No... but then again you do have T-ball, middle school basketball, JV teams... ALL kinds of sports that little kids do play... I guarentee you no 10 year old is considered a pro gamer.. and yes there is such a thing.. Blizzard holds competions every year and give out 10k cash prizes to some of the best of the best in Arena and BG tournaments, and give them Professional Gaming Contracts...
sure any kid can play a video game, just like any 10 year old kid can play basketball or any other sport... is there a Pro Leauge for gamers?.. lol.. no... but the tournaments held world wide I promise no 10 year olds take part of.
By the way... did you guys know that the average age of a gamer is 35?
And remember also, this stems waaay beyond WoW.. I use WoW as an example because it's what I'm most familiar with... Ask someone who plays Counterstrike, Starcraft, Fear, and other games... takes ALOT of skill that no one really who isn't an adult could achieve... could they beat the game's solo campaign?.. sure with enough practice.. but could they actually compete against other players? Hell no.

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