White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network

Big P

Well-Known Member
yeah, have you seen the statistics that the U.S. falling ever slower down the ladder in terms of educational level, math skills, capable scientists??

damn, Fox viewers are among the most MIS INFORMED PEOPLE in the nation...

watch this:





why shouldnt they be called out when this organization clearly lies, THEY TELL THINGS THAT ARE NOT TRUE, and calls them the truth??

no wonder america is getting dumber by the minute, with people like you believing this bullshit....

my god man, they are showing random unrelated clips from different times and differnt stories, what a sham your post and links are.

you really hate the truth when it doesnt jive with your persona huh?

I live in this house too and will not allow you limp wristed liberals to sink our great country into bunch of cowering cowards who let thier government and the world walk all over them

if it wasnt for fox news, you wouldnt even have known that obama's apointee van jones was a rabid comunist

you would rather sit and watch your lip service station while your freedom is taken right from under you nose!

dont you understand how dangerous the world and humans are???

do you know how many men have died by other mens hands in our human history???

do you expct humans to stop doing this all of a sudden????

if not, then you should expect to fight and die defending your lands and freedom, you or your sons. there will be war, if not now then later.

freedom is a constant battle. because human greed and power is a constant force.

Big P

Well-Known Member
haha, looks like republicans likes terrorists. These people have sunken to a new low. Gotta love brain washing!

we do not like terrorists only freedom fighters that kill liberal intilectuals:mrgreen:


anyway stop lieing we are talking about his writing not his killing.

kinda like some admire the bibles writing but not the spanish inqusition :mrgreen:


New Member
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 (UPI) -- The United States is no longer the world leader in secondary education, according to the rankings of an international organization.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development places the United States 18th among the 36 nations examined, USA Today reported Wednesday.
Headed to the top of the heap is South Korea where 93 percent of high school students graduate on time compared with the United States where 75 percent receive their diplomas.
The seemingly downward trend of U.S. education worries economists.
"The United States has rested on its laurels way too long," Jacob Funk Kirkegaard of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, told USA Today. "Other countries have increasingly caught up and surpassed the United States."
"We've been asleep for a good number of years as a country," says Richard Freeman, an economics professor at Harvard. "It's not that we're doing horrible. But the other guys are moving faster."

© 2008 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

No one spends more per student than the USA .. it isn't a money issue.

Big P

Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 (UPI) -- The United States is no longer the world leader in secondary education, according to the rankings of an international organization.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development places the United States 18th among the 36 nations examined, USA Today reported Wednesday.
Headed to the top of the heap is South Korea where 93 percent of high school students graduate on time compared with the United States where 75 percent receive their diplomas.
The seemingly downward trend of U.S. education worries economists.
"The United States has rested on its laurels way too long," Jacob Funk Kirkegaard of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, told USA Today. "Other countries have increasingly caught up and surpassed the United States."
"We've been asleep for a good number of years as a country," says Richard Freeman, an economics professor at Harvard. "It's not that we're doing horrible. But the other guys are moving faster."

© 2008 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

No one spends more per student than the USA .. it isn't a money issue.

thanks the 60's you guys seem to have fucked us all.

seems we stopped working hard as country once the hippies fucked everything upbongsmilie

and now they wanna put the final icing on the cake before they go into retirment.

our generation will wake up old one day with all the broken peices they left behind


Well-Known Member
Obama is flat out wrong to go after Fox News. If it was a truth telling contest...how many times has CNN ran with a story that was absolutely, positively not true? More than a few times? Each network DOES have a slant.
They always have...it's just easier to spot now due to us viewers being able to read/watch the output of several of them in any given day.

Going after the channel that slants against you? It's a sign of weakness. Never in any circumstance would one consider it a sign of strength. Let's have that debate if you want.

Obama has many weakness' He simply does. His vetting for example is at best the worst ever...at worst was intentional and therefore downright frightening. He also is pretty poor at getting his message across. That I find strange as he is a great campaigner...but once you get past the golden grains of wheat and purple mountain majesty fluff...he gives no details as to how any of this will be obtained.

His track record of getting anything done...is nil. Granted he still has the "hasn't yet been in office a year" excuse...but you should be able to say ONE thing that he has completed after 10 months. I cannot. Signing a bill that puts us further in debt than ever before is no more an accomplishment than is a teenage girl maxing out her new credit card.

Obama should worry more about getting stuff done. Fox News cannot stop him. He has a super majority...and thus the reins of the entire system. All Fox News has are people talking w/o any real power whatsoever. Obama cannot get shit done with a super majority...think about that. Because I do not believe that he will have a super majority for too much longer...and then what?


Well-Known Member
my god man, they are showing random unrelated clips from different times and differnt stories, what a sham your post and links are.

you really hate the truth when it doesnt jive with your persona huh?

I live in this house too and will not allow you limp wristed liberals to sink our great country into bunch of cowering cowards who let thier government and the world walk all over them

if it wasnt for fox news, you wouldnt even have known that obama's apointee van jones was a rabid comunist

you would rather sit and watch your lip service station while your freedom is taken right from under you nose!

dont you understand how dangerous the world and humans are???

do you know how many men have died by other mens hands in our human history???

do you expct humans to stop doing this all of a sudden????

if not, then you should expect to fight and die defending your lands and freedom, you or your sons. there will be war, if not now then later.

freedom is a constant battle. because human greed and power is a constant force.
the videos show fox news LYING. using deceit, and pretty much the same tactics to attack everything that doesn't fit into their conservative-christian way of life.

"the DEA agent said: 'this stuff will kill you'". that is a blatant lie, you and me and anyone with google can see it is impossible from a practical standpoint to overdose on marijuana, it has NEVER been done.

AMSTERDAM IS CRACKING DOWN ON ORGANISED CRIME. since I've actually been there, and know people who live there, i asked a friend of mine that I met when i spent time in amsterdam, he owns a coffee shop, what they were doing was enforcing the laws in place, mainly one that says that coffee shops cannot be within 200 yards of a school, not because of the cross fire between thugs, that happens here in the U.S... another blatant lie. they say organized crime is rampant in amsterdam, no, it's rampant here, in the US. i went to amsterdam, to the darkest scariest corners of the red light district and no muggings happened, no gun fire, no gangs, no helicopters, no police running down the street. i had two dealers asking me if i wanted xtasy, that's it. in the scariest, loneliest corner of amsterdam. i walk 5 feet in a sort of sketchy place here in the US and i find myself at gunpoint with 14 year old drunk n coked out kids patting me down to make sure i'm not wired, that i'm not a cop.... thank god amsterdam is a cesspool of criminals, it's a haven for corruption, it's the most dangerous place on earth... LIES, FLAT OUT LIES.

They use exactly the same wording to attack Obama and Kerry, two very different politicians, yet in FOX’s view, one and the same. i call bull shit....

fox viewers ARE mis-informed. truth hurtz. don't it??:blsmoke::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the videos show fox news LYING. using deceit, and pretty much the same tactics to attack everything that doesn't fit into their conservative-christian way of life.

"the DEA agent said: 'this stuff will kill you'". that is a blatant lie, you and me and anyone with google can see it is impossible from a practical standpoint to overdose on marijuana, it has NEVER been done.

AMSTERDAM IS CRACKING DOWN ON ORGANISED CRIME. since I've actually been there, and know people who live there, i asked a friend of mine that I met when i spent time in amsterdam, he owns a coffee shop, what they were doing was enforcing the laws in place, mainly one that says that coffee shops cannot be within 200 yards of a school, not because of the cross fire between thugs, that happens here in the U.S... another blatant lie. they say organized crime is rampant in amsterdam, no, it's rampant here, in the US. i went to amsterdam, to the darkest scariest corners of the red light district and no muggings happened, no gun fire, no gangs, no helicopters, no police running down the street. i had two dealers asking me if i wanted xtasy, that's it. in the scariest, loneliest corner of amsterdam. i walk 5 feet in a sort of sketchy place here in the US and i find myself at gunpoint with 14 year old drunk n coked out kids patting me down to make sure i'm not wired, that i'm not a cop.... thank god amsterdam is a cesspool of criminals, it's a haven for corruption, it's the most dangerous place on earth... LIES, FLAT OUT LIES.

They use exactly the same wording to attack Obama and Kerry, two very different politicians, yet in FOX’s view, one and the same. i call bull shit....

fox viewers ARE mis-informed. truth hurtz. don't it??:blsmoke::blsmoke:

What does a Amsterdam news report by Fox have to do with Obama being weak even with a super majority?


Active Member
FOX NEWS can hardly be considered a credible news agency!!!! Fair and balanced my ass. More like fairly balanced to the right.

Fox News senior vice president Michael Clemente said: "Surprisingly, the White House continues to declare war on a news organization instead of focusing on the critical issues that Americans are concerned about like jobs, health care and two wars. The door remains open and we welcome a discussion about the facts behind the issues."
Observers on both sides of the political aisle questioned the White House's decision to continue waging war on a news organization, saying the move carried significant political risks.
Democratic strategist Donna Brazile said on CNN: "I don't always agree with the White House. And on this one here I would disagree."
David Gergen, who has worked for Democratic and Republican presidents, said: "I totally agree with Donna Brazile." Gergen added that White House officials have "gotten themselves into a fight they don't necessarily want to be in. I don't think it's in their best interest."
"The faster they can get this behind them, the more they can treat Fox like one other organization, the easier they can get back to governing, and then put some people out on Fox," Gergen said on CNN. "I mean, for goodness sakes -- you know, you engage in the debate.
What Americans want is a robust competition of ideas, and they ought to be willing to go out there and mix it up with some strong conservatives on Fox, just as there are strong conservatives on CNN

"This is an administration that's getting very arrogant and slippery in its dealings with people. And if you dare to oppose them, they're going to come hard at you and they're going to cut your legs off.""This is a White House engaging in its own version of the media enemies list. And it's unhelpful for the country and undignified for the president of the United States to so do," Rove added.

Media columnist David Carr of the New York Times warned that the White House war on Fox "may present a genuine problem for Mr. Obama, who took great pains during the campaign to depict himself as being above the fray of over-heated partisan squabbling."
"While there is undoubtedly a visceral thrill in finally setting out after your antagonists, the history of administrations that have successfully taken on the media and won is shorter than this sentence

Read the whole story at

If this doesn't point the White House Administration in the direction of Socialism, Facism, and Dictatorship, I don't know what does? How many freedoms do we as Americans have to loose to get the Obama lovers to understand where he is trying to take the direction of this beloved country!


Well-Known Member
i'm just pointing out irregularities in their form of "reporting the news"
We all already know that news organizations are mouthpieces for one political party/agenda or another. The media themselves are the last to openly admit it.

Still is a sign of weakness for Obama's croonies to go after a news organization that slants against him. It makes them seem as powerful as the President is supposed to be.

News organizations respond to events/words caused/spoken by the President...not the other way around.

Big P

Well-Known Member
awwww Anj but look at the poor poor baby crying:-(

F-f-f-f-f-ox!!!! you j-j-j-j-ja-jerks! st-t-t-t-o-o-oo-p m-m-ma-makin fun of me!

ok now back to our regularly scheduled Government run media everyone



New Member

This is all in context ...his tele goes out and he has to actually speak on his own. makes Bush look like a GENIUS!!!

Big P

Well-Known Member

This is all in context ...his tele goes out and he has to actually speak on his own. makes Bush look like a GENIUS!!!

my god the lier without his lies at the ready, reminds me of liers ive caught in lies:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
man where do you get your information from?

already 20% or 1 in every 5 Americans watchs Fox News every single night at least one show or another

Fox news will be breaking a world record this year for highest ratings ever for a cable news channel and its not even an election year

lol 1% get your facts straight

and mou si tung was an enslaver of millions and killer of millions

the Unibomber was a conservationist who wanted to bring the world back from the brink,

and we were not praising him, just stating facts, he was a genius and a killer,

I was praising his amazing writings where he in no way suggest we should kill people.

if I met the unibomber in person I would spit in his face, but I have a feeling if Anita Dunn met mou in person she would offer to suck his dick and ask him for pointers on how obama can successfully enslave our people.

Get MY facts straight? Fox News programs like O'Reilly and Beck are estimated to have about 3 million viewers nightly. Their actual "news" programs fare about as well, minus about .5 million viewers.

There are 330 million people in the US.

3 million is NOT 20% of 330 million, not even CLOSE.

I also never said anyone was praising the unabomber, I said they were praising YOU for cut and pasting from the unabomber's writings.


New Member
my god the lier without his lies at the ready, reminds me of liers ive caught in lies:mrgreen:


They were laughing at him near the end....

No ones laughing now. This genius is running two wars,.... unsuccessfully so far, caved to Iran, caved to china, caved to russia, passes a debt onto future generations like no one has ever dreamed of doing.

No ones laughing now.......


Well-Known Member
Get MY facts straight? Fox News programs like O'Reilly and Beck are estimated to have about 3 million viewers nightly. Their actual "news" programs fare about as well, minus about .5 million viewers.

There are 330 million people in the US.

3 million is NOT 20% of 330 million, not even CLOSE.

I also never said anyone was praising the unabomber, I said they were praising YOU for cut and pasting from the unabomber's writings.


Get your facts here. ACTUAL TV viewership of the channels.

Fox News...about twice as popular as the #2 crew. That's across the demographic board too. An absolute SWEEP.