Games take more skill than sports?

Ohhh yeah I said it... and I firmly believe it too. This thread I want to be an open, yet very CIVILIZED debate. My opinion: That video games require A LOT more skill than any organized sport on the planet. My reasoning: It takes what? 11 people on the feild for a football team? 5 for a basketball team, 8 for a baseball team.. the most players for a team (that are on the feild at once) is 11 I believe, yes?... mmmk...

World of Warcraft (yes I'm a big fucking nerd, get over it, i'm using this game as an example). Requires more skill, teamwork, organization, stratagy, and leadership than those sports ever will.

First let me explain a (small) bit of WoW for those of you unfamiliar with it. You pick a race on either Alliance or Horde side, 5 races to each side (irrelivant) and depending on what race you choose, you have a grand total of NINE classes to choose from.

Death Night

Now then each class has their own unique set of spells, each class has about 10-20 or so spells. Also, at level 10, each class gets to go down what is called a "Talent Tree" For instance, a mage can choose to go down Fire, Frost, or Arcane, or they can separate their talents into hybrids.

Now then in World of Warcraft, there are certain bosses that you must kill for quests, in which case you must form a "raid", or - a party of 25 people to take down this one toss, and this is where my argument stems.

Now a Warrior can go into the Fury, Protection, or (I believe it's Arms?) talents. Fury, of corse, is designed for the played to do more damage, and Protection is designed for the player to withstand more damage. A preist, which can go into "Light, Shadow, or Balance", goes into Shadow for damage, or Light for healing.

In a raid, it's the Warriors job to take damage, and the Preists job to heal... Now then, there are still 7 other classes, which I could go into pages of detail about, but would rather not :joint: However, if the preist dies, the warrior dies, if the warrior dies, the rest of of the 23 raid memebrs die. Other classes possess different rolls, but it takes the control, organization, stratagy and team work of TWENTY FIVE people, verses 5 to throw a ball in a hoop... 25 people knowing their class, talents, spells, and their roll in the raid to make it happen.

Please.. share thoughts

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:

Wow, just wow (no pun intended). You hit 3 buttons over and over again and this takes more skill than working out your entire life to look like/play like a professional football player? You need to get outside and not try to justify playing that game!
lol mmmk first off to most of ya... I'm 20 years old and live in my own apartment with my girlfriend and I go to college and have sex prolly 3 times a week... so to all you people who think I have no life.. kiss my ass =)

Second... physically?... no.. games don't do more.. but mentally?... yeah they kind of do... for one it's more than 3 buttons... probably a minimum of 20, when used properly.. can kick anyone's ass, but very FEW people can actually accomplish this... you might think it's the same buttons over and over... but a 5 man team of basketball runs the same 5 plays over and over.. so what's the difference?.. one is physical the other is mental.... only in WoW we have teams of 25 or more, and EVERYONE has to be on the same page, just like any sports team... jocks get off your egos with how much you work out and pump iron.. rofl.. it's funny, but it's not the point.... I go to college in WA and lift weights damn near every day... but in terms of mental strength, video games blow sports out of the water, and take alot more MENTAL skill... who here could honestly say they could organize 25 random strangers to complete a common goal?.. i doubt a jock could... i really do.. and the raids we do in these games last anywhere from 2-4 hours at a time where if one person fucks up we all loose.... little be more skill than sports i'd say.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
Second... physically?... no.. games don't do more.. but mentally?... yeah they kind of do... for one it's more than 3 buttons... probably a minimum of 20, when used properly.. can kick anyone's ass, but very FEW people can actually accomplish this... you might think it's the same buttons over and over... but a 5 man team of basketball runs the same 5 plays over and over.. so what's the difference?.. one is physical the other is mental.... only in WoW we have teams of 25 or more, and EVERYONE has to be on the same page, just like any sports team... jocks get off your egos with how much you work out and pump iron.. rofl.. it's funny, but it's not the point.... I go to college in WA and lift weights damn near every day... but in terms of mental strength, video games blow sports out of the water, and take alot more MENTAL skill... who here could honestly say they could organize 25 random strangers to complete a common goal?.. i doubt a jock could... i really do.. and the raids we do in these games last anywhere from 2-4 hours at a time where if one person fucks up we all loose.... little be more skill than sports i'd say.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:

Mentally - Pitching in front of thousands of fans in the world series vs Albert Pujols. Tiger Woods on the 18th green with people all around you. Someone on the free throw line with 3 secs left down by 2. You are honestly claiming that hitting "fireball" or whatever over and over again is more strenuous than these?
You cannot say that beating a "computer" that does the exact same thing over and over again is more difficult than beating an ever-changing opponent. Once you know how to beat a boss, you will be able to beat them over and over again. This cannot be said about sports. If so, we would see the same team win every single year against the exact same opponent.

You hit 3-5 buttons over and over again, for several hours, yah that is mentally difficult... and no you don't have to all be on the same page, you do not always die when 1 person messes up. However, if a QB throws an INT or you hang a curveball to Pujols that can decide the game.

Anybody who plays WOW for a year is going to be good. You could work your entire life to be good at a sport and still suck.
lol mmmk first off to most of ya... I'm 20 years old and live in my own apartment with my girlfriend and I go to college and have sex prolly 3 times a week... so to all you people who think I have no life.. kiss my ass =)

Second... physically?... no.. games don't do more.. but mentally?... yeah they kind of do... for one it's more than 3 buttons... probably a minimum of 20, when used properly.. can kick anyone's ass, but very FEW people can actually accomplish this... you might think it's the same buttons over and over... but a 5 man team of basketball runs the same 5 plays over and over.. so what's the difference?.. one is physical the other is mental.... only in WoW we have teams of 25 or more, and EVERYONE has to be on the same page, just like any sports team... jocks get off your egos with how much you work out and pump iron.. rofl.. it's funny, but it's not the point.... I go to college in WA and lift weights damn near every day... but in terms of mental strength, video games blow sports out of the water, and take alot more MENTAL skill... who here could honestly say they could organize 25 random strangers to complete a common goal?.. i doubt a jock could... i really do.. and the raids we do in these games last anywhere from 2-4 hours at a time where if one person fucks up we all loose.... little be more skill than sports i'd say.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:

Every MENTAL thing you do in a video game you have to do in a sport AND THEN physically act on it, still no comparison.
You cannot say that beating a "computer" that does the exact same thing over and over again is more difficult than beating an ever-changing opponent. Once you know how to beat a boss, you will be able to beat them over and over again. .

this is what I'm talking about, lets just ignore the whole "sports are more physically demanding than video games" of course they are. How is wow a competitive game, when your beating the same computer AI over and over agin?

thier are many other types of games out there that can and are played competitively. I like RPGs too, but your not realy trying to out smart a real person in these games. yes I know you can play pvp, but realy all that is is knowing what items counter your opponents set up.
MMoRPGs wern't realy designed with PvP in mind. If anything they're just social entertainment

and also what about video games compared to checkers, chess, cards, pool, bowling spelling bees. alot of those can also be considered sports?
Games do take more skill than sports and there better to
tell that to a black belt :lol:

ps- i luv vid games, been playin them since atari.
i also played football, basketball, and ran track.
there is simply no comparison to say it takes more skill to play a video game...
an example-
say you like ace combat. (its a flying game, pretty fun too)
say your really good at it, you can beat the game on a single play through
now play the same game against an actual fighter pilot
:lol: good luck
If you want ur kid to become a martial arts master, make sure to get them a GI Joe doll with the KUNG FU grip. Works every time. Just ask Chuck Norris......
tell that to a black belt :lol:

ps- i luv vid games, been playin them since atari.
i also played football, basketball, and ran track.
there is simply no comparison to say it takes more skill to play a video game...
an example-
say you like ace combat. (its a flying game, pretty fun too)
say your really good at it, you can beat the game on a single play through
now play the same game against an actual fighter pilot
:lol: good luck
I hate your bug sig i always try to smash it:lol:
first person shooters

and a lot of games that have a puzzle aspect to them have stumped me and had my brain melting for hours

when i first picked up portals, my brain caught on fire....good thing i got this fire extinguisher
this is what I'm talking about, lets just ignore the whole "sports are more physically demanding than video games" of course they are. How is wow a competitive game, when your beating the same computer AI over and over agin?

thier are many other types of games out there that can and are played competitively. I like RPGs too, but your not realy trying to out smart a real person in these games. yes I know you can play pvp, but realy all that is is knowing what items counter your opponents set up.
MMoRPGs wern't realy designed with PvP in mind. If anything they're just social entertainment

and also what about video games compared to checkers, chess, cards, pool, bowling spelling bees. alot of those can also be considered sports?

Obviously, yes... sports are phyiscally more demanding than any computer game on the planet.. this is true.. I don't deny this in any way shape or form........ and YES... I will admit, in terms of raiding... if you can finally figure out how to defeat a boss, odds are your raid and beat him over and over again... WoW doesn't really have shit in terms of AI for their NPC's, HOWEVER it DOES take 25 people to know what they're doing... if 2 or 3 of your healers or idiots, and don't know who, out of 25 people, to heal, it results in the death of the whole team...and this is true for everyone in that raid, not just the healers... if a Rouge forgets to sap an NPC (sap is when they are stunned for 10 seconds and can't move).. or a Mage forgets to polymorph (another CC Crowd Control spell).. or a Hunter forgets to set a frost trap... That NPC could fear the entire group (Fear sends us running off aimlessly).. and we get Feared into another mob (a larger group of NPC's).. odds are that extra mob, and those 3 idiots are going to be the reason we get killed.

Now yes, after you are SKILLED enough to raid successfully, yes odds are you will continue to do so (with that one raid in partiular there are over 20 different raids in this game with bosses who are different every time)

So how about in terms of pvp?... I've read several times so far.. "pushing Fireball over and over isn't skill"... but Player Verses Player combat DOES take skill... like sports.. I've played WoW for 3 years and cannot in any way shape or form beat all 11 million players in this game in a PVP battle... so NO.. after youve played WoW for a year you still aren't the best at it... and Battle Grounds DO require team work, whether it's Capture the Flag or Zone Control.... in Battlegrounds there are no NPC's that are easy to just kill and win, it's real life PLAYERS that you're up against, and with 10 different races, and HUNDREDS of different spells, talents, trinkets, potions, etc (I could list alot more)... as ONE player it takes ENORMOUS skill to know what you, as ONE PLAYER have at your disposal, and how to use what you have against these other players to defeat them. and it IS different every time... I've had instances where I've been up against a Death Knight who just flat out kicked my ass and I maybe got a hit or two on him, and other instances where I was up against a Death Knight and just beat his ass without him even touching me.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
If games took more skill there wouldnt be little 10 year olds playing a video game at what would be the same level of a professional athlete. You dont see any 10 year olds in the pros do you?
Sports take way more skill than video games. Not even close.
Not really. People play games hours a day to get where they get with them. They do it for months at a time at only one part let alone the rest of the game. Sports are fun but it doesnt take much skill. There's a couple things you have to learn and once you do your pretty much set. It's also an empty dream. Sports are better than video games in the exersize dept though.
Not really. People play games hours a day to get where they get with them. They do it for months at a time at only one part let alone the rest of the game. Sports are fun but it doesnt take much skill. There's a couple things you have to learn and once you do your pretty much set. It's also an empty dream. Sports are better than video games in the exersize dept though.
:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::eyesmoke: Spoken by somebody that has never played a sport. Please explain how sports take no skill, i hope you know you just lost any credibility on any subject after that post.:roll: