White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network


New Member
The reason why FOX garners more viewers than MsNbC and CNN COMBINED is because the american people feel they are getting the correct news from FOX.

I give kudos to the sister organizations for resisting the strong arm tactics of the unconstitutional govt. now in power.


Well-Known Member
I should go find some threads from 6 years ago if they exist and rep people.
Please read the name of the thread and tell me how the point pertains to this conversation. Its no more than a hijacking of the current thread.
I realize you might be to stupid to understand the point he was making, but it seems that everyone bitching about Obama calling Fox out..Did these same people bitch when that idiot Bush shut out some media...Now can your simple minded self understand that or do I need to type s l o w e r


Well-Known Member
I realize you might be to stupid to understand the point he was making, but it seems that everyone bitching about Obama calling Fox out..Did these same people bitch when that idiot Bush shut out some media...Now can your simple minded self understand that or do I need to type s l o w e r
Your just making all sorts of friends aren't you?


Well-Known Member
Your just making all sorts of friends aren't you?
Hey don't expect to say something smart out your mouth and me not check you on it...Far as friends ....I make the ones that need to be my friend...all the others well they can just be whatever...this the internet


New Member
Bush was the insane enemy, and now he is the template of the liberals defense..... now that is a principled argument.... :roll:


New Member
Gosh, questioning the govt. is out of vogue as of January huh....

Try keeping your principles no matter who is in office....


Well-Known Member
perhaps y'all might find this relevant

and they wonder why Obama called them out... I see now if you listen to that $hit all day it would have to drive you freakin crazy...Damn just wish it had one clip of Gin Beck crying...Now I do find him funny azz phuck....That coke and booze has fried his brain..I guess some people love perverts ( B O'reilly ), cokehead and alcholic ( Gin Beck ), pill poppin fat azz ( Rush ) and straight up lying Big head Hannity...Me I take my news from places like NPR,CSPAN...hell I would take the Daily Show over Fox....Good job calling them out Obama...


Well-Known Member
I realize you might be to stupid to understand the point he was making, but it seems that everyone bitching about Obama calling Fox out..Did these same people bitch when that idiot Bush shut out some media...Now can your simple minded self understand that or do I need to type s l o w e r
Personal insults are a great way to get you're point across, however, you're message would be much more effective sans the attacks. And tell me, how in the hell do you realize a damn thing about me? I don't believe we've met, but nice try on the assumption.

If you really feel the need to hijack this thread, explain what media were shutout by Bush administration and we can talk about it. However, this assumption that if you are against Obama you are for Bush, is a very simple minded tactic employed by liberals. I guess it's hard to understand for many, that some have a mind of their own and don't automatically fall into the 2 way street of dems and libs, last I checked i'm a gdamn American, and thats not a party. I guess i'm just TOO stupid to see all the great things these 2 corupt parties have to offer.

Next time you want to toss assumptions and insults at me, just remember, saying it over and over DOES NOT make it so, and you need to earn more respect from me before an insult means jack.


Well-Known Member
actually i was just attempting to add some historical context to the issue - i could have gone back a lot further in presidential history and find similar examples of countless presidents who had political issues with the media including Nixon, JFK, Roosevelt and probably every single one of them if you dig deep enough. this is nothing new. but oh boy, it's a hot issue now, isn't it?

nowhere in any post has anyone accused you, Purple, of being a bushy. where did you get that idea? and how is it again that the thread is being hijacked? oh, you mean, by you.


Well-Known Member
Personal insults are a great way to get you're point across, however, you're message would be much more effective sans the attacks. And tell me, how in the hell do you realize a damn thing about me? I don't believe we've met, but nice try on the assumption.

If you really feel the need to hijack this thread, explain what media were shutout by Bush administration and we can talk about it. However, this assumption that if you are against Obama you are for Bush, is a very simple minded tactic employed by liberals. I guess it's hard to understand for many, that some have a mind of their own and don't automatically fall into the 2 way street of dems and libs, last I checked i'm a gdamn American, and thats not a party. I guess i'm just TOO stupid to see all the great things these 2 corupt parties have to offer.

Next time you want to toss assumptions and insults at me, just remember, saying it over and over DOES NOT make it so, and you need to earn more respect from me before an insult means jack.
Wow you commented to me first . I commented on a post that jeffchr made and you came and talk $hit to me , so if you can't take it STFU....and his post was pointing to the fact how "some" of these same folks who bitchn about Obama..what did they do when Bush did the same...Now if this don't apply to you because you hate both STFU ( at least to me ) now don't take my insults personal just don't stay stuck on stupid..and STFU


Well-Known Member
Wow you commented to me first . I commented on a post that jeffchr made and you came and talk $hit to me , so if you can't take it STFU....and his post was pointing to the fact how "some" of these same folks who bitchn about Obama..what did they do when Bush did the same...Now if this don't apply to you because you hate both STFU ( at least to me ) now don't take my insults personal just don't stay stuck on stupid..and STFU
Like I said, the personal attacks are a reflection on you, not me.bongsmilie


New Member
U should. These same folks who were seething anti govt. droids just last December, now think the govt. takeover of private industry and cracking down on free speech is A-OK!!!

December.... govt. is bad!!!
Now..... govt. is best thing since sliced bread. The more debt, the better...higher taxes fantastic!!

Fair weather principles ....