Games take more skill than sports?

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::eyesmoke: Spoken by somebody that has never played a sport. Please explain how sports take no skill, i hope you know you just lost any credibility on any subject after that post.:roll:
I didn't say they don't take skill. I said they don't take much skill and they don't. I used to play football in middle and high school. So don't tell me they take more than games because they don't.
If you like basketball then you gotta watch college basketball. Watch March Madness and you'll see some basketball skill
I didn't say they don't take skill. I said they don't take much skill and they don't. I used to play football in middle and high school. So don't tell me they take more than games because they don't.
Sorry if you have ever really played a sport then you wouldnt say this.Video games still just require you to sit in a chair and click some buttons right? LOL you dont even have to stand up, thats some skill.:mrgreen::eyesmoke:
realy a lot of ignorance in here!

Its ironic the potsmoking community expects other people not to stereotype them into the "all stoners are lazy and unmotivated" category. But a lot people in here are stereotyping gamers in to the "pasty white virgin living in your parents basement" category.

alot of you all are suffering from moral conservative brainthinking (the very people most of you oppose) you see someone stand up for something you don't understand and Immeadiatly shrug it off as something stupid, or beneath you. Not saying everyone who smokes is like this. but gez some of the posts in here make me wonder.

how great would sports be if it were taken over by robots, much like that futurama episode lol.
If games took more skill there wouldnt be little 10 year olds playing a video game at what would be the same level of a professional athlete. You dont see any 10 year olds in the pros do you?

No... but then again you do have T-ball, middle school basketball, JV teams... ALL kinds of sports that little kids do play... I guarentee you no 10 year old is considered a pro gamer.. and yes there is such a thing.. Blizzard holds competions every year and give out 10k cash prizes to some of the best of the best in Arena and BG tournaments, and give them Professional Gaming Contracts... sure any kid can play a video game, just like any 10 year old kid can play basketball or any other sport... is there a Pro Leauge for gamers?.. lol.. no... but the tournaments held world wide I promise no 10 year olds take part of.

By the way... did you guys know that the average age of a gamer is 35?

And remember also, this stems waaay beyond WoW.. I use WoW as an example because it's what I'm most familiar with... Ask someone who plays Counterstrike, Starcraft, Fear, and other games... takes ALOT of skill that no one really who isn't an adult could achieve... could they beat the game's solo campaign?.. sure with enough practice.. but could they actually compete against other players? Hell no.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
No... but then again you do have T-ball, middle school basketball, JV teams... ALL kinds of sports that little kids do play... I guarentee you no 10 year old is considered a pro gamer.. and yes there is such a thing.. Blizzard holds competions every year and give out 10k cash prizes to some of the best of the best in Arena and BG tournaments, and give them Professional Gaming Contracts... sure any kid can play a video game, just like any 10 year old kid can play basketball or any other sport... is there a Pro Leauge for gamers?.. lol.. no... but the tournaments held world wide I promise no 10 year olds take part of.

By the way... did you guys know that the average age of a gamer is 35?

And remember also, this stems waaay beyond WoW.. I use WoW as an example because it's what I'm most familiar with... Ask someone who plays Counterstrike, Starcraft, Fear, and other games... takes ALOT of skill that no one really who isn't an adult could achieve... could they beat the game's solo campaign?.. sure with enough practice.. but could they actually compete against other players? Hell no.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
Exactly you can start a sport as a kid and not reach your full potential until your older, there a small kids out there playing video games at the same level as adults that have been doing it twice as along. 35 being an average gamer age helps my point i think too, look at alot of the games they are playing, football, basketball, baseball, soccer, look at the popularity of the wii, its for people that want to play sports but not
I just finished my season on madden last night with my created character. We won the superbowl, and I won MVP of the league. I ran for over 1500 yards and 15 td's. Im the fucking man!

See what I did there?
Exactly you can start a sport as a kid and not reach your full potential until your older, there a small kids out there playing video games at the same level as adults that have been doing it twice as along. 35 being an average gamer age helps my point i think too, look at alot of the games they are playing, football, basketball, baseball, soccer, look at the popularity of the wii, its for people that want to play sports but not
There's also RPG's and shooters. The WII was designed to shut people the fuck up about video games fattening people up. It just so happens that it actually took off.
this just doesnt make sense...

Pick up a golf club and try to drive 300 yards...take a week, month, year, YOU WONT ACHIEVE IT. Same with making a century break in snooker, serving over 110 mph in tennis, bowling 90mph in cricket.

Take a year playing a game and you will achieve whatever you want to with it.
this just doesnt make sense...

Pick up a golf club and try to drive 300 yards...take a week, month, year, YOU WONT ACHIEVE IT. Same with making a century break in snooker, serving over 110 mph in tennis, bowling 90mph in cricket.

Take a year playing a game and you will achieve whatever you want to with it.

Take a year, two years, THREE years playing World of Warcraft, or any other shooter for that matter... you might be able to beat the game, or reach the highest level (just like I could finish a round of golf, or bowl a 240)... but I guarentee you that against another PLAYER you wouldn't be able to beat my ass, or some of what you would consider "pros" in the gamer world.

That's the BIG difference that some of you aren't getting... YES you can beat a game, and YES you CAN reach the highest level of any game given enough time, but that DOES NOT make you GOOD at that game.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
Take a year, two years, THREE years playing World of Warcraft, or any other shooter for that matter... you might be able to beat the game, or reach the highest level (just like I could finish a round of golf, or bowl a 240)... but I guarentee you that against another PLAYER you wouldn't be able to beat my ass, or some of what you would consider "pros" in the gamer world.

That's the BIG difference that some of you aren't getting... YES you can beat a game, and YES you CAN reach the highest level of any game given enough time, but that DOES NOT make you GOOD at that game.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
WOW isnt a shooter.
My point is - learning a video game can not be put in the same ball park as say being a professional tennis player. There are only certain aspects of the game that need to be learnt. The fact of the matter is a video game is designed for anyone to learn and get good at, you have to have sooooo much more to be a professional sportsman/women - hence u cant just put in a few hundred hours and be playing on center court wimbledon.

This whole thing can be settled one way. People are good at different things. You might think that 25 man raids take alot of skill and leadership wich they do but you can not compare that to sports. Sports also take alot of training and leadership aswell. If we took you and put you in as starting QB for the Colts do you think you would do good? No because you have no learned/ trained enough to have any idea what to do. Now take payton and put him as the leader of the raid, you think he would do good? No because he didnt train/learn anything about wow. So yes both take skill it just takes certian people to be good at thoes skills. But i dont think you should ever compare Real Life to Gameing World.bongsmilie p.s i play halo3 for a team (23-2 been to 3 different states) and i also play in a amature arena football league in ohio. So i know both sides.
This whole thing can be settled one way. People are good at different things. You might think that 25 man raids take alot of skill and leadership wich they do but you can not compare that to sports. Sports also take alot of training and leadership aswell. If we took you and put you in as starting QB for the Colts do you think you would do good? No because you have no learned/ trained enough to have any idea what to do. Now take payton and put him as the leader of the raid, you think he would do good? No because he didnt train/learn anything about wow. So yes both take skill it just takes certian people to be good at thoes skills. But i dont think you should ever compare Real Life to Gameing World.bongsmilie p.s i play halo3 for a team (23-2 been to 3 different states) and i also play in a amature arena football league in ohio. So i know both sides.
My team is the colts!!! I live in Indianapolis.
hmm has anyone ever played a rugby video game? it would take just a few days to get good at it but in real life rugby it would take at the very least a year or two to be the best you can be at rugby. playing a sport that involves tons of pain and having to play through the pain is waaay different than playing a video game and watching your players get smacked around because you wouldnt feel anything.
I love games like Tony Hawk pro skater, because I can't skateboard for shit, but with that game I can grind on telephone wires and shit :razz:
hmm has anyone ever played a rugby video game? it would take just a few days to get good at it but in real life rugby it would take at the very least a year or two to be the best you can be at rugby. playing a sport that involves tons of pain and having to play through the pain is waaay different than playing a video game and watching your players get smacked around because you wouldnt feel anything.
I've never heard of a rugby game. I also live in the US where it isn't very popular yet.