First timer and using bubbleponic


Active Member
I'm thinking about getting a small heater for the closet. I am trying to avoid turning on the furnace yet (natural gas, very expensive)


New Member
I've got a small heater and they use about 1500 watts and that ain't cheap. I started the furnace on Saturday. Almost got to freezing last night but you know that since we are from the same neck of the woods. I'd rather have low than high temps for my plants which makes winter growing so much easier.


Elite Rolling Society
I'm thinking about getting a small heater for the closet. I am trying to avoid turning on the furnace yet (natural gas, very expensive)

do you have a minimum-maximum themometer?

how cold does it get at night in there? They can stand a mid 50s LIGHTS OFF, if they get warmer during the day.


Active Member
Day 43 - (Flowering day 17) - Things are looking good. Blue Cheese is flowering well, Chiesel is a little behind



Active Member
Looking at everything today - 2/3 Blue Cheese are showing Pre-flowers and 1/2 Chiesel are showing Pre-flower. It's kinda strange since the biggest plant of all (Chiesel) has shown signs yet, but all the seeds are Fem. Got the first skunk scent today. Road Runner is still alive somehow buried under everything else. So i am 2.5 weeks into flower, when should they stop growing vertically?


New Member
Every strain is a little different but I'd give it two weeks to get to the little flower stage. They pick up lots of size and weight in the last 3 weeks or so.


Active Member
Every strain is a little different but I'd give it two weeks to get to the little flower stage. They pick up lots of size and weight in the last 3 weeks or so.
So basically it goes; preflower, stop growing vertically, flowers, plumping up, harvest


Active Member
Did a drain and replenish and all the girls are showing preflower now. The road Runner is pretty sickly being buried and I was thinking I should just kill it off so it isn't sucking up anymore nutes. What's the best way to do it without leaving dead roots in the Res?


New Member
If you want to cut it out just cut as much of the Roadrunner roots out as you can and up to 1/2 of the neighbors roots ( she won't mind and may not even notice). If I was going to do it by choice I'd cut it around a res change so you can rinse as much of the dead/cut root material out as possible. Even if you do a good job there will be some root matter floating around the next couple of days and then you drain/fill again. I use cannazyme to clean up any dead roots after that but it's not necessary, just easier. Cannazyme convert dead root material to nutes the plant can use.

Another fact to consider. A small or runt is not taking that many nutes. I left an underperforming blue cheese that got buried by my lsd last grow and it had a couple of buds for my trouble and I didn't have to do anything. I had a couple of popcorn buds I vaped and it wasn't bad and kind of interesting with it's taste.