Rippers...... Unmasked

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Well-Known Member
This is a Ripper! pulled up 30 plants all about 3 1/2 ft tall going into flower, didn't steal them, just pulled them up and laid them by their holes, it was a medical op a few years ago..... beware, "Jack" travels among growers as a "crop tender" low life! he loves to make hash oil with butane as well......

Expose a Ripper!
thats y you do all the work yourself or.. you get a business partner that has just as much invested as you do so you dont fuck eachother over... imo
He was in Northern California....... he took off on the run as soon as he did it, I pulled over and picked him up on the highway, and the first thing he said was "You guys are going to kill me right?" With tears in his eyes, it was first thing in the morning and I hadn't heard what happened yet so I said "huh? what are you talking about?" He straitened up and pretended it was nothing and I dropped him off miles down the road as soon as I would let him out, then I drove to the patients house and now I will forever regret letting him out of my Truck. He did it as to personally spite the medical patients the garden cared for.... they used half of it for medicine, and half of it for income because their injuries put them out of work....... they had a hard time growing it themselves, so in came "jack"........ Northern California...... wouldn't be surprised if he bolted to Oregon or some where else.... I called a few people up there in Humboldt and Mendo and sent them a picture as well...... I just want it to circulate so everyone knows not to trust him, and if anyone gets a positive ID on him, drop it here, there are a couple people that I know that would like to have a $100,000 conversation with him.

But please.....

Expose a Ripper!
so he loves to make hash oil, but he rips up plants and leaves them next to their holes. Something about that just doesn't make sense.
how did he know about it?

thats the type of person i would imagine would respond to a craigslist ad saying like oh i need extra trim work im a good trimmer and work for cheap lol
he was there staying in the patients guest house to tend the crop and do work around the property as a hired hand (which he was paid in advance for!!!) he even got his own vehicle to use..... and, doitinthewoods, it makes perfect sense....... its called SPITE look it up in the dictionary......
he was there staying in the patients guest house to tend the crop and do work around the property as a hired hand (which he was paid in advance for!!!) he even got his own vehicle to use..... and, doitinthewoods, it makes perfect sense....... its called SPITE look it up in the dictionary......

what a little bitch but i dont understand why he didnt leave them and jack them if thats how he felt
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