Well-Known Member
More annecdotal evidence: The President did it again last week when he said, "Democrats are an opinionated bunch. You know, the other side, they just kinda sometimes do what they're told. Democrats, y'all thinkin' for yourselves." That's a contraction for you all. Meaning the President is willing to draw a conclusion about all Democrats.'anecdotal evidence' for the win. (its a logical fallacy, sunshine)
That's cute how you posted the quote, yet totally ignored the fact that I did not state, as you originally claimed, that I did not include all Progressives.
I'm getting tired of proving you wrong. I did not say all. None of those definitions do either.innate:
1 : existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth : native, inborn <innate behavior>
2 : belonging to the essential nature of something : inherent
3 : originating in or derived from the mind or the constitution of the intellect rather than from experience
(and yes, i know you're going to ignore this too)
Thanks for furthering my my point for me.
The proof is in the pudding. You can read, as can the folks at home.if by 'winning' you mean ignoring valid points which refute your argument, name calling, and leaving negative rep like a bratty child, then yeah you sure won, champ.
you are seeking to bicker online, not have a debate. when someone presents evidence against your weak argument you throw a tantrum and insult others rather than approach it in a constructive manner. trolls are here to 'win'.
By focusing on niggling little details in a meager attempt to ignore the actual topic of discussion and expecting an opponent to address every single point you make, no matter how ludicrous, then calling them liars and hypocrites when they don't play by your own personal set of rules, you are the one seeking to bicker.
But I won't call you a troll.
I did not ask you what my definition was. I asked you if you could define it. "Trolls are here to win" is a fine attempt, but hardly a definition.i really don't give a shit how you choose to define it.
I bet the folks at home could define troll for you.
Is that knucklehead for 'I concede?'derp
Well Slugger, it looks like you've struck out once again and I'm getting bored taking you to school. I'm here to deal with the troll.
Be a good lad and piss off now. Shoo!