Well-Known Member
I am...just wait till all the illegals here are granted amnesty and given free health care...

I am...just wait till all the illegals here are granted amnesty and given free health care...
^^^ Now there is a brilliant post.Well, I see a huge difference between the young liberal and the strong Progressive. The young liberal usually tends to know nothing about Progressivism.
but with today's struggle with this progressive govt, it really broadens out to Tyranny vs. Liberty. If the young liberals would do a little reseatch into Progressivism and realize that their personal liberal ideals are far from that of the strong Progressive ideals that's so prevolent in every branch of govt.
You know Wordz, I'm really glad you post in this forum. Hanging out here could be a real teachable moment for you.what's wrong with pics of the flag draped coffins being returned from afghanistan? Or should we just sweep it under the carpet like it's not happening
Thank you sir^^^ Now there is a brilliant post.
All one has to do is to do some research on the Progressive movement from the Wilson administration onwards. If one doesn't want to take the time to go back to Wilson, a good starting point would be George Wallace.
You're exactly right about the young liberals of today and their disconnect from Progressivism. Honestly, they have no clue. We have a few posters in this forum exactly like that.![]()
If Obama fails with his corrupt agenda, America will be handed her stay of execution. If Obama succeeds, it's off with your head; that is, if you are what you say you are.
Thank you sir![]()
I'm just fed up with my generation(I'm 20) not knowing the difference. If they really knew the Progressive agenda, pretty sure most of this generation
would do a complete 180 in ideals from where the govt's steering this country today. They never teach you these issues in public school. I've learned
almost everything outside of the classroom, but see, that's how they want it. Education has always been dominantly left. they don't want the youth to
think that limited, balanced govt is what our govt should look like. they've had the education system teach kids that big govt is the way it should be, and
bad things come from the "evil," capitalistic society the founders laid.
LOLOLOL, STFU! you have no idea what you're talking about.President Obama is fixing the economy, ending Bush's wars, and passing a healthcare bill that will help the country. He is also a good Christian family man who goes to church on Sunday. Who are you to question his faith and his love of this county anyhow? It appears as though you're just a bitter racist suffering from ODS - Obama Derangement Syndrome and like it or not he is your President.
And where is the incentive for them to do this Med-'O-Mao? Your progressive friends who run the centralized government that you're so enamored with have placed upon American corporations the second highest tax on earth, second only to Japan. Your progressive friends, under the guise of protecting the environment, have placed upon businesses such strict regulations and control that they cannot move sideways. Your progressive friends have placed the country in such debt, devalued the dollar to such a degree ... is there any wonder businesses have left the country and taken the jobs with them? Will you people with displaced minds, and ham-fisted ideas ever wake up and put aside your politics of envy? You, and your ilk, are ruining the very thing that built the country into the economic power it is ... the free market system.
And by the way Med-'O-Mao ... don't you have some pictures to post of the flag draped coffins being returned from Afghanistan?![]()
LOLOLOL, STFU! you have no idea what you're talking about.
lol all that ill-informed bullshit you just said reminded me of this and how you're doing the same thing, but with politics-
and little does his little pinhead brain understand that its the only system that has lifted entire nations of poverty and misery into thriving societies, ala japan/western europe/etc, with people who were eating out of gutters and shitting in ditches, who can now stand on their own two feet, feed their families and many others, produce goods and services that people want, take their son to the baseball game without fear of the stadium blowing up. in 5 million years of written history (ok i cant back that up 5000 used only for emphasisYou, and your ilk, are ruining the very thing that built the country into the economic power it is ... the free market system.
lol you don't have one good argument. what proof do you have that Obama's fixing the economy? and what proof do you have that his healthcare will help the economy?You sir, are an ignorant cretin of the highest degree.. A FOX news watching mindless robot with an intellect more shallow than a kiddie pool.
notorious, i would just like to say for a kid thats twenty, you have wisdom beyond your years. somewhere in your life, i am guessing a parent, someone has taught you to seek truth. seek out that person and thank them for that. trust me, in the latter years you will wish you did long ago.Thank you sir![]()
I'm just fed up with my generation(I'm 20) not knowing the difference. If they really knew the Progressive agenda, pretty sure most of this generation
would do a complete 180 in ideals from where the govt's steering this country today. They never teach you these issues in public school. I've learned
almost everything outside of the classroom, but see, that's how they want it. Education has always been dominantly left. they don't want the youth to
think that limited, balanced govt is what our govt should look like. they've had the education system teach kids that big govt is the way it should be, and
bad things come from the "evil," capitalistic society the founders laid.
and little does his little pinhead brain understand that its the only system that has lifted entire nations of poverty and misery into thriving societies, ala japan/western europe/etc, with people who were eating out of gutters and shitting in ditches, who can now stand on their own two feet, feed their families and many others, produce goods and services that people want, take their son to the baseball game without fear of the stadium blowing up. in 5 million years of written history (ok i cant back that up 5000 used only for emphasisyour dumbass socialists/communists have never been able to do it. how in the fuck can you miss the trees for the forest. dude/dudete the answer is looking you in the face. the world you want to see is right here. it was written in the constitution, with free markets. it has never been created by any other structure of govt. its not perfect but we work to get better as a people because we are free.
GOD man, look how many people we feed, i mean really feed. not your precious foodstamp program, no thats a fucking joke that turns people into slaves. i mean people fucking starving, with maggots in their eyes and uzis at their heads. we the american people lead the way by any fucking measurment you want to use for helping nations in trouble. no not you and your foodstamp program. the people you call greedy rich bastards and the money they return to the govt and charities that allows us to do it. not greed you stupid ass. its the free other words YOUR FREEDOM. seek truth, seek truth......aahhhhhh...sorry about the foul language, no offense
this is a question that has really baffled me. liberals used to be freedom loving, you know, hippies. hippie doctrine was actually pretty sound exept for 2 areas (my opinion obviously) 1 defense of the nation 2 collectives. their other principles always seemed to be love one another, do your best to help you neighbor, right injustices like race, and most of all let people be free to make their own choices and govt mind your own damn business. pretty sound stuff.I still dont get how there are so many of you small minded, big govt lovers out there. you really think that the govt is out there and governing on your behalf?
if my daughter thinks like you, God be with her.haha you're afraid to take your son to a ballgame cuz you think it will blow up. Go see a shrink.
Good thing we had the feds on it.if my daughter thinks like you, God be with her.
hey moron, they just arrested a bunch of guys around the country with plans to do just that. like last week hello. put the hash down and get out and find out what is happening in the world around you my friend before its to late.
Thanks man. Funny your name is Jeff, since that's my dad's name and he's the one I discuss politics with most. Sorry to hear that you dont get much time with her man. Just gotta hope that she doesnt get sucked into that deceptive liberal mindset. In my high school years, I was much more liberal minded, but I think that's due mainly to the curriculum and the majority of teachers being strong liberals.notorious, i would just like to say for a kid thats twenty, you have wisdom beyond your years. somewhere in your life, i am guessing a parent, someone has taught you to seek truth. seek out that person and thank them for that. trust me, in the latter years you will wish you did long ago.
i have a daughter your age who i dont get to tlk to much (very ugly divorce) and dont know how she feels about many of the issues we discuss here. i will say with out a doubt, if she has your intellect and common sense, i have good reason to be proud of her. God bless you brother, continue to carry the flame!
Lol, I'm not even going to dignify another response to you after this last response, Wordz. you come with no substance to the debate/dialogue taking place in this thread. do some research and maybe become somewhat of an informed individual, then maybe we can all talk like big kids.Good thing we had the feds on it.
what are you talking about no substance. This is what you said "I still dont get how there are so many of you small minded, big govt lovers out there. you really think that the govt is out there and governing on your behalf? get a fucking clue numb-nuts!" then I saw that the one guy is afraid to go in public because he might get blown up. All I'm saying is good thing big ol' government who is working on our behalf stopped the terrorists. So are you for or against the government?Lol, I'm not even going to dignify another response to you after this last response, Wordz. you come with no substance to the debate/dialogue taking place in this thread. do some research and maybe become somewhat of an informed individual, then maybe we can all talk like big kids.![]()