Worst drug ever

Yeah, but the first three you mentioned are illegal..

Even more fucked up thing is Oxycontin is prescribed from your damn doctor. That's one thing that totally fucks me up is that shit they put out there in pill bottles is the same damn thing that you'd get from a dealer.

I would say it's a "hill billy" drug if you get it cheap\ and or prescribed...
Not too mention those oxy's can be sold up too the milligram! But then again if someone is withdrawing from Heroin & they got money those go for a lot.

It's more money the government can't tax, & if they knew what they were doing then Oxycontin wouldn't be around.
(I'm sure they know)
Unless they have already realized what domino affect they started on citizens.

Who ever takes that garbage is seems to me they are just waiting to get fucked.
That's what gets me. Legal heroin but weed is illegal.
i my opinion weed is the worst because you spend hundreds on grow stuff and spend hours stoned talking to plants watching them grow:eyesmoke:
I take oxycontin because I fell 20 ft. flat on my back when a crane turned over on me and almost ended my life(crushed vertibrays) There are some people who take pills right and dont have a problem with addiction
I take oxycontin because I fell 20 ft. flat on my back when a crane turned over on me and almost ended my life(crushed vertibrays) There are some people who take pills right and dont have a problem with addiction
i heard of a guy being crushed to death by a cranes counter weight you are lucky to be alive dude:peace:
LOL this have been confirmed fake. What is funny is that kids saw this floating on the internet and tried to get high doing this. It actually works only because it makes you so light headed from the smell and lack of oxygen...

thank you lol

cant believe people thought that was real
meth has got to be the most mentally/socially damaging popular illegal drug, but fucking nicotine is a cold blooded killer! Alcohol is the worst drug! fuckin sugar! meth can't even hope to match obesity in body bags. Our addiction to oil fuels a very deadly roadway. Our friend the cannabis plant funds and creates a shitload of crime, like it or not.

and philosophically the worst 'drugs' of all are human's addictions to their individualistic perception.
meth has got to be the most mentally/socially damaging popular illegal drug, but fucking nicotine is a cold blooded killer! Alcohol is the worst drug! fuckin sugar! meth can't even hope to match obesity in body bags. Our addiction to oil fuels a very deadly roadway. Our friend the cannabis plant funds and creates a shitload of crime, like it or not.

and philosophically the worst 'drugs' of all are human's addictions to their individualistic perception.
+rep to you:eyesmoke:
And if meth is so bad, why is it a schedule 2 while Marijuana remains a schedule 1?

Obviously marijuana is worse than meth. The DEA says so.
Meth.. everybody back home that I know is on meth. It doesnt make everybody steal, and some people can do it recreationally, but for the one's who can't maintain and go over board.. yes it is horrible.. I used to make and sell it, and you'd be surprised at the things people would do and offer just to get high... then there's some you'd see for days at a time, and then wouldn't touch it for months...

But once you're hooked on it.. you're never the same.. and i've heard people say they can still taste it.. and no matter how long they're off it, still crave it.. so my vote is meth... meth addicts should be shot.. they're done for.. they'll never be as good, or even half as good as they were before they got hooked
And anybody who has ever cooked dope before knows how addictive meth is.. cause even cooking it is addictive.. somedays I wake up smelling the ingredents, fuckin jonesin to whoop it up...