White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network

Yep. The mind of the left. "Why does a Jakass refuse to remember what an elephant will never forget/" We voted for Ron Paul. Obama is a puppet wareing the same clothes as Bush. There is no difference except for one single thing- Oblabla is got America on the fast tract to social construction and individual personal construction DE- struction.
But most government schooled, government fed be-pepole ani't got the since God gave a bucket of wet fish. Mores the pitty.
David Rockefeller said the following to the Builderberg group in Baden Baden in 1991
"We are greatful to the Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meeting and respected their promoses of discretion for almost 40 years. For it would have been imposible for us to create our plan for the world had we been subjected to the bright lights of publisity during those years...."

Now that should get people back on topic.
Maybe- mabe not.

Big P

Well-Known Member
U should. These same folks who were seething anti govt. droids just last December, now think the govt. takeover of private industry and cracking down on free speech is A-OK!!!

December.... govt. is bad!!!
Now..... govt. is best thing since sliced bread. The more debt, the better...higher taxes fantastic!!

Fair weather principles ....

so fellas what say you about the above comment?

is not whats good for the gander still good for the goose? or is the goose paper thin for a reason?

if you are good looking you wouldnt give a shit if people said you were ugly

Libs hate facts too.
One thing is for certain- the Puppet Masters would rather have people (all of us) dukeing it out with one another than to have us start battleing our common enemy- the Puppet Masters themselves.
It all comes down to whos building the New World Order/Global Government and why. BOTH PARTIES HAVE BEEN BUILDING IT FOR YEARS! They are working for their masters- NOT we, the people. And the sooner the American public can get this through their government controlled heads- the better.

The Fox network brings to light what the others won't. This is a simple fact. But- they also are still dancing the 2 party 2 step. They will not allow - none of them will allow a third party on stage.
So, can anyone tell me why? I know why. And for those that also know why - we understand that the answer would destroy the Puppet Masters control over the minds of the people/masses.

Stop dividing yourselves- start building on what we commonly agree on.
Obama is half White. Color means nothing. Actions and words do. If Obama is doing the same thing Bush did- then how can Obama be right and Bush wrong???

Look at the 'Fact of Similarity'. They- both Parties- are dancing the same dance.


Well-Known Member
yeah, have you seen the statistics that the U.S. falling ever slower down the ladder in terms of educational level, math skills, capable scientists??

damn, Fox viewers are among the most MIS INFORMED PEOPLE in the nation...

watch this:

why shouldnt they be called out when this organization clearly lies, THEY TELL THINGS THAT ARE NOT TRUE, and calls them the truth??

no wonder america is getting dumber by the minute, with people like you believing this bullshit....
Every News network in the nation does the same thing, its the tea kettle calling the pot black. They all have agendas and they all spew Propaganda, you have to be objective to see the truth, you have to spend time doing research on the issues that matter the most. Try not to let them divert your attention away from whats really happening.


Well-Known Member
and the white house exercised its free speech by denouncing fox news.
Wait, wait, wait. You are right, they did exercise its free speech. But was it really wise to basically say Fox isn't credible when night after night they post nothing but video/audio clips of corrupt politicians making corrupt statements?

They are essentially saying, "everything fox is showing you isn't true, even though we are on RECORD doing these things"

it sends the wrong message. like saying the american people are stupid and can't see clear evidence of corruption.


Well-Known Member
so fellas what say you about the above comment?

is not whats good for the gander still good for the goose? or is the goose paper thin for a reason?

if you are good looking you wouldnt give a shit if people said you were ugly

but being good looking is only a judgement for others to make, not yourself.

how often are you looking at yourself throughout the day? at the mirror and thats it am i right?

and looking good only matters to you because you want others to think you look good. why else would women take so long to get ready but often don't care what they look like in the privacy of their own home?

Illegal Smile

i dislike liberal policy but you are being extremely hypocritical by calling libs rude and disrespectul and then saying libs like to suck terrorist cock all in the same post.
If you are not a liberal that may be why you seem to be taking "like to suck terrorist cock" as a negative.


New Member
Here is Obama last week at MIT .. his teleprompter malfunctions and instantly ... he hasn't a clue....

Never mind the malfunction, just listening to his BS on health care and trying to run phony numbers in front of a room full of kids from MIT (:lol:), ... you know the joke of the day after that speech was.... boy, am I glad I didn't go to Harvard.... :mrgreen:

" boy, am I glad I didn't go to Harvard.... :mrgreen:

oh, that's funny! BTW We don't have to be the ones that insult. The facts and the clips do enough. The rerroist cock thing actually pulls your other points down. But, it's a free country. Just a bump from another America standing next to you.
I love how R's are talking shit, he stumbled a little bit when the prompter failed, but I'd say he picked it up pretty well. I'd like to see you do a better job. I'd REALLY like to see Bush do a better job. You seem to forget that Obama tore the ass out of McCain WITHOUT A TELEPROMPTER!!!!! But then again, the Republican Party paid the Wall Street Journal to run an add on their website saying McCain had won, and they accidentally ran it before the debate even occured. Whoopsies!!!!!


New Member
He picked it up after the tele came back up....

Here's one where the tele didn't get back on.... same thing, but hooboy!! :lol:


hey haul me ... terrorist cock?? :lol: Wasn't me....
He picked it up after the tele came back up....

Here's one where the tele didn't get back on.... same thing, but hooboy!! :lol:

You've established that when he's expecting a teleprompter to be working and it stops, he has to pick his train of thought. How about if you impress me and tell me one good fucking thing that the Republican Party is planning to do for America? Because as far as I can tell the best thing it's doing is running itself into extinction as fast as it can.....