White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network

Big P

Well-Known Member
It's the truth which Team Obama fears.... else why go after the only news organization actually doing investigative work. All the other major media outlets have abdicated their responsibility....and the american ppl know it.

Hence the total ratings domination of FOX. Ppl aren't as stupid as liberals think.

Obama should fear FOX.... he's running a corrupt unconstitutional Govt. and the history books will destroy him in the coming decades.



Well-Known Member
obama will make this country great again, it's not gonna turn into the conservative, puritan, christian throb of the past, but it will be great.


New Member
Obama is making the country into a second rate economic power.... if one bothers to actually read the real numbers and costs as opposed to reading USA today or other drivel news sources.

If you don't know it... it's because u aren't looking.


Well-Known Member
:roll:Trolling??? I posted on this thread.....I replied.
[email protected]'d say that those who are OBSESSED with proving others who do have faith just to prove how STUPID they are, and following every single religous thread they can SIMPLY TO MOCK iS KING OF TROLLING.
Again, VERY MATURE......you can't even handle the word FAITH thrown out there with all the garbage you put on others plate......amazing.


New Member
I didn't neg rep you.... :roll:

I can see why ur religious.....

sorry for the interruption folks... let's get back on thread....


New Member
I really don't have the inclination to explain the rep system to you..... u've been trolled...but hey...u believe what u wish.... it's what you do anyways.


Well-Known Member
I already did, but that "ur so easily confused" PROVES you did it.......once a liar, always a liar.


Well-Known Member
Hey babs, just ignore him. He obviously craves whatever sort of attention he can get, even if it's negative.

i'm not here to debate who watches what, i'm not in the advertising game, so frankly i IDGAF.

but in terms of skewing the news, and outright LYING, fox news beats all other news outlets combined. PERIOD.
Are you nucking futs? PMSNBC is the no question hands down winner at total fabrication. Thats lying for those of you in Rio Linda...Keith Slobberman and Rachel Madcow are two of the worst smear merchants in all of news entertainment. The hate and vitriol that spews from their mouths on a nightly basis makes me wonder how the channel even survives, although there appear to be some 'intellectuals' here who agree with that side of things(ooh, i am soo tired from cramming seventy three hours for my final on Particle Theory, String Theory and Black Holes effect Time travel and Magnolias growth rates...)

At any rate, all the cable "news" channels have a slant. it's just that Fox isn't a sniveling whiny bag-licking outlet like PMSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, et al.

Peace out, bro...:joint:


New Member
But the good news is the administration will soon be bailing out all the Liberal rags. I would point out that they would then control the content of all the rags, except that they already do, which is why they're failing miserably. No, No, No, the "internet" is causing the papers to fail. Riiiiight, then why aren't any of the customers they're losing subscribing to the online option? Hmmmm?

So they're going to bail out Liberal newspapers.
Then they're going to tax successful radio networks to subsidize the sickeningly Liberal NPR.
Then they're going to stick their grubby little paws into the internet and it won't be long before they try to control content there as well.

Yup, there's no Fascism (that's right doob, Fascism, and I do know it's definition) here folks, nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to read... move along. We're just strengthening Capitalism through government control, which of course, all through history has led to incredible results. BLECH. You Libs are sheep being led, willingly, to the slaughter.



Well-Known Member
Are you nucking futs? PMSNBC is the no question hands down winner at total fabrication. Thats lying for those of you in Rio Linda...Keith Slobberman and Rachel Madcow are two of the worst smear merchants in all of news entertainment. The hate and vitriol that spews from their mouths on a nightly basis makes me wonder how the channel even survives, although there appear to be some 'intellectuals' here who agree with that side of things(ooh, i am soo tired from cramming seventy three hours for my final on Particle Theory, String Theory and Black Holes effect Time travel and Magnolias growth rates...)

At any rate, all the cable "news" channels have a slant. it's just that Fox isn't a sniveling whiny bag-licking outlet like PMSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, et al.

Peace out, bro...:joint:
Please link me to MSNBC fabrications. :twisted:


New Member
Are you nucking futs? PMSNBC is the no question hands down winner at total fabrication. Thats lying for those of you in Rio Linda...Keith Slobberman and Rachel Madcow are two of the worst smear merchants in all of news entertainment. The hate and vitriol that spews from their mouths on a nightly basis makes me wonder how the channel even survives, although there appear to be some 'intellectuals' here who agree with that side of things(ooh, i am soo tired from cramming seventy three hours for my final on Particle Theory, String Theory and Black Holes effect Time travel and Magnolias growth rates...)

At any rate, all the cable "news" channels have a slant. it's just that Fox isn't a sniveling whiny bag-licking outlet like PMSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, et al.

Peace out, bro...:joint:
That's exactly correct. By the way FOX makes the cut for accurate reporting. The white house simply wants them to STOP REPORTING!!!!

Obama and cronies pride themselves on owning the press corps....and FOX just won't succumb to the pressure..... hence the attacks.

The Obama admin is a house of cards and FOX alone is in danger of collapsing the entire set up. ... hence the attacks.


Well-Known Member
And Jax brings in his alias to converse with... himself, and pat himself on the back.

Hilarious and pathetic at the same time, like everything Jax does.