• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?


Well-Known Member
'anecdotal evidence' for the win. (its a logical fallacy, sunshine)
More annecdotal evidence: The President did it again last week when he said, "Democrats are an opinionated bunch. You know, the other side, they just kinda sometimes do what they're told. Democrats, y'all thinkin' for yourselves." That's a contraction for you all. Meaning the President is willing to draw a conclusion about all Democrats. :-o

That's cute how you posted the quote, yet totally ignored the fact that I did not state, as you originally claimed, that I did not include all Progressives.
1 : existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth : native, inborn <innate behavior>
2 : belonging to the essential nature of something : inherent
3 : originating in or derived from the mind or the constitution of the intellect rather than from experience

(and yes, i know you're going to ignore this too)
I'm getting tired of proving you wrong. I did not say all. None of those definitions do either.

Thanks for furthering my my point for me.
if by 'winning' you mean ignoring valid points which refute your argument, name calling, and leaving negative rep like a bratty child, then yeah you sure won, champ.

you are seeking to bicker online, not have a debate. when someone presents evidence against your weak argument you throw a tantrum and insult others rather than approach it in a constructive manner. trolls are here to 'win'.
The proof is in the pudding. You can read, as can the folks at home.

By focusing on niggling little details in a meager attempt to ignore the actual topic of discussion and expecting an opponent to address every single point you make, no matter how ludicrous, then calling them liars and hypocrites when they don't play by your own personal set of rules, you are the one seeking to bicker.

But I won't call you a troll.
i really don't give a shit how you choose to define it.
I did not ask you what my definition was. I asked you if you could define it. "Trolls are here to win" is a fine attempt, but hardly a definition.

I bet the folks at home could define troll for you.
Is that knucklehead for 'I concede?'

Well Slugger, it looks like you've struck out once again and I'm getting bored taking you to school. I'm here to deal with the troll.

Be a good lad and piss off now. Shoo!


Active Member
More annecdotal evidence: The President did it again last week when he said, "Democrats are an opinionated bunch. You know, the other side, they just kinda sometimes do what they're told. Democrats, y'all thinkin' for yourselves." That's a contraction for you all. Meaning the President is willing to draw a conclusion about all Democrats. :-o
well thats bad for me since i'm obama's p.r. guy....oh wait...i'm not

That's cute how you posted the quote, yet totally ignored the fact that I did not state, as you originally claimed, that I did not include all Progressives.
i directly adressed it. and whats even more insane is you just quoted that direct addressing of your claim. wow. i mean WOW

I'm getting tired of proving you wrong. I did not say all. None of those definitions do either.
you said that this guy's attitude is innate in progressives. it means that if you are progressive then you are by default fitting of that description. are you really that dumb that you cant see that? really?

Thanks for furthering my my point for me.

The proof is in the pudding. You can read, as can the folks at home.
oh fuck you won again? wow you're good. its like you say "i won" and ...well...you won. fantastic!

By focusing on niggling little details in a meager attempt to ignore the actual topic of discussion and expecting an opponent to address every single point you make, no matter how ludicrous, then calling them liars and hypocrites when they don't play by your own personal set of rules, you are the one seeking to bicker.
little details? your whole argument was dependant on nonexistant supporting evidence. you had NOTHING but an abundant supply of hot air,

But I won't call you a troll.
no, you'll call me a 'sniveling weasel'. you stay classy.

I did not ask you what my definition was. I asked you if you could define it. "Trolls are here to win" is a fine attempt, but hardly a definition.
the definition is there for anyone with an i.q. above that of a carrot to see

I bet the folks at home could define troll for you.

Is that knucklehead for 'I concede?'
holy fuck did you just win...AGAIN?

Well Slugger, it looks like you've struck out once again and I'm getting bored taking you to school. I'm here to deal with the troll.

Be a good lad and piss off now. Shoo!
wow you're pretty much a big deal around here arent you?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Johnnyorganic again.


Active Member
I have been honorably discharged with a purple heart for losing a foot and my hearing in my right ear from an IED. What sacrafice have you made. I was part of the invasion and we took out the republican guard in 11 days. We were fighting taliban and other muslim radicals after that so I guess they all packed up and came from pakistan during those 11 days. Idiot. Its called taking the fight to them. I forgot you'd rather see our buildings collapse. And as far as the oath I took. I took it when we had a president that at least saluted the Flag. hahaha


Active Member
I have been honorably discharged with a purple heart for losing a foot and my hearing in my right ear from an IED. What sacrafice have you made. I was part of the invasion and we took out the republican guard in 11 days. We were fighting taliban and other muslim radicals after that so I guess they all packed up and came from pakistan during those 11 days. Idiot. Its called taking the fight to them. I forgot you'd rather see our buildings collapse. And as far as the oath I took. I took it when we had a president that at least saluted the Flag. hahaha
wait...i thought that by not supporting the president you are putting presently active troops in danger and emboldening the enemy. or does that only apply to republican presidents?


Active Member
Again, as I said they came in after. From places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, homegrown, etc. It was not the same Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11. We should not have diverted resources from the real fight in Afghanistan, then Pakistan as they fled. If Bush and Cheney were so competent, why is Bin Laden still out there mocking us? Remember, Cheney had 5 deferments from Nam, and Bush was AWOL from the Texas ANG and never saw combat. You don't know my service because, I don't use it to try and lend weight to my arguments. Again, I 100% respect your sacrifice, but it was one of, if not the worst foreign policy decisions ever to invade Iraq.


Active Member
Actually they fled to Pakistan, Al Qaeda in Iraq only came about AFTER we invaded. YOU forget, Saddam was not Religious and did not get along with Al Qaeda (religious fanatics). They didn't trust each other. I appreciate your service, but it is obvious you were on the very low end of the information chain.
You seem to be an intelligent guy. But you've obviously never served. When you are on the battle ground you are the TOP of the information chain. The people in washington get their info from the soldiers being shot at, like myself. So your debate is now void with me because you obviously don't know what u are talking about. Just another victum of the liberal controled media. Like I said before it amazes me the confidence people have in their own ignorance!


Active Member
You seem to be an intelligent guy. But you've obviously never served. When you are on the battle ground you are the TOP of the information chain. The people in washington get their info from the soldiers being shot at, like myself. So your debate is now void with me because you obviously don't know what u are talking about. Just another victum of the liberal controled media. Like I said before it amazes me the confidence people have in their own ignorance!
just out of curiosity: how can someone seem like an intelligent guy while not knowing what they were talking about?


Active Member
wait...i thought that by not supporting the president you are putting presently active troops in danger and emboldening the enemy. or does that only apply to republican presidents?
Our generals have been asking for more troops for 60 days! 60 days!!!!!!!! And all he cares about is this health care plan. And I'm not a republican buddy. I wouldn't associate myself with either side. I'm an American and have earned it! And I see what this guy is doing. Sorry you don't but u will.


Active Member
You seem to be an intelligent guy. But you've obviously never served. When you are on the battle ground you are the TOP of the information chain. The people in washington get their info from the soldiers being shot at, like myself. So your debate is now void with me because you obviously don't know what u are talking about. Just another victum of the liberal controled media. Like I said before it amazes me the confidence people have in their own ignorance!
By your very statements, how did you trust Bush and Cheney when they had never seen a battlefield?


Active Member
Our generals have been asking for more troops for 60 days! 60 days!!!!!!!! And all he cares about is this health care plan. And I'm not a republican buddy. I wouldn't associate myself with either side. I'm an American and have earned it! And I see what this guy is doing. Sorry you don't but u will.
They had actually been asking for more troops for many years. Where was Bush and Cheney then? As a soldier you know that you need to define the mission (which we need to do), figure out your assets (BS Karzai gov't.?), then set troop levels. It is better to be deliberate, than make a bad decision


Well-Known Member
well thats bad for me since i'm obama's p.r. guy....oh wait...i'm not

i directly adressed it. and whats even more insane is you just quoted that direct addressing of your claim. wow. i mean WOW

you said that this guy's attitude is innate in progressives. it means that if you are progressive then you are by default fitting of that description. are you really that dumb that you cant see that? really?

oh fuck you won again? wow you're good. its like you say "i won" and ...well...you won. fantastic!

little details? your whole argument was dependant on nonexistant supporting evidence. you had NOTHING but an abundant supply of hot air,

no, you'll call me a 'sniveling weasel'. you stay classy.

the definition is there for anyone with an i.q. above that of a carrot to see

holy fuck did you just win...AGAIN?

wow you're pretty much a big deal around here arent you?

I will not address all your points so don't get all butt-hurt with the whole 'liar and hypocrite' rubbish again.

There was no smartassed remark directly behind the quote. You didn't tie them in together. Please forgive me for not keeping abreast of your set of rules.

Once again you see what you want to see. You desperately want me to include all Progressives. So you muddy up the water and do your darndest to mix things up to fit your argument. You paraphrase what you want me to have said as if I can't go back and retrieve it. I said, "By channeling some bigoted dumb ass, he thinks he is stereotyping Conservatives when in reality he is stereotyping Progressives' innate unwillingness to understand anything beyond their own perceptions." If, as you say, innate means all, then that means I am simply doing the same thing as the President. Now do you wish to define stereotype, too?

This is an example of you focusing in one one piddly little detail desparately in search of a victory, and completely ignoring the larger argument. All I can say is LOL!

It's not a good idea to insult the jury. That would be the folks at home.

Run along now.


Active Member
Our generals have been asking for more troops for 60 days! 60 days!!!!!!!! And all he cares about is this health care plan. And I'm not a republican buddy. I wouldn't associate myself with either side. I'm an American and have earned it! And I see what this guy is doing. Sorry you don't but u will.
you don't have to earn being an american. i admire and appreciate your service to our country but you seem to keep implying that people who don't serve are of a lower class of citizen. its kinda scary.

but i agree in a way that obama needs to shit or get off the pot in terms of afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
It looks like I will not get an opportunity to deal with the Progressive troll because PVS wants all my attention.

Ain't gonna happen.

Too bad Slugger. Better luck next time.


Active Member
By your very statements, how did you trust Bush and Cheney when they had never seen a battlefield?
First, I enlisted during Bill Clintons term. Second, the president makes informed decisions from the evidence collected from the generals around him. And third, does it matter whether or not it was the same al quada that attacked us. They all want the same thing. Our demise. As bin laden said, "we will not rest til the flag of Islam is raised above the white house. And let me tell you friend, they mean it. Its not a matter of will it happen, its when will it happen. They are in every country everywhere. As soon as we let up on the pressure they will attack. Hear what I'm saying friend. Listen


Active Member
I will not address all your points so don't get all butt-hurt with the whole 'liar and hypocrite' rubbish again.
if the shoe fits...

There was no smartassed remark directly behind the quote. You didn't tie them in together. Please forgive me for not keeping abreast of your set of rules.
yes, the definition of 'innate', the word you chose, is just some bullshit rule i made up. i'm a tricky sniveling weasel, aint i?

Once again you see what you want to see. You desperately want me to include all Progressives. So you muddy up the water and do your darndest to mix things up to fit your argument.
you could just recant what you said. that would be the noble thing to do since you clearly stated that progressives had the same INNATE outlook/attitude/ideals/etc as this apparent 'troll' you;ve been squabbling with.

You paraphrase what you want me to have said as if I can't go back and retrieve it. I said, "By channeling some bigoted dumb ass, he thinks he is stereotyping Conservatives when in reality he is stereotyping Progressives' innate unwillingness to understand anything beyond their own perceptions." If, as you say, innate means all, then that means I am simply doing the same thing as the President. Now do you wish to define stereotype, too?
*sigh* ok look, if i say something about a "republican's innate inability to understand logic" then i am directly stating that republicans are inherently unable to understand logic. its linear deduction. you;re just trying to play semantics games and its really pathetic."

This is an example of you focusing in one one piddly little detail desparately in search of a victory, and completely ignoring the larger argument. All I can say is LOL!.
you could have simply recanted your ignorant pinheaded insult toward all progressives, but nooooooo. endless pissing and cunting for 2 pages instead. but at least you won...like 15 times apparently.

It's not a good idea to insult the jury. That would be the folks at home.

Run along now.
thats awesome how you punctuate every post with a smug douchebaggy last-word attempt.

Cloud City

New Member
wether its a political debate a street fight or a job interview etc i have NEVER lost to a leftie.. so does any of you weak cowards reading this today have enough of a backbone too defend your messiahs actions? or are yall ashamed too admit you voted for a terrorist sympathizing kenyan muslim who hates America?

Ill debate your dumb ass and I'm not even a liberal. I'm a far right conservative who voted for McCain/Palin but I do know that President Obama is a good man who loves this country. So far President Obama has stopped the economy from going into a depression and is turning it around, hes ended bush's war in Iraq, and is in the process of cleaning up bush's mess in Afghanistan. I have never voted Democrat before but if he keeps up the good work and gets the healthcare bill passed I've got half a mind to give him my vote in 2012.


Active Member
you don't have to earn being an american. i admire and appreciate your service to our country but you seem to keep implying that people who don't serve are of a lower class of citizen. its kinda scary.

but i agree in a way that obama needs to shit or get off the pot in terms of afghanistan.
I stand in correction. Did not mean to imply that. He was trying to tell a home builder how he should have built his house when he's never even used a hammer before. Understand?


Active Member
First, I enlisted during Bill Clintons term. Second, the president makes informed decisions from the evidence collected from the generals around him. And third, does it matter whether or not it was the same al quada that attacked us. They all want the same thing. Our demise. As bin laden said, "we will not rest til the flag of Islam is raised above the white house. And let me tell you friend, they mean it. Its not a matter of will it happen, its when will it happen. They are in every country everywhere. As soon as we let up on the pressure they will attack. Hear what I'm saying friend. Listen
It hugely matters that it wasn't the same people that attacked us. Iraq has been the biggest recruiting tool for the enemy. It should be the president makes informed decisions, but Bush/Cheney obviously didn't. Had they listened to General Powell, they never would have went into Iraq, and would have stuck with Afghanistan so Bin Laden couldn't flee. I agree with you that they will attack again, but in a country with social liberties they will be able too do it. Obama has already broke up a terror cell bigger than any Bush ever did