

Active Member
I looooove death, it just gets me off. Quite hard actually.

Why, I spend all my waking moments, much like every other atheist I'm sure, pondering the innate pleasures of carnage and self mutilation. It's what I live for, it's what we live for. What do you expect? We've renounced Jesus, our 'true' lord and savior and in such condemned our souls to damnation!
We turned our backs on the great one, and therein cast our souls to the undercarriage of the abyss. How can you possibly expect let alone fathom the minds of
these soulless obtuse cretins? Us tainted dark.

You aren't even of the kind that represents the true dogma you attempt at spouting. I've met wonderful christens, much more grand and elegant then yourself. Ones who although, I feel are truly living a lie, understand the inherent meaning to life and how it should be lived by the teachings true meanings by this 'lord and savior' you so love. If you can even call it love. I don't.

You openly declare your contempt for all things spiritual and all those who believe, and now you are correcting me on how I exercise my faith. You really must know everything!


Well-Known Member
It's the attack of the Killa Negs :lol:, (and that wasn't reverse self Racism),

God Loves a Negga, and I'm just a Negga Too..,:mrgreen:

You people are Too Much, :roll:



Well-Known Member
LOL Braz, that's called having a personality. Don't dare do it easily misconstrued as "illogical."


Active Member
I'm not suffering I'm enjoying life and thinking for myself no hate going on with me :peace:
Glad to hear it didn't apply to you. :peace:

I was referring to the many words spoken by atheists about why God doesn't sexist. Their religious sufferings being the evidence.


Well-Known Member
I know nothing; a principle you will never be able to fully appreciate in the concept of wisdom, be it in yourself or others.

I openly express my 'contempt' If that's what we're calling it, not for the 'spiritual' but for you.
Any fraction of contempt I have is not for your 'spirituality' but rather, towards your ignorance.

I pity you, I do not look down on you from above, I look at you from far away, for yours is a mind that I choose to not bother understanding. You have given me ample comprehension as to how and why you think the things, believe the things and follow the things you do. For this, above ALL else, I pity you.

So, shoo fly. You hold absolutely no grounds, as you have openly shown to us all. You hold no validity, no concept of any real rational or thought. You just spout garbage and expect everybody to follow. The garbage you spout is simply a fools rhetoric, spouted by a fool of a fool in a succession of fools who lacked ever more comprehension of the garbage then the next. An endless line of telephone game, never fully appreciating or grasping the message, merely spouting what was told from the last to the next. You're nothing more then a broken record with no answers.

Am I the only one who sees this fools irony? You are like a jester, A child with some string. Dancing a play for what he sees as an audience of fools. So he does his dance, his practiced dance. This rhetoric of motion, laughing all the while inside your locked room of 'fools', trying to bestow some great wisdom upon them. Yet in actuality it is just a self employed facade, a selection of manikin's and dolls crafted to keep you occupied inside a room you yourself have bothered to lock yourself away in. You sing on def ears, inside a room with nobody around, carrying a broken tongue and not the mind or wisdom to comprehend. The last laugh is on you my friend, like I said, because nobody is here to listen. We've moved on from your childish games. Abandoned your hall of idiocy that you jesters of discord have crafted for yourselves. There is just as much desire, there is just as much gained on your foolish words as speaking to a cast of trees. So, do us a favor, go speak to your trees. You fool of fools, You'd get more done truly so.

Why can't you see?


Active Member
Yes, we love death so much we created this god, and called him Yahweh/Jehovah. And then we made him completely insane, so that he does things like create a perfect world where if you eat this one fruit, then you bring down disease and suffering and pain upon it. We did it as a parable to explain that if you ever question the rule of our atheist religion, you will be punished in our atheist hellfire.

We then sent the people out into the world alone, where their children mated with each other, brothers and sisters all. After a while they did some things that pissed off our Atheist God and he slaughtered the whole bunch except for one family again. He killed kittens, and bunnies, and unicorns, dinosaurs, and giant dragonflies, and all kinds of creatures for this perceived slight. And it was good.

Of course this family had to resort to inbreeding again (we love to include inbreeding in our religion. it keeps us close) to populate the earth.

Eventually there were enough descendants of this family that they were able to divide into tribes and then take slaves or wipe each other out. Our proud atheist god also made a bunch of proclamations that could get you killed at the drop of a hat, because he loved death so much.

Work on a weekend? Death!

Eat seafood? This one has a shell! Death!

Sex outside of marriage? Death! Oh, wait, wait, this one was a cleric. We can't kill him for that. Plus the girl was 12. It's totally okay for a priest to have sex with an 12 year old girl. It's like instant marriage! Now if he wasn't a cleric it would be different. He'd have to pay us a fee, and then we'd look the other way.

Oh look some more people moved into our holy atheist desert land and really want to hang around our holy pile of atheist rocks. Our atheist god say "Kill them all and leave none alive. Not even the kids or the pets."

Okay! Let's do this thing!

Shit, we've killed off most of our believers, and most of the outsiders hate us. Let's make our atheist god nicer. We'll make up some guy wandering around a hundred years ago doing great things, and meet here in Nicea where we'll edit together a bunch of random articles. We don't need eyewitness testimony or historical records. We'll just make shit up. We're athiests, we don't need evidence or rationality.

We'll also make sure the majority of our followers believe that our new and improved athiest god is a white guy from from the middle east. I know, it's hardly believeable, but we roll like that.

Onward and upward, new atheist religion!
Please send money.

Thats very cynical. Who was it saying I should try not hating? I think you hate God and the people who believe.


Yes, we love death so much we created this god, and called him Yahweh/Jehovah. And then we made him completely insane, so that he does things like create a perfect world where if you eat this one fruit, then you bring down disease and suffering and pain upon it. We did it as a parable to explain that if you ever question the rule of our atheist religion, you will be punished in our atheist hellfire.

We then sent the people out into the world alone, where their children mated with each other, brothers and sisters all. After a while they did some things that pissed off our Atheist God and he slaughtered the whole bunch except for one family again. He killed kittens, and bunnies, and unicorns, dinosaurs, and giant dragonflies, and all kinds of creatures for this perceived slight. And it was good.

Of course this family had to resort to inbreeding again (we love to include inbreeding in our religion. it keeps us close) to populate the earth.

Eventually there were enough descendants of this family that they were able to divide into tribes and then take slaves or wipe each other out. Our proud atheist god also made a bunch of proclamations that could get you killed at the drop of a hat, because he loved death so much.

Work on a weekend? Death!

Eat seafood? This one has a shell! Death!

Sex outside of marriage? Death! Oh, wait, wait, this one was a cleric. We can't kill him for that. Plus the girl was 12. It's totally okay for a priest to have sex with an 12 year old girl. It's like instant marriage! Now if he wasn't a cleric it would be different. He'd have to pay us a fee, and then we'd look the other way.

Oh look some more people moved into our holy atheist desert land and really want to hang around our holy pile of atheist rocks. Our atheist god say "Kill them all and leave none alive. Not even the kids or the pets."

Okay! Let's do this thing!

Shit, we've killed off most of our believers, and most of the outsiders hate us. Let's make our atheist god nicer. We'll make up some guy wandering around a hundred years ago doing great things, and meet here in Nicea where we'll edit together a bunch of random articles. We don't need eyewitness testimony or historical records. We'll just make shit up. We're athiests, we don't need evidence or rationality.

We'll also make sure the majority of our followers believe that our new and improved athiest god is a white guy from from the middle east. I know, it's hardly believeable, but we roll like that.

Onward and upward, new atheist religion!
Please send money.

Epic Pwnage. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Epic Pwnage. :mrgreen:
Hey Paddy, I thought you had left to run errands or something., I was confused by your question, but I did answer it to the best of my ability, however, I was still a little confused by your intent and left a few questions of my own, plus a new one to if you agreed or not with GC Post that this was A Christian Nation?



Hey Paddy, I thought you had left to run errands or something., I was confused by your question, but I did answer it to the best of my ability, however, I was still a little confused by your intent and left a few questions of my own, plus a new one to if you agreed or not with GC Post that this was A Christian Nation?

Good guess, had to do some dishes really quick, I just updated that thread with a reply. :blsmoke:


New Member
It's not too late to prove to babs how wrong she was about my neg repping her...... just let me know... I have a fool proof way of showing you Babs.... even you will get it....:wink:

Or you can apologize like a mature person. You showed no maturity last night.

Let me know.....

Apologize or proof will be provided.


New Member
I'll give her till 6 to respond.... then I'll just assume she can't apologize for XXX reason, and I will simply prove I didn't neg rep her yesterday.

I'm always willing to help.....


Well-Known Member
What's the big deal about neg rep anyway? If one or two people neg rep someone how exactly does it impact their life? Do they not get enough positive rep to balance it out?


Well-Known Member
It looks bad on them, other people may judge them based on the negative rep.

Lol, good. Reputation is a direct reflection of character, looks good on em. If they let it bug them, then let'em squirm.
Squids are awesome.


New Member
Well, I never have given a neg rep, but since babs insists upon getting a "teachable" lesson, I will oblige just this one time.

Probably the only time a neg rep carried proof of not getting a neg rep... :lol:


New Member
She kind of insisted that I neg repped her after I said I didn't....multiple times. If my word isn't good enough for her, then I must give her the proof she desires.