped them by rail to New Jersey, where the erection company assembled them into floor panels that were lifted by crane into place. Figure A also shows a completed floor panel before the concrete floor was poured. The trusses were bolted and welded to seats on the spandrels of the exterior wall column panels. The truss seats on the opposite end at the core, not visible in Figure A, were similar. The webs projected above the level of the truss top chord and formed a knuckle to provide a composite action that tied the concrete floor to the floor trusses.
THE FAILURE OF THE TOWERS At 8:46:30 the first airplane struck the north wall of World Trade Center (WTC) 1 between floors 93 and 98. About 15% of the jet fuel burned in the fireball outside the building. Another 15% burned inside the building immediately. The rest fueled the fires that started. The overpressure from the fireball blew out many of the windows, which subsequently provided oxygen for fires. The impact damaged or severed 38 of 59 exterior columns on the north wall, and, based on the aircraft impact analysis, 9 of the 47 core columns. The passage of the impact debris through the tower stripped the insulation from columns and floor trusses on the impact floors. Over the next 102 min., the fires moved from the north (impact) side to the south side. Eighty minutes after impact, the south wall began to bow inward. At 97 min., it reached its maximum observed displacement of 1.4 m. Just before collapse, the building section above the impact zone tilted to the south, and at 10:28:25, 102 min. after impact, WTC 1 began to collapse.
The second airplane struck the south wall of WTC 2 at 9:02:59 between floors 78 and 84. The effects of the fireball were similar to those in WTC 1. The impact damaged 32 of 59 exterior wall columns, and based on the aircraft impact analysis, 11 of 47 core columns. As in WTC 1, the passage of the impact debris stripped insulation from columns and fl oor trusses. Unlike WTC 1, the fire moved quickly to the east side of the building, but then remained there. Within ten minutes of impact, the east wall began to bow inward. Just before collapse, the building section above the impact zone tilted to the east and south, and at 9:58:59, 56 minutes after impact, WTC 2 began to collapse.

The Most Probable Collapse Sequence
The investigation team integrated the photographic record, the eyewitness accounts, the experimental results, and the results of the aircraft impact analysis, fire spread and growth analysis, heat conduction analysis, and structural response analysis to determine the probable collapse sequence for each tower. Report NIST NCSTAR 1-6, from which this summary is abstracted, summarizes the observations, results, and findings in much greater detail.
The sequences of events leading to collapse initiation were similar, but not identical, for each tower. Four major structural events were common to both sequences. First, the floors that lost insulation due to debris impact sagged as the truss members deformed and buckled under elevated steel temperature. The sagging floors pulled inward at the column connections and caused the exterior wall to bow inward. Next, the exterior wall bowed and plastically buckled under the combined effects of the reduced strength at elevated temperatures, increased axial loads redistributed from the severed columns, pull-in forces from sagging floors, and loss of lateral support due to failure of truss seat connections. Then, the core columns weakened under the combined effects of structural impact damage, reduced elevated temperature strength, and plastic buckling of core columns. In addition, the loads on the remaining core columns increased as gravity loads redistributed from the damaged core columns. Finally, the gravity loads redistributed because of the impact damage, restrained thermal expansion, weakening of the core, leaning of the section above the impact damage, and bowing and buckling of exterior walls. The hat truss primarily redistributed the gravity loads from the core to the exterior walls, but the adjacent exterior walls redistributed load primarily through the spandrels. All three major subsystems—the building core, the building floors, and the exterior walls—played a role in the structural collapse sequence for WTC 1 and WTC 2.
Role of the Building Core
The core columns were designed to carry the building gravity loads and were loaded to approximately 50% of their capacity before the aircraft impact. The core columns were weakened significantly by thermal effects and by the aircraft impact damage. Thermal effects dominated the weakening of WTC 1. As the fires moved from the north to the south side of the core, the WTC 1 core was weakened over time by significant creep strains on its south side. Aircraft impact damage dominated the weakening of WTC 2. Immediately after impact, the vertical displacement at the southeast corner of the WTC 2 core increased 15 cm, from 10 cm to 25 cm. With the impact damage, the core subsystem leaned to the southeast and was supported by the south and east floors and exterior walls. Gravity loads redistributed from the core to the exterior faces primarily through the hat truss due to aircraft impact and thermal effects. The WTC 1 core carried 1% less load after impact but 20% less after thermal weakening. The WTC 2 core carried 6% less load after impact and 2% less load after thermal weakening. Additional axial loads that were redistributed to the exterior columns from the core were not significant (only about 20% to 25% on average), because the exterior columns were loaded to only approximately 20% of their capacity before the aircraft impact.
Role of the Building Floors
The floors were designed to support occupancy loads and transfer them to the core and exterior columns. They were also designed to act as horizontal diaphragms when the buildings were subject to high winds.
In the collapse of the towers, the floors provided inward pull forces as they sagged signifi cantly under thermal loads. However, the sagging floors continued to support their floor loads despite the dislodged insulation and extensive fires. Some truss seat connections with dislodged insulation at the exterior columns did fail and disconnect from the exterior wall under thermal loads. Floor disconnections increased the unsupported length of the exterior columns and distributed floor loads to adjacent truss seats. No inward pull forces existed where the floors were disconnected.
Role of Exterior Walls
Column instability over an extended region of the exterior face ultimately triggered the global system collapse, because the loads could not be redistributed through the hat truss to the already weakened building core. In the area of exterior column buckling, loads transferred through the spandrels to adjacent columns and adjacent exterior walls. As the exterior wall buckled, on the south face of WTC 1 and the east face of WTC 2, column instability propagated to adjacent faces and caused the initiation of the building collapse.
The exterior wall instability was induced by a combination of thermal weakening of the columns, inward pull forces from sagging floors, and to a much lesser degree, additional axial loads redistributed from the core.

Conclusions of the Analysis
Floor sagging and inward bowing of an exterior wall were necessary but not sufficient conditions to initiate collapse. In both WTC 1 and WTC 2, significant weakening of the core due to aircraft impact damage and thermal effects was also necessary. The National Institute of Standards and Technology considered the observed performance, evidence, and analysis results for each tower, and reached two conclusions. First, in the absence of structural and insulation damage, a conventional fire substantially similar to or less intense than the fires encountered on September 11, 2001 likely would not have led to the collapse of a WTC tower. Second, the towers likely would not have collapsed under the combined effects of aircraft impact and the subsequent multi-floor fires encountered on September 11, 2001 if the insulation had not been widely dislodged or had been only minimally dislodged by aircraft impact.
The existing thermal insulation, had it not been stripped off in the impact, would have been sufficient to keep the steel temperatures low enough to minimize deformation. Also, the investigation team neither found nor invoked any extraordinary events, beyond the terrorist attack that damaged the structure and removed the insulation, that led to the collapse of the towers.
The difference in the time it took for each WTC tower to collapse was due primarily to the differences in structural damage, the time it took the fires to travel from the impact area across the floors and core to critical locations, and the time it took to weaken the core and exterior columns. The structural damage to the WTC 2 core was asymmetric, including a corner core column that was severed. The damage to WTC 1 was more symmetrical; it was located in the center portion of the core and extended from the north side to the south side. The fires in WTC 2 reached the east side of the building more quickly (within 10 to 20 minutes) than the 50 to 60 minutes it took for the fires in WTC 1 to reach the south side.

Within three weeks of the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) established a Building Performance Assessment Team, composed mainly of volunteers, to investigate the structural engineering and fire aspects of the collapse. This team completed and issued its report in May 2002. Congress directed the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to conduct a more in-depth analysis and on August 21, 2002, NIST initiated its investigation.

The full text of the INVESTIGATION with images can be viewed here:


Building 7 of the World Trade Centre was brought down via a controlled demolition, planned months in advance of 11th September 2001. A script, prepared beforehand for the Zionist-controlled BBC, was read on television by a "reporter." Not much of a "reporter," though, because if she had just opened her eyes she would have noticed that the building she was telling millions of people had "collapsed"was still there. And it remained there for a further26 minutes!

New NEWS - BBC Video - WTC 7 - Prior Knowledge

And there we have it - the Jews did it. Do you believe the Jews were behind 911 or do you just get your "evidence" from anti-Semetic websites?

By the way, the BBC is famous for their anti-Semetic, anti-Israel views. So much for the credibility of what you consider "evidence."

Try again Dipshiticus.
And there we have it - the Jews did it. Do you believe the Jews were behind 911 or do you just get your "evidence" from anti-Semetic websites?

By the way, the BBC is famous for their anti-Semetic, anti-Israel views. So much for the credibility of what you consider "evidence."

Try again Dipshiticus.
I wouldn't say "jews" in general ... but the elite who happen to be jewish ... yes ... and what part of "we are going to continue to push for a real investigation" don't you understand? The burden of proof isn't on us ... it's on the government dumbass. You can post the shit that has been debunked as quickly as it flows out your ass it won't change a thing. People want a real investigation and will not stop until they get one. Too bad ... so sad that you can't handle that. :eyesmoke:
Attention ... this is for today only ... hopefully those that are interested will see this before the event ...

Join us on October 11, 2009 at 5:00 PM Eastern for a historic Webcast. If you’re in the Greater Boston area, see and meet Richard Gage live (click here for details).

http://richardgageboston.org/Watch Richard Gage Live at the Historic First Parish Church in Harvard Sq.
Richard Gage is having a live webcast today at First Parish in Cambridge, a 400 year old church in front of Harvard which has had the presence of George Washington.
More proof we will continue to push for a real investigation, no matter how long it takes. Disinformation agents can post all the bullshit they like ... it won't make any difference ... people want a real investigation and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change that.
What Happened in New York on 9 11 2009 This Year? I Don't Think You Knew About This, Did You?
Wow I didn't know Bruce Willis was for a real investigation ... big surprise. Folks they have a protest in NY every year regarding 911 ... of course corporate media won't cover it.:roll: Let's hope NYers that want a real investigation gets it put on Nov. ballot.:clap:
Well it looks like something has been found that may answer the question of how the explosives were planted in the buildings ...
from the good folks of WAC in Colorado. It would appear there were students living in one of the towers before 911 and there are several pictures of construction work going on.
CoreOfCorruption.com - 4 Suspects in World Trade Center Before 9/11 Doing Construction
Will be interesting to see how this develops.:eyesmoke:
Al quaeda confessed, not the high jackers... remember that bin laden guy. So if al quaeda didn't do it, who did it? And what leads you to believe this? ANd do you, or do you not think the buildings were blown up?

That Bin Laden guy... which one do you mean? The real Bin Laden, or the lookalike from the "confession" video?


"One of these things is not like the others. One of these things does not belong. Can you tell which thing is not like the others by the time I finish my song?"

I'm sorry, but that person in the "confession" video is NOT Bin Laden. Of course, to Americans, all the "arabs" look the same, don't they?
That Bin Laden guy... which one do you mean? The real Bin Laden, or the lookalike from the "confession" video?


"One of these things is not like the others. One of these things does not belong. Can you tell which thing is not like the others by the time I finish my song?"

I'm sorry, but that person in the "confession" video is NOT Bin Laden. Of course, to Americans, all the "arabs" look the same, don't they?

holy shit


i love

i was JUST going to post this exact thing today

the man is not bin laden, bin laden is left handed, this man in the video writes using his right hand

rick, Who funds all your sources that your posting?

follow the money trail, for its also the trail of lies and deciet
if you people are so sure that your right, why not push for a new investigation so you can rub it in our faces when they come out and say we are wrong?

a real investigation... not 1 penny less than clintons impeachment investigation
holy shit


i love

i was JUST going to post this exact thing today

the man is not bin laden, bin laden is left handed, this man in the video writes using his right hand

rick, Who funds all your sources that your posting?

follow the money trail, for its also the trail of lies and deciet

Not to mention the fact that the man in the video confession appears in good health, while Bin Laden was known to be suffering from renal failure (which require almost constant connection to a dialysis machine). So... where's the dialysis machine in the video?
I dont believe crazy conspiracies that are developed just to say bush way evil, but the WTC 7th building collapse boggles my mind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A

yes, the 9/11 conspiracy is a thinly veiled anti bush cause. Another reason why the vast majority of scientists and engineers want nothing to do with a theory which is more political than scientific.

It starts with an assumed premise and works itself backwards..... not science.
I wouldn't say "jews" in general ... but the elite who happen to be jewish ... yes ... and what part of "we are going to continue to push for a real investigation" don't you understand? The burden of proof isn't on us ... it's on the government dumbass. You can post the shit that has been debunked as quickly as it flows out your ass it won't change a thing. People want a real investigation and will not stop until they get one. Too bad ... so sad that you can't handle that. :eyesmoke:

Ah, so now we get to the truth of the matter. It all ties in to the Jewish world conspiracy. I see.

And just so you know how this type of stuff works. The ACCEPTED version of 911 is the one that corresponds to the most likely explanation - that a bunch of crazy Muslims flew planes into the buildings.

There have been numerous investigation by credible sources like the ones I posted and all have supported this version.

You might believe that these findings have been "debunked" but it is NOT TRUE. There is ZERO evidence refuting the real studies of this issue that were conducted by CREDIBLE SOURCES. All you have are statements by conspiracy nuts. None of your sources are credible.

Now I know you are a bit slow so try to focus like a laser beam on what I am about to say.

When the majority of the academic and scientific world believes a given theory and a person wishes to challenge the generally accepted belief, the burden of proof is on the one who challenges the generally accepted belief.

If you had anything resembling an education in scientific method you would know this to be true - it is a matter of academic standard.

So next time you are going to call someone a dumb ass, make sure you are not the dumb ass, dumb ass.
Ah, so now we get to the truth of the matter. It all ties in to the Jewish world conspiracy. I see.
Ah no ... the truth of the matter is we are going to continue to push for a real investigation ... too bad you can't accept that.

And just so you know how this type of stuff works. The ACCEPTED version of 911
Not by the majority ... only by deniers which is a minority.

is the one that corresponds to the most likely explanation - that a bunch of crazy Muslims flew planes into the buildings.
With box cutter and manage to get by the tightest security in the world ... yeah ... right ... :mrgreen:

There have been numerous investigation by credible sources like the ones I posted and all have supported this version.
So what ... Like I said before most people don't buy it and will continue to push for a real investigation ... to bad you can't handle that.:eyesmoke:

You might believe that these findings have been "debunked" but it is NOT TRUE.
Yeah it has ... that's why most people don't buy the government conspiracy theory. That's why they have all these disinformation agents out trying to make folks believe they are stupid for wanting a real investigation ... too bad it doesn't work ... must be really frustrating for you. It's probably why you keep posting. You just can't stand the fact that people want answers.

There is ZERO evidence refuting the real studies of this issue that were conducted by CREDIBLE SOURCES.
If that were true there wouldn't be all the unanswered questions that people what answers to, now would there. They seem to be credible to deniers ...not people who want a real investigation.

All you have are statements by conspiracy nuts. None of your sources are credible.
Nothing more than your opinion and a desperate attempt to side step the real issue ... people want a real investigation and will continue to work for one no matter what you say, no matter what you post ... you can't get people to accept the government conspiracy theory ... too bad ... so sad.:cry:

Now I know you are a bit slow so try to focus like a laser beam on what I am about to say.
... and you are even slower ... so I will say it again. People want a real investigation ... you can hee and haw all you like, but it will change nothing. People who want the truth are going to continue to push for a real investigation.

When the majority of the academic and scientific world believes
NIST and the other bogus reports you posted are not the majority of the academic and scientific worlds as you would like people to believe ... and even if it were it will not stop people from demanding a real investigation.

a given theory and a person wishes to challenge the generally accepted belief, the burden of proof is on the one who challenges the generally accepted belief.
No the burden of proof is on the government that put out a conspiracy theory that most people don't believe.

If you had anything resembling an education in scientific method you would know this to be true - it is a matter of academic standard.
... and if you were a person that could handle the truth ... that people want a real investigation and are going to continue to push for one, you wouldn't be wasting your time trying to push your conspiracy theory, that the government hasn't been able to prove.

So next time you are going to call someone a dumb ass, make sure you are not the dumb ass, dumb ass.
and next time when someone tells you people want an investigation no matter what you say try and listen dumbass.kiss-ass
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