White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network


Illegal Smile

He picked it up after the tele came back up....

Here's one where the tele didn't get back on.... same thing, but hooboy!! :lol:

You've established that when he's expecting a teleprompter to be working and it stops, he has to pick his train of thought. How about if you impress me and tell me one good fucking thing that the Republican Party is planning to do for America? Because as far as I can tell the best thing it's doing is running itself into extinction as fast as it can.....
If Obama were as smart as we are pretending he would be able to regain his train of thought. But when the teleprompter goes out on Obama, his train of thought leaves the tracks entirely. The teleprompter is a perfect allegory - he "is" the teleprompter just like he "is" the suit and he "is" the image. When you look behind the curtain you see that there is no Wizard of Obama. He is "all" image and "all" packaging and marketing.

As for republicans, how can they plan to do anything? The democrats hold all the votes, control all the committees, they even lock republicans out. There is no fight between democrats and republicans, it is between democrats and other democrats. If the democrats all hang together they win. All republicans can do is suggest, like tort reform and interstate insurance competition, but the suggestions are ignored. If voters want to know what republicans would do, they can put them back in office. And they will!


New Member
It indicates he's simply a talking head..... he speed reads his speech and times up with the tele.... but when for any reason, he is off the cuff.... it all unravels. the very same thing has happened to Obama when he is accosted by a question he didn't expect or prepare for. Stumbling and bumbling....

If the President isn't familiar enough with a topic to talk about it without a script.... what does that tell you? At the very least he isn't even bothering to memorize the speech. At that level of power and governance, we expect a little extra effort.

He's an empty suit.
Dude, like I said he DID NOT HAVE A TELEPROMPTER IN THE McCAIN DEBATES. You need to get off it. I think it's pretty clear to everyone that he is FAR more intelligent than Bush, McCain or Palin. The only one that may come close is Cheney, and he's a draft dodging, traiterous evil shell of what used to be an old man.

Yes the Dems do have total control, and it's a damn shame they don't make better use of it. Reps are just saying no, no, no to everything touting spending(which they should have been during Bush) and coming up with "counterplans" which is typically a budget without pesky things like "numbers" or something along those lines. The only people that can complain about spending are Libertarians, because they didn't tow the line so bad for Bushie.

Obama has been far more active than Bush up to this point, and probly Clinton. Despite Reps empty claims, he has kept America safe for 1 month and 14 days longer than Bush could already. He's doing positive things for someone other than CEO's and investment bankers who raped America and caused the recession. You're going to bitch about it but he's going to make your life better. You'll be saying "KEEP YOUR GODDAMNED DIRTY GOVERNMENT HANDS OFF MY PUBLIC HEALTHCARE!!" just like the old Republicans are saying about Medicare now. You are the dodo birds of politics!! You got shellacked in the last election because nobodys buying your horseshit anymore, and to say the least your party is caving in around itself!!

If Obama were as smart as we are pretending he would be able to regain his train of thought. But when the teleprompter goes out on Obama, his train of thought leaves the tracks entirely. The teleprompter is a perfect allegory - he "is" the teleprompter just like he "is" the suit and he "is" the image. When you look behind the curtain you see that there is no Wizard of Obama. He is "all" image and "all" packaging and marketing.

As for republicans, how can they plan to do anything? The democrats hold all the votes, control all the committees, they even lock republicans out. There is no fight between democrats and republicans, it is between democrats and other democrats. If the democrats all hang together they win. All republicans can do is suggest, like tort reform and interstate insurance competition, but the suggestions are ignored. If voters want to know what republicans would do, they can put them back in office. And they will!


New Member
what's he smokin? :lol:

No, Obama did memorize the scripted debates.... like an SAT test. debates mean hardly anything in the real world of getting to know a president..

So he KNEW what he had to do..... learn the script. Now, he's not even bothering to do that much.

Obama has ZERO experience....and it shows. It may not how to you.... but yah kow what....who cares? It's our enemies who I'm worried about. Obama is being snookered right and left offshore..... they don't respect him, and while they will shower him in public glory (they are all politicians after all), the deals and leaks all indicate they don't really believe it. they see weakness and hubris.

The majority of the country are agreeing with them.

By the way,,,, your sig truly indicates your ignorance.

Illegal Smile

I don't recall who it was that said Putin looked at Obama the way a robin looks at a worm. Great quote!


New Member
No you can't..... they wouldn't associate with a droid like you. The tea folks are tax payers concerned about their country.

You're not.
No you can't..... they wouldn't associate with a droid like you. The tea folks are tax payers concerned about their country.

You're not.
If he had any real knowledge of who or what tea baggers are- and what they're all about- he would be one. If he was smart and a real American. But... some ingnorant anti American told him that tea baggers were 'wrong and bad' and he swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Never knowing who or what these people- the concerned Americans among us- were all about.
He probably thinks that tea baggers are anti Obmama people. When the fact is many Obama supporters are also Tea Baggers.
Mores the pity.

This guy just wants to be an ass. A true Jack Ass.
He deserves a medal for being so butt ugly ignorant.
A poster child for the pusilanomus pedantic psyco babbling nit-wits among us.


New Member
He is simply a progressive liberal....which makes him part of the lowest rung of our social order. They aren't given power often and don't know how to lead, only complain.

Why we see the president of the United States WHINING all the time!!!

Quit the WHINING Obama!!! Man up already.... lead us, and lead us well. So far.... D-


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does anyone else find it pointless to argue with a guy with Che Guevara in his signature?

How is it possible that in today's day and age there are people walking around that don't know that Communism has always been inextricably liked to horrible human rights violations and a complete lack of personal freedom? Are our schools that bad that they tech these kids nothing?

And what is with this idiotic notion that if you haven't figured out how to make a comfortable living it is societies fault and not your own? Does everyone think "the man" is holding them down today? Seems like to many people want to point the finger when they ought to be pulling the thumb. You want to see who is holding you down look in the mirror. You want to get ahead in life, stop whining, get off of your lazy ass and make it happen. And for crying out loud, stop trying to blame everyone else for your failures. You live in America, people are still coming here with the shirt on their back and making it. Go ask these folks about where they came from and why they are here. Damn near all of them left Communist or Socialist Countries to come here because there was no opportunity there.

Get a fucking clue!!!


Active Member
He's telling it like it is. Fox is not news. It is opinion journalism at best. They have lost credibility as a news source, especially once they started putting on tea parties. He never said he won't deal with them, just that he'll deal with them for what they are, the opposition. They should be sued for false advertising, "Fair and Balanced" my ass!


Well-Known Member
He is simply a progressive liberal....which makes him part of the lowest rung of our social order. They aren't given power often and don't know how to lead, only complain.

Why we see the president of the United States WHINING all the time!!!

Quit the WHINING Obama!!! Man up already.... lead us, and lead us well. So far.... D-
You're what a ron paul type of a guy? We liberals were able to get people to vote for our guy and that would put us on the lowest rung of social order? You are delusional.
You're what a ron paul type of a guy? We liberals were able to get people to vote for our guy and that would put us on the lowest rung of social order? You are delusional.
Everything Oblabla said to get elected he has done the opposite. Look it up. He said everything I wanted to hear. Buty when he said he was for change- that's when I realized that he would say anything to be Pres.

I also realized that screaming for change was nothing new to him... being black and coming from Chicago etc.
But what kind of change was he talking about... from bad to worse?
Well... he did it ! He's got change! FROM BAD TO WORSE !
He was a 'commu nity organizer' (Code for gang development) and that's what he's doing.

He is doing the same thing Bush did... spend a bunch of money without our approval (Note who voted for TARP- not one repub- all dems).

But this is Bushes fault. Funny... you all blame the repubs for what one man did.
Well, if you can do it- we can do it too. Is that fair enough for you??
Probably not.
So... let's look at his leadership ability. He's doing the same thing Bush did. So how is he a leader? Looks and sounds like he's a follower.

Bush sucked at talking. Oblabla sucks at thinking. Can't say swquat without his trusty talking point teleprompter.

Oblabla is half white is only good at telling people he's black and knows how to 'change things. (this is true)
But his followers (worshipers) can't seem to see that he's changing things from bad to worse.

Now whose more stupid and bad for America??
"WORDZ" You are as unlearned as your sreaming chid on your page. I'm just wondering which of you is smarter? You are an anti American. But you're to dim witted to see that you won't realize this until our country is destroyed by the economic policy the puppet masters have insisted that Oblabla emplement.

Wake up.

You take one ignorant video and you call that evidence of the whole??

How about we take just one of the videios that shows Oblabla unable to think or speak without a teleprompter?
Does that work for you??

Don't bother answering. You never have done so intellegently - one single time dispite all the facrt based info provided by everyone trying to help you on this blog/forum.

The only fool is the fool who REFUSES to be taught. Proverb.