North Central FL indoor Grow Box (CFL/Bag Seed)


Well-Known Member
Nah, I don't mind at all. Welcome to RIU MT! Good luck with your grow, when you start you need to create a grow journal, not only are they fun but it helps you out when you are new, lotta people will chime in with suggestions and info that is invaluable. Give +rep (its the little 'weight' icon that looks like this ->
) whenever you think someone posted insightful or informative information. Well, you don't have to, but its what I like to do (on my thread or others).

Oh, and a few excellent places to start with for your first grow;

Excellent Tutorital that helps from start to finish;

Addt'l info on lighting

Common problems (and cures) while growing

These are where I started, and if you want to get into hydroponics search "Bubbleponics tutorial." There is an excellent tutorial on the DWC / Bubbleponics growing. Its not as difficult as you might think.

Anyways, here I am rambling on, have fun here MT and stay safe! :)


Well-Known Member
Batteries in CAM are dead and my cell's charging, so no pictures this time but I'll get some prob tomorrow night or this weekend.

So, here's whats done.
- Lighting Fixture is completed. Just like my design, I have it held up with wire (low on chains till this weekend) near the top of my grow room. The new footprint is so much better, though I can't lower it yet so I'm just raising my baby.

- The two pots I had going were duds so I removed them and just got 2 nice open seeds from germination. I had to restart with new seeds since I let my last germination dry out. This time, I did the paper towel method in a ziplock bag the day before yesterday. Well, nothing yesterday then suddenly two had almost 1/2" long tails. Go those suckers in a 30/70 mix of Pearlite/MG Seed Starter and will be checking progress. These seeds were just out of my bag batch so unknown strains.

- My single plant is doing good. I noticed since yesterday the leafs on top seem to be 'reaching' up. Almost as if it wants to touch the light. I had an awkward setup yesterday though so now it should be more even light reflected. She needed water today too, so all-around she seems to be doing good.

Pics prob tomorrow or this weekend. I'll get good pics of the new lighting setup for ya too.


Hey man thanks for the info.. i actually tried to PM you and DLC420 but dont know how to initiate one...

Looking forward to seeing your pics


Well-Known Member
A quicky, got an 5/10gal airpump, some airline hose and a bubble stone (still in wraper even!) from a friend of mine. Going to set it up for DWC in a plastic coffee can sometime this weekend, I'm excited. :P

MT, you need to add someone to your contact list in order to PM them. I think once you get to a certain post count/rep you can PM directly but not sure. I sent a buddy request over, you should get it soon.


Well-Known Member
Kool Kool, Remember that once a plant is about a month or so old it will be drinking like 1/2 Gal of water a dayish. so be sure you get like a 3 gallon bucket and watch it! : )



Well-Known Member
Update time!! I've been busy today and got a few things done. Building a small hydro setup using one of those 33oz coffee containers and turning one of those large 30gal or so gray storage boxes into a light room for the hydro stuff.

But onto what's goin on and what I've done so far, plant 1 is doing good. She's getting bigger, more leaves though still seems a little slow from what I'm reading but could just be me. I'm going to transplant her to a bigger (non-fiber) pot once she gets a little bigger. Plant 2 (new set) popped up after a few hours of light today, doing this one at 12/12 along with plant 1. Plant 3 (also new) hasn't sprouted yet but had a smaller tail than Plant 2.

I realized today that I hadn't given a full run down of the grow room. So I took those pics tonight along with a couple of others.

  • Pic 1 is of the outside door. This is a stealth (well, getting there) setup of the grow room so its built into a cabinet in my workbench. Aside from the grow cabinet and the two drawers the rest of the workbench storage is usable.
  • Pic 2 is of the door open revealing the grow room. I have a special way to unlock this door, otherwise it feels like its nailed down, kinda like an ornamental door.
  • Pic 3 is a standard shot of the grow room. Its about 23" tall, 1' after the light fixture. Other specs are 1.5' wide and 2' deep.
  • Pic 4 shows the upside-down drawer above covered in mylar. This gives me much more room to work with, especially with the outlet on top of the fixture.
  • Pic 5 is of the lighting fixture, I use the above drawer set in upside down to give me more room. The fixture came out just as I planned in an earlier post. Its got two ceramic light fixtures with a 2-plug outlet on top. I plan on using chains so I can raise and lower the lights but with the limited space its probably not needed. Right now I'm using wire and its holding great, I made a movable floor using an old XPC pc case side wrapped in mylar. I raise it with small boxes and lower as the plants need.
  • Pic 6 is the oldest plant. She seems to be a little slow but it could be me. Other than that she's been healthy, feeding about every two days or so. When she gets bigger I'm going to transplant her into a bigger pot.
  • Pic 7 is one of two newest plants (the other can be seen in the full pic above). Its the first of the two that sprouted and had the largest tap root.
  • Pic 8 is the exhaust, its the drawer on the top, its pulled out for airflow (the lower drawer doesn't go all the way back) and to set the fans. I built the fans using a 12v DC power plug with an 80mm and 120mm fan.

Now a couple of other pics:

  • Pic 9 is my bong and an example of stoner engineering. I broke my glass bowl the other night so I used airline hose, a small baby bottle (got tones of 'em for screws and shit) and the larger bowl I bought on accident last time I broke it (thin glass). Now it grabs the ashes and filters the water twice, plus I can wait til next week to get the replacement bowl
  • Pic 9 is something I have cooking, its cannabutter. Using a small bud and almost an once of shredded stems (most still with some bud on it) from various batches over the past 8mo or so. Its on the third hour of simmering in the crock pot, can't wait to bake w/it!

Other than that just a few slow projects. I have a bigger space that I can use now, might use that for flowering. Still not sure.

Till next time!

"How can I tell" said the man "that the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?"



Well-Known Member
Well, minor setback.

She's sick as a dog, not sure why but when I checked her when she woke up, she was as sickly as they come. I hadn't watered her for two days and most of the medium was bone-dry so I'm thinking its that. I do have about 45/50% humidity in there, so I think I was just being too cautious on the watering.

Interestingly enough her rootball was huge when I transplanted her (a lot of binding) so that could be related to her being sick and as a result of under-water. She also might have been way to close to the lights. So, I probably did about 2 or 3 things wrong.

I moved her into hypnoex potting soil, it doesn't have nutes but I mixed it about 40/60 w/pearlite which does. I'm afraid to feed her plant food till she gets better, if she does.

The other two seedlings are doin ok, I had to pull the seed debris off one though, it was growing a leaf oddly because the shell was still on her.

If anybody has a better idea whats goin on with my sick girl, lemme know. I could be way off base but figured there wasn't a point to opening another thread since I have this one. I'll be doing some more research tonight aswell.



Well-Known Member
It is good you gave her some water and now she may be in shock from the transplant and will need to readjust to the new soil


Well-Known Member
It is good you gave her some water and now she may be in shock from the transplant and will need to readjust to the new soil
Yea, she's doing a little better, top leaves have perked up and the drooping bottom leaves are starting to perk, she'll be happy in the new pot once she adjusts. Just hopefully she doesn't go hermy on me or end up being a male.


Well-Known Member
it looks like it just needed water, since you have so much perlite in the soil you don't have to let it get bone dry, becuase perlite doesn't retain water well.


Well-Known Member
it looks like it just needed water, since you have so much perlite in the soil you don't have to let it get bone dry, becuase perlite doesn't retain water well.
It wasn't running pearlite before she got dry, just MG Seed Starter but it did have a small mix of pearlite on it, prob 5/95. I do notice the MG Seed Starter does dry up a lot quicker and pretty tight which might have contributed.

I'll have to be more careful though, now that its in Hyponex & Pearlite it'll be easier to under-water. Root ball was about 3/4x the size of the plant, so it was binding in that fiber pot to boot.

I checked her before bed last night and the top leaves have perked and the bottom ones started to lift up pretty good. So I don't think I killed her. I can't wait till she wakes up tonight and I can check on her. lol


Well-Known Member
the root are supose to go through that fiber pot, and when you repot just bury the whole pot in a larger one


Well-Known Member
the root are supose to go through that fiber pot, and when you repot just bury the whole pot in a larger one
That explains a lot, probably could have saved her a lot of stress then.

Well, her top leafs are getting better, the larger lower leafs are getting dry and and cracky as you can see in the pic. Should I remove (trim) them or leave them be? I'm thinking they are dead/dying and not processing the light like the other leafs but could be wrong. I checked her today and her soil is moist still from yesterday's watering.

The two seedlings are coming along, one a little quicker than the other but so far so good, they got watered tonight since the soil was dry.



Well-Known Member
leave the leaves on untill they turn completely brown. they are dying but they are still processing light and makeing some energy


Well-Known Member
leave the leaves on untill they turn completely brown. they are dying but they are still processing light and makeing some energy
Excellent, thanks man, I'll wait till they turn completely brown before removing them. Hopefully I didn't kill her (though it looks like she's recovering) but if she's a girl, I know I just quadrupled my chances of having a hermie. :wall:'

Ah well, its all a learning experience. :joint:


Well-Known Member
i think you would have to mess it up a whole lot more to increase your chances of a hermie. and don't over think it, plants are simple. what is your lighting cycle now?