bump....seriously guys...any input would help thanks.
I read all your posts and here's my take on your grow. If I miss something, others can post it:
I think it's too late to save them and may be best if you just start over, but I leave that to you.. You have had problems from the beginning and I wouldnt expect much at this point.
PLEASE dont tell me all about your soil and hydro grows together. Just stick with hydro Q's on here when you seek help. It's confusing reading all that info in the same post.
1) WHY did you use H2O2 with the Fox Farm nutes? You can't use Epsom Salts either. Either one KILLS the beneficial organisiams in the
ORGANIC Fox Farm ferts...that alone will kill your plants. You cant use stuff like that with organics. Personally I would change to an inorganic line. Also, Superthrive is NOT something to want to use right now. It won't correct the problems you've been having and you don't need the B vites it provides.
2) You really should FOLLOW the Fox Farn Nute chart for
HYDRO. You can find it at:
http://foxfarmfertilizer.com/feedingfox.html YOUR PLANTS HAVE BEEN STARVING...Using FF nutes, you absolutely need to check ppm & pH DAILY.
What I do is mix it to the FF feeding schedule for hydro, just as it shows in the chart. Then, I adjust it, using a ppm meter for the growth stage I'm in: New sprouts - 250ppm, Established seedlings - 400-600, Early flowering 600-800, Full flowering 1000 -1200, Final flowering 600-800. Just drain some out and add water until you get it right. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
3) Your temps are NOT okay.
WATER: 65d is the goal for tank water. If it gets into the high 70's, that can create lots of problems. The foil tape you wrapped around the unit hold in the heat and isnt good to use. Also, the foil tape on top creates "hot spots". Next grow, get a container like the rest of us use. It'll work much better.
AIR: Unless you're growing a straight Sativa strain, temps are better in the 75-85 range. At 90, they stop growing altogether. When vegging, 70's is good, especially for young seedlings.
4) No feeder tubes, you said. Your plants should have LOTS MORE ROOTS than they do. They need to get off to a good start. You might want to try it next grow. It makes a BIG difference.
5) Your pH is NOT good either. It should be between 5.5 & 6.5 with 5.8 being your goal. Dont try to keep it exact. Just let it wander in this range. Check it daily. The FF nutes drop my pH into the high 4's.
MJ is a weed and easy to grow, but takes some effort. Growing hydro is a learning curve and you'll pick up something everytime you log into the site. Before you start your next grow, put in some homework and read Rosemans & PurpDaddys short tutorial and just follow it. There is also a very helpful FAQ tab at the top of the page. Do all this and you'll have a great grow, start to finish.
Good luck