Well-Known Member
Though I do agree that there could be a bit more light (as there almost always can be), I honestly do not believe that is what is causing the problem in these plants.
A lack of light will generally lead to stringy, long and thin plants and much fewer sets of leaves (from my experience anyhow)... What you have in these pictures doesn't seem to be a lighting problem (again: to me), but a problem with *watering* (as someone else mentioned)... They are either not being watered enough or being watered too much.. that's my opinion. I don't think a lack of light is what is causing the plants to droop like that, and I don't think it is nutrient related either (since these typically lead to discolorations).
I haven't grown pot many times and I'm far from a guru, but from all of the photographs I've seen on this site (and believe me, I sit and look through the health threads a lot), this really looks like a watering issue.
Even the way some of the tips on your plants curl in is a classic example of a very common result of over-watering.
if the heat is to high and the light is to close than the plant will not get legggy, it will get shrubby and mutated, like the marijuana plant in question.
it os most definatly over-watering, but thats not the only problem...........