What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

Some of you Obama haters seem to forget that President Obama inherited this mess. It was Bush who spent 8 years setting the record for waste and abuse then just left his fuck ups for Obama to fix when he went back to Texas.

My head hurts!!!! :-x
Some of you Obama haters seem to forget that President Obama inherited this mess. It was Bush who spent 8 years setting the record for waste and abuse then just left his fuck ups for Obama to fix when he went back to Texas.

spoken just like obama would speak it

it's the same people running the financial game in washington. replace bush, put obama in there, and nothing has changed. under bush, the treasury secretary (paulson) was a previous goldman sach CEO. Under obama, treasury secretary geithner is the previous president of the NY federal reserve bank.

it's a revolving door between wallstreet and washington, and when it comes down to it there IS no difference between wallstreet and washington. the bailouts weren't necessary...executive salaries for goldman sachs averaged $14 million annually, and the company's assets are worth trillions. the bailouts and tarp money for these crooks was nothing but compensation and robbery of the american public and guess what? Goldman is on-point to dish out $700,000 in compensation for each of its 31,000+ employees.

the same financial policies continue, and are continuing now, at an exponential rate. the banks RUN the financial system...a communist system, btw, that is designed to destroy the middle class

in the words of George Carlin..."it's a big CLUB, and you and I ain't in it"
spoken just like obama would speak it

it's the same people running the financial game in washington. replace bush, put obama in there, and nothing has changed. under bush, the treasury secretary (paulson) was a previous goldman sach CEO. Under obama, treasury secretary geithner is the previous president of the NY federal reserve bank.

it's a revolving door between wallstreet and washington, and when it comes down to it there IS no difference between wallstreet and washington. the bailouts weren't necessary...executive salaries for goldman sachs averaged $14 million annually, and the company's assets are worth trillions. the bailouts and tarp money for these crooks was nothing but compensation and robbery of the american public and guess what? Goldman is on-point to dish out $700,000 in compensation for each of its 31,000+ employees.

the same financial policies continue, and are continuing now, at an exponential rate. the banks RUN the financial system...a communist system, btw, that is designed to destroy the middle class

in the words of George Carlin..."it's a big CLUB, and you and I ain't in it"

Horsepuckey. The sky is not falling and everything is going to be all right.
Hey face it . All politicians are either greedy crooks or will be soon. Vote for a nobody, a bum, a dunkin donuts attendent, just please no more lying cheating greedy polititians !!!!
Some of you Obama haters seem to forget that President Obama inherited this mess. It was Bush who spent 8 years setting the record for waste and abuse then just left his fuck ups for Obama to fix when he went back to Texas.

Yup it is all Bush's fault...
What a great job Obama is doing cleaning it up!!!!

Are you saying that I should not advocate for true freedom because it is too difficult to achieve? You seem to suggest that one should advocate for the RIGHT thing only if there is a chance of achieving this thing. It's like a slave saying to another slave, "Stop wishing for freedom, it will never come." Going with the flow is certainly a valid strategy, and I can respect you for taking that path, but it's not in my nature to follow you.

The vast majority of people do not want less responsibility and more handouts. Those who do are just addicted to government and need an intervention.
You can put words into my mouth, but that is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is take a look at human nature my friend. This whole shangri-la depends on everybody giving and no one taking. People are greedy. Our whole lives we are taught to fight our instincts and still there are so many people who don't or won't. If we can stamp out greed and hatred this type of society may have a chance but until then.....
that's a cool pic I didn't realize our economy was at 0

oh, I'm sorry, that is what they call a parody, or sort of like a caricature. You know, an exagerated cartoon. .a joke........tongue in cheek...facious.
that's a cool pic I didn't realize our economy was at 0

ya if you cant remeber its what you guys like to do so much with this guy


whats a-mata?? cant-a take-a da heat-a??


best step your ass outa the kitchen:bigjoint:
OK. I only read to like page 3 or 4 but the day this country lets Mexico or Canada, heck, even any of those European countries (Not Russia) take any part of the U.S. is the day pigs fly. It's far more likely the U.S. annexes Canada or Mexico. I've always thought we should just annex Mexico anyways. What are they going to do? Some say they are becoming all industrialized and they are an emerging economy. I say they're still an undeveloped third world country. Forgive me but Canada on the other hand with its 30 million all along the border is like a small town next to a big city. A suburb. All ready part of the U.S. No need to officially annex. Although I'd rather Mexico wasn't swallowed whole and divided into states but was treated like Puerto Rico and made an incorporated territory rather than states. I'm done writing but am going to unleash this post to hostile enemy fire. Au revoir.
You can put words into my mouth, but that is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is take a look at human nature my friend. This whole shangri-la depends on everybody giving and no one taking. People are greedy. Our whole lives we are taught to fight our instincts and still there are so many people who don't or won't. If we can stamp out greed and hatred this type of society may have a chance but until then.....

I don't mean to put words in your mouth, but I am trying to define your fundamental arguments. Feel free to correct me where you feel I misrepresent you.

1. The current system is a form of salvery whereby we cannot choose to voluntarily disassociate with the central power.

2. A society where people are free to engage in only voluntary relationships is NOT a utopia.

3. Stamping out greed and hatred is not a prerequisite for establishing a stateless society. Please explain specifically why you feel so strongly that it is, otherwise we are not debating anything concrete.

This whole shangri-la depends on everybody giving and no one taking.

I'm sorry, but if you are talking about free market anarchism, you couldn't be further from the truth here. You aren't even in the ballpark with this statement.
Well, it seems like the general consensus from pretty much everyone in this thread is that the economy will collapse. Interesting. What are you guys doing to prepare? Luckily there are plenty of people that feel the economy is fine and nothing will go wrong, these people will not survive. As a result, we will not have to compete with these people.
Well, it seems like the general consensus from pretty much everyone in this thread is that the economy will collapse. Interesting. What are you guys doing to prepare? Luckily there are plenty of people that feel the economy is fine and nothing will go wrong, these people will not survive. As a result, we will not have to compete with these people.

Once I begin taking distributions from my business, I'm going to begin investing more in gold. Don't really know though. It's probably something I should start looking into more.