I did shrooms for the first time, did you experience this?


Active Member
Well i did shrooms a couple weeks ago for the first time. me and my brother both took an 1/8th each. When i started trippin i saw a bunch of veins appear in his face and i saw him aging. my question is just if other people had this experience or if this is unique.
I've seen that before and many other crazy things. Have fun and don't worry about it, it's just drugs...
Oh yeah happens to me almost everytime! i see things grow into the walls and forms shape into the ceilings even the walls bleeding. The mind is all so powerful! Peace
Well i did shrooms a couple weeks ago for the first time. me and my brother both took an 1/8th each. When i started trippin i saw a bunch of veins appear in his face and i saw him aging. my question is just if other people had this experience or if this is unique.
i believe it might depend. i took them one time and my ex's eyebrows looked ridiculous. it kind of distorts things and will make things seem very distorted.
I usuallly will get some of the same stuff and some different stuff each time....my favorite is to just sit and look at my face in a mirror, it always turns into an elf face.
i had a poster on my wall of a single paml tree on the beach. I took my shrooms, an later when kicked in i looked up at the poster an the waves were crashing on the beach an the tree was swayin in the wind. it was sick, like i was in a corona commercial
I have found that the mind sees what it wants to see. If you are in a bad mood you will have a bad trip. If you are in a good mood you will have a good trip. If you subcontiously want to see your brother age then you will. If you want to see the mortar lines in the brick of your house slither like snakes then they will.
my face was covered in war paint when i looked in a mirror
every time you trip its different because your brain will want to take more of the chemical
I have found that the mind sees what it wants to see. If you are in a bad mood you will have a bad trip. If you are in a good mood you will have a good trip. If you subcontiously want to see your brother age then you will. If you want to see the mortar lines in the brick of your house slither like snakes then they will.

Now that's what I call On Demand Entertainment!:mrgreen:
My buddy just ate some shrooms and got 3 charges on him for indecent exposer, resisting arrest, and he could be a sex offender 2. We ate mushrooms together and then he left to hang out w/ his girlfriend ( Which is a huge mistake, Always be with somebody els who is tripping.) he totally freaked out. and went outside of his house witch is a complex, Ass Naked! , and tried tackeling some dude. This was in broad day light at 3:00 in the afternoon. Now that is a bad trip.... Me on the other hand was on cloud 9 enjoying myself and smoking pot...
Well i did shrooms a couple weeks ago for the first time. me and my brother both took an 1/8th each. When i started trippin i saw a bunch of veins appear in his face and i saw him aging. my question is just if other people had this experience or if this is unique.

I have seen all kinds of crazy things on the (I can't even count) numerous times I have eaten shrooms, totally normal. Do some more and see different stuff or not, you may just laugh your ass off all night. It all depends on the type of shrooms you are eating. :peace::mrgreen:
not quite when i made the mistake of taking the bus home by my self there was only 3people on the bus but all i heard was that noise you hear in a fancy resturaunt, like the casual blend of chattering people combined with the occasional fork and knife hitting off plate noise. and it just got louder and faster to the point where it was like yabayaba and got faster and faster and faster as if going into a warp. i got off the bus and quickly walked at 50min walk home from the closest stop to where i was during then i ran into a stretch SUV with flashing lights inside and people were hooting and stuff in side and on the back it said Ecstasy in fancy letters im pretty sure it was real and not a hallucination. fun stuff
has anyone here herd that shrooms make your brain and/or stomach bleed because it is a poison? ive herd this from a few people, i would just like some feedback, thanks.
thats completly normal, ur gonna see the wallls coming to life and bleeding , i wish ihad some shroom right now:joint::hump:
I was living in London when somebody found a loophole in the law a couple years back. Apparently it was legal to sell fresh shrooms. Only dried shrooms were illegal.
Suddenly there were about 10 shops in Camden selling fresh mushrooms.
I would buy a tub and eat them on the tube while going home.
but this only lasted about 2 months or so. There were lots of smiley peeps walking around london during that time. ;) Anyone else in London over that time?