White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network

Big P

Well-Known Member
Get MY facts straight? Fox News programs like O'Reilly and Beck are estimated to have about 3 million viewers nightly. Their actual "news" programs fare about as well, minus about .5 million viewers.

There are 330 million people in the US.

3 million is NOT 20% of 330 million, not even CLOSE.

I also never said anyone was praising the unabomber, I said they were praising YOU for cut and pasting from the unabomber's writings.

my god so now you are including infants and children? even people who dont own tvs? you do realize fox news is a cable channel, and many people in america do not subscribe to cable

1 in 5 cable TV watching americans watches fox news on a daily basis.

so 20% of people who actually have the ablitiy to view the show watch it every night.



Well-Known Member
i'm not here to debate who watches what, i'm not in the advertising game, so frankly i IDGAF.

but in terms of skewing the news, and outright LYING, fox news beats all other news outlets combined. PERIOD.


Well-Known Member
my god so now you are including infants and children? even people who dont own tvs? you do realize fox news is a cable channel, and many people in america do not subscribe to cable

1 in 5 cable TV watching americans watches fox news on a daily basis.

so 20% of people who actually have the ablitiy to view the show watch it every night.
About 75% of people in the US have access to Fox News Channel via cable or satellite. That's about 250 million people. If 20% of them actually WATCH, that would be 50 million people.

Again, not even close to the actual statistics.

What's 1% of 250 million? 2.5 million (which is the average number of viewers of Fox News programs on a nightly basis).

Seriously, you can inflate the numbers all you want to if it makes you feel you're in the majority.

The other 99% of us know what the majority really is. Regardless of how many of those 250 million people actually watch television, very few of the people with ACCESS to Fox News are watching it.

Big P

Well-Known Member
About 75% of people in the US have access to Fox News Channel via cable or satellite. That's about 250 million people. If 20% of them actually WATCH, that would be 50 million people.

Again, not even close to the actual statistics.

What's 1% of 250 million? 2.5 million (which is the average number of viewers of Fox News programs on a nightly basis).

Seriously, you can inflate the numbers all you want to if it makes you feel you're in the majority.

The other 99% of us know what the majority really is. Regardless of how many of those 250 million people actually watch television, very few of the people with ACCESS to Fox News are watching it.

Fox News Channel is available to 102 million households in the U.S. and
o'reilly and beck alone each get 3.5 Million viewers a night. let alone all the rest of the shows and they news during the daytime

so just with glen beck and orielly we are already at 7 million per night out of 100 million so thats 7% right there, add up the rest of the shows and you can see for yourself, o'reilly and beck are only 2 hours of the 24 hours that channel airs, the other 22 hours mak up the remaining 13%

with major players like Greta and hannity who pull in millions per night also.

you dont have to believe me, i state facts which your probably not used to


Well-Known Member
and if they keep gaining numbers the US will keep getting more and more misinformed... tsk tsk...



Active Member
actually a simple 1 second google fact check reveals that obama infact did say redistribution of wealth but your above video is claiming fox news lied when he said that. might wanna check who you get your facts from too


Not at all. FOX was announcing how McCain was going to "slam Obama" and during the video the FOX banner said 'McCain hitting Obama hard on "Redistributing the Wealth" interview', but McCain had not brought that up. Just a prime example of FOX bias.


Well-Known Member
Fox News Channel is available to 102 million households in the U.S. and
o'reilly and beck alone each get 3.5 Million viewers a night. let alone all the rest of the shows and they news during the daytime

so just with glen beck and orielly we are already at 7 million per night out of 100 million so thats 7% right there, add up the rest of the shows and you can see for yourself, o'reilly and beck are only 2 hours of the 24 hours that channel airs, the other 22 hours mak up the remaining 13%

with major players like Greta and hannity who pull in millions per night also.

you dont have to believe me, i state facts which your probably not used to

LOL! Dude, you don't ADD the number of viewers of one program to the number of viewers for another and think you've got an accurate representation of the viewing audience.

Chances are the same 3.5 million who watch one program are also watching the other program, or at least a percentage of them are. If you ADD the numbers you end up counting the people who watch both programs twice. That's why this is NOT how television ratings are calculated.

Again, Fox News actual NEWS programs have a daily viewing audience of about 2.5 million (this is just for the NIGHTLY news, the daytime average is MUCH LOWER). Just how in the hell is that 20% of 250 million? Right, it isn't, which is what I've been saying all along.

Now, MAYBE 1 in 5 CABLE NEWS PROGRAM viewers watch Fox News - which would mean that a very small percentage of people watch ANY cable news program at all (50 million out of 250 million people who have access to cable news programs).


New Member
Outfoxing The Spin

Posted 10/19/2009 07:57 PM ET

The Media: Now we know why the Democrats who run Washington declared war on Fox News. The feisty network is spoiling their policy of controlling Americans' diet of information.
When Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., who earlier this year was set to be the Obama administration's secretary of commerce, warned on CNN on Sunday the U.S. was on track toward "banana republic" status, he was talking about "throwing debt on top of debt" to the tune of a trillion dollars or more a year.
But another facet of banana republics is their rulers' control of the press. As in the make-believe African "Republic of Ishmaelia" of Evelyn Waugh's novel, "Scoop," the government exploits journalists' laziness, cowardice and susceptibility to bribery and flattery. In the end, what's called "reporting" ranges from state-sanctioned disinformation to the correspondents' own entirely made-up tales.
Democrats' attempts to taint Fox News as an illegitimate journalistic entity are being spearheaded by White House Communications Director Anita Dunn. WorldNetDaily recently posted an Ishmaelia-like video of Dunn speaking at a conference last January.
In it, Dunn boasted that the president's successful election strategy focused "on making the press cover what we were saying ... so it was very much 'we controlled it' as opposed to 'the press controlled it.'" According to Dunn, "very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control."
Does such bragging embarrass the press corps?
Well, think back to NBC News reporter Lee Cowan grinning like a teenage schoolgirl coming out of a Justin Timberlake concert.
In January of 2008, interviewed by NBC Nightly News anchorman Brian Williams, Cowan gushed that "from the reporter's point of view it's almost hard to remain objective" about candidate Obama, "because it's infectious, energy like that. It sort of goes against your core to say that as a reporter, but the crowds have gotten so much bigger, his energy has gotten stronger, he feeds off that, and ... he stays at this sort of high-octane level all night long."
You can almost feel Cowan's "objective" goose bumps. Similarly, MSNBC's Chris Matthews last year described the "thrill going up my leg" the then-candidate caused.
And just who are these people playing the media like a well-tuned Stradivarius? Fox News' Glenn Beck last week showed video of Anita Dunn telling high school students in June that one of her "favorite political philosophers" was Chairman Mao, the greatest mass murderer of the 20th century, whose Communist regime liquidated at least 70 million, dwarfing both Stalin and Hitler.
Presumably, Dunn and Mao don't have much in common — except making silencing their critics a priority.

Big P

Well-Known Member
LOL! Dude, you don't ADD the number of viewers of one program to the number of viewers for another and think you've got an accurate representation of the viewing audience.

Chances are the same 3.5 million who watch one program are also watching the other program, or at least a percentage of them are. If you ADD the numbers you end up counting the people who watch both programs twice. That's why this is NOT how television ratings are calculated.

Again, Fox News actual NEWS programs have a daily viewing audience of about 2.5 million (this is just for the NIGHTLY news, the daytime average is MUCH LOWER). Just how in the hell is that 20% of 250 million? Right, it isn't, which is what I've been saying all along.

Now, MAYBE 1 in 5 CABLE NEWS PROGRAM viewers watch Fox News - which would mean that a very small percentage of people watch ANY cable news program at all (50 million out of 250 million people who have access to cable news programs).

ya your right im not adding it up correctly and niether are you

i stick to my story 1 out of every 5 humans on earth (including embryos) watch Fox News atleast 6 hours a day whether they need it or notbongsmilie



so your telling me 1 in 5 people who watch cable news watch fox? thats not right cuz thats only 20% of all cable news viewers and fox has more share of the cable news than all the others combined, so they get atleast 50% of the news viewers and the rest of them have to share the other fifty percent

remeber when fox news wasnt even around? what scary days, what a scary thought.

if fox was not there then I guess you would be cool with 100% government lip service 100% o the time?

is that really reasonable to you guys? you let us have our 50% and the rest of you can fight of the scraps:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
ya your right im not adding it up correctly and niether are you

i stick to my story 1 out of every 5 humans on earth (including embryos) watch Fox News atleast 6 hours a day whether they need it or notbongsmilie



so your telling me 1 in 5 people who watch cable news watch fox? thats not right cuz thats only 20% of all cable news viewers and fox has more share of the cable news than all the others combined, so they get atleast 50% of the news viewers and the rest of them have to share the other fifty percent

remeber when fox news wasnt even around? what scary days, what a scary thought.

if fox was not there then I guess you would be cool with 100% government lip service 100% o the time?

is that really reasonable to you guys? you let us have our 50% and the rest of you can fight of the scraps:mrgreen:
No, I'm not saying 1 in 5 cable news viewers watches FOX, that's what YOU'VE been saying, and I've been trying to tell you is false. Actually, what you've been trying to say is that 1 in 5 people WITH CABLE watch Fox News, which isn't anywhere near accurate. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that maybe you misunderstood the difference between people who watch CABLE and people who watch CABLE NEWS.

P2+ Prime Time
FNC – 2,055,000viewers
CNN— 622,000 viewers
MSNBC –678,000 viewers
CNBC – a scratch w/ 99,000 viewers
HLN – 548,000 viewers

Total CABLE NEWS NETWORK viewers = 4,002,000

According to these numbers, it's reasonable to assume that 1 out of 50 people (2%) who have cable (roughly 250 million people) watch ANY sort of cable news network during prime time. Out of those 1 in 50 people, nearly half watch Fox News. So 1 in 25 people who watch CABLE NEWS NETWORKS during prime time watch Fox News.

What's half of 2% again? Oh, right, 1%...



New Member
It's the truth which Team Obama fears.... else why go after the only news organization actually doing investigative work. All the other major media outlets have abdicated their responsibility....and the american ppl know it.

Hence the total ratings domination of FOX. Ppl aren't as stupid as liberals think.

Obama should fear FOX.... he's running a corrupt unconstitutional Govt. and the history books will destroy him in the coming decades.


Well-Known Member
Socialism, Fascism, and Dictatorship? Do you know what any of those things mean? Silly question... obviously you don't, or you wouldn't have strung them all together as if they are all related.

I don't see the White House trying "shut down" anyone. Fox News is still on the air, are they not? Speaking out against something is not the same as trying to "shut down" something. Fox News speaks out against the White House all the time, does that mean they're trying to overthrow the government?
HA! ..............................................+rep


Well-Known Member
You can all have your opinion. Just remember it is YOU that is causing this great country of freedom to be destroyed by allowing others to tell you what to do, how to spend your money, etc. The liberal democrat broadcasters are the ones that said that "they" will tell the people what is important and what they need to know. The reason you even have a problem with the article is because it exposed the White House administration as being cowardly. Liberals can't handle having the truth exposed because they have no standing argument for it. All they can do is sling mud and make personal insults to people.

You all need to read some history books and read some books that actually have an opposing viewpoint to your beloved messianic Obama.
i've heard all that shit before
liberals this and liberals that and we all need some education 'cause we don't read opposing viewpoints

the opposing viewpoints make me puke


Well-Known Member
Communist governments and dictatorships always try to silence the media.

They're sh*t out of luck as long as we have freedom of the press and freedom of speech in the Country :mrgreen:
well now see you got that wrong
communist governments and dictatorships DO silence the media, and therein lies a big difference, Becker