Worst drug ever


I've had two friends get hooked to H but neither of them would ever dream of touching meth that shit is so messed up


Well-Known Member
yeah, when a crackhead says "man, you need to leave that shit alone you fuckin ya life up" then you know it's bad..lol...


Well-Known Member
Television is for the masses and I wouldn't consider it a drug if you a person not eating cupcakes and soda and watching family fued!

In my opinion, the drugs with the biggest abuse potential are the worse.

Which are obvious: cocaine, meth, and the notorious smack!

But to each to their own opinion. I have done cocaine enough to become a daily user of it but I havent... its just not that appealing to me when I have shrooms and ecstasy calling my name.

My soul hasnt been touched with smack... so I dont know the big hype on the body load it carries! But I watched Trainspotting...and the potential is great!


Well-Known Member
meth, crack, herion, pills, they can all cause problems in life, family, and friendships. What a waste of energy it is to run all over searching out a those highs and the money for the high. Just too much work all together shoplifthing, lieing, stealing from family and friends, walking or driving all over. That is an entire job all in itself 24/7. Guess I'm just too lazy to be a junky anymore. Been nearly 21 years since I picked up a crack pipe and plan on the rest of my life never touching another.

dimension 2350

New Member
meth, crack, herion, pills, they can all cause problems in life, family, and friendships. What a waste of energy it is to run all over searching out a those highs and the money for the high. Just too much work all together shoplifthing, lieing, stealing from family and friends, walking or driving all over. That is an entire job all in itself 24/7. Guess I'm just too lazy to be a junky anymore. Been nearly 21 years since I picked up a crack pipe and plan on the rest of my life never touching another.
I tried crack once I didn't feel anything. When I tried coke I got high as fuck though.


Well-Known Member
Coke's nice, but the few times i've had crack (in a bowl w/ weed) it was very strong and i had a noticable craving after... not my scene tho


Well-Known Member
Cigarettes. Their accepted among nearly every society, and kill many more people then narcotic substances if I am not misinformed. My uncle is an ex-heroin with many health complications from previous drug use in his life but to this day still smokes and will die because of it. He quit heroin because its bad shit, but also because everyone is freaked out about it, if it were accepted among people in the same way as cigarettes I am sure alot more long term addiction would follow, which is the death blow of cancer sticks, the long term use due to the acceptance and availibility of it.


Active Member
ive tried almost all of em but Meth and PCP really (o and i havent had the pleasure of some Jenkems or whatev :p )

i watched as heroin destroyed 2 of my good friends lives, and haven touched it since myself but its bad, real bad watching any movie where they show users is so much harder now i know the feeling they had, and you always want it

ive heard from everyone that meth is worse, and if its worse than H, i hope no one gets sucked into it......... its not a matter if you can control it, its for how long.


Well-Known Member
if its not organic and grows in the ground not for me ... yes i know that cocaine and heroin are also .. BUT these are processed and added to this and that .. bud .. jus grow it, cut it off and dry it, and smoke it!


Well-Known Member
"ice" by far the worst, at least here in Hawai'i it is. every family has had one or more "cronic" in their familys. have a niece, her x husband, a nephew or two also and countless friends. sad.


Meth is by far the worst drug. 'Ice' is considered a methamphetine, so it falls into the category of 'meth'.

The worst thing about meth is that it addicts you and you dont even know it. I smoked it for 6 months (ya, i know its not that long) and it was fun but you didnt know you were hooked on it.

One day you'll wake up, and before you knew it 6 months is gone like that. You see that its Christmas outside and you have no idea what you've done for the past 6 months except get high. well F*CK THAT!

It's called 'shit' down here in Oklahoma, and thats exactly what it is, its shit.