

Well-Known Member
Can't figure out the rep system, even after multiple explanations by multiple posters.

Can't figure out how to post anything remotely readable.

A pattern is emerging.
LOOOOOL, figured out from your own post (which you stand by;-)) that you get one a week.....
keep showing your hypocrisy, whatever does it for you.
Again, only atheists have given me neg-rep. I love showing you the to be the hypocrites you are.
That makes two now, LOL......keep me on your calender. Thus far, you have it just about to the hour, LOL.


Well-Known Member
This word, "hypocrites", I do not think it means what she think it means.

Should the person that gave me a neg rep be considered a hypocrite or doing so? No. They didn't like what I had to say. I certainly don't mind. I would have liked to have it signed, though I'm 99% certain who it was, it would still be nice for them to have stood behind their words.

Now if you want hypocritical that would be Babs and Green Cross saying we're horrible for coming in and attacking their religion and then both railing against the fact that there's no prayer in schools.

So it's wrong for us to argue against religion, but you want the right to force it on children. How delightful.

I haven't seen any evidence of someone being forced to not engage in their own prayer in school. They can feel free to show some. Of course Babs likes to exclaim about stuff like that and the Rainbow Parties with no backing evidence whatsoever. It must be nice to live in a world where you don't require proof for anything as long as it suits your viewpoint.

The important thing is that religion not be pushed upon any student by any other student, faculty member, or board ruling. There are Christian clubs in high schools and Colleges, but they are voluntary and not mandated upon the children. If you want your kids to pray in school, send them to a religious school if it's so important to you.

Imagine is a man walked up to your children and told them that if they didn't follow his rules and provide him with the love he demanded he would torture them by setting them on fire.

You'd want him dead for abusing your children.

Now put a bible in his hand and have him tell them if they don't follow "God's" rules and provide him with the love he demands , God will torture them for eternity in Hell.

That's child abuse. Plain and simple.

How many children lie awake at night, terrified of displeasing "God" and pretending around their parents that everything is okay.

Yet putting the "fear of God" into someone is supposedly a good thing. It's sick.

Watch "Deborah 13: Servant of God" and see how this abusive concept of God, hellfire, and sin can leave a child so damaged they become an Evangelist out of the sheer terror that they might burn.

If there were even the slightest chance that demons existed, the most effective place for them to do the most damage would be by authoring a demented book of scripture, that demands families split or do violence if any of them should be unbelievers, and that the mere questioning or denying that Jesus was a Messiah earned you stripes in hell.

If there was a creator, who crafted a universe with billions upon billions of stars, what concern would it have with this planet, peering into the lives of every living thing and demanding love and worship of it like some petty little dictator hovering over an anthill, making judgements against humanity that sound more like the ravings of misogynistic, slave driving, savages than a being of infinite grace and wisdom.

If a creator exists, it is not the small and vicious gods birthed by man.


This word, "hypocrites", I do not think it means what she think it means.

Should the person that gave me a neg rep be considered a hypocrite or doing so? No. They didn't like what I had to say. I certainly don't mind. I would have liked to have it signed, though I'm 99% certain who it was, it would still be nice for them to have stood behind their words.

Now if you want hypocritical that would be Babs and Green Cross saying we're horrible for coming in and attacking their religion and then both railing against the fact that there's no prayer in schools.

So it's wrong for us to argue against religion, but you want the right to force it on children. How delightful.

I haven't seen any evidence of someone being forced to not engage in their own prayer in school. They can feel free to show some. Of course Babs likes to exclaim about stuff like that and the Rainbow Parties with no backing evidence whatsoever. It must be nice to live in a world where you don't require proof for anything as long as it suits your viewpoint.

The important thing is that religion not be pushed upon any student by any other student, faculty member, or board ruling. There are Christian clubs in high schools and Colleges, but they are voluntary and not mandated upon the children. If you want your kids to pray in school, send them to a religious school if it's so important to you.

Imagine is a man walked up to your children and told them that if they didn't follow his rules and provide him with the love he demanded he would torture them by setting them on fire.

You'd want him dead for abusing your children.

Now put a bible in his hand and have him tell them if they don't follow "God's" rules and provide him with the love he demands , God will torture them for eternity in Hell.

That's child abuse. Plain and simple.

How many children lie awake at night, terrified of displeasing "God" and pretending around their parents that everything is okay.

Yet putting the "fear of God" into someone is supposedly a good thing. It's sick.

Watch "Deborah 13: Servant of God" and see how this abusive concept of God, hellfire, and sin can leave a child so damaged they become an Evangelist out of the sheer terror that they might burn.

If there were even the slightest chance that demons existed, the most effective place for them to do the most damage would be by authoring a demented book of scripture, that demands families split or do violence if any of them should be unbelievers, and that the mere questioning or denying that Jesus was a Messiah earned you stripes in hell.

If there was a creator, who crafted a universe with billions upon billions of stars, what concern would it have with this planet, peering into the lives of every living thing and demanding love and worship of it like some petty little dictator hovering over an anthill, making judgements against humanity that sound more like the ravings of misogynistic, slave driving, savages than a being of infinite grace and wisdom.

If a creator exists, it is not the small and vicious gods birthed by man.

Great post man, just wanted to say. Can't give you more rep.

I'm starting a new thread soon, hope to see you there! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Just replace a few of these words, very few, with "atheists"......look in the mirror.
Thankfully not all atheists are as pig headed as you three.
American Nazi Party - Who we are
Who we are

Racial Greetings White Brothers and Sisters!
The American Nazi Party is a Political-Educational Association, dedicated to the 14 WORDS. We are committed to bringing American National Socialism, first created and embodied by our late Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, out of the past Phase One activities which at the time served their purpose well, and into the 21st Century.
Although National Socialism encompasses many various issues of concern to Aryan Americans, including a healthy environment, children's welfare, and freedom of belief without fear of System persecution...the two main tenants of National Socialism embodies the Struggle for Aryan Racial survival, and Social Justice for White Working Class people throughout our land.
As Aryan Revolutionaries, we recognize the fact that behaving in the manner of past activities, little progress has been achieved for our Cause. That is why we have taken a new direction. In the American Nazi Party, you will find no uniforms or ranks, we do not engage in publicly exposing our Comrades to undo publicity through pointless and dangerous Rallies or Marches. We instead stress Small Cell, and Individual Activism as the path for which to build our Movement, as securely and in a responsible manner as possible.
We are looking for Men and Women, who are willing to sacrifice for the Good of the Folk, not people who are looking for aggrandizement, titillation, or simply causing undirected and useless mayhem. This is not a game or a gang.
It is a very serious Struggle that we are involved in for the very existence of our White Nation of people. Those who are simply intent on pranks or causing trouble should perhaps look elsewhere for stimulation.
If you are interested in learning more about the American Nazi Party, we suggest writing to our National Headquarters and requesting an Info Pack.
Please enclose a $5 donation to cover costs. This information will be relayed to you as quickly as possible.
Each of us must decide just how far we will let the situation in America deteriorate, before we decide to take action to correct it. If you have had enough, and are willing to join the ranks of your ancestors who forged this land from a wilderness teeming with savages, and to keep it from returning to that state, we urge you to become involved. For your children's sake, if not for your own. For White WORKER Power!

Rocky J. Suhayda - Chairman, American Nazi Party

[email protected]
Download Adolf Hitler's masterpiece Mein Kampf HERE.


Well-Known Member
Just when we though you had maxed out, you just had to top it off with supernova of ignorance.

Aryan Nations (AN) is a white nationalist neo-Nazi organization founded in the 1970s by Richard Girnt Butler as an arm of the Christian Identity group Church of Jesus Christ-Christian. As of December 2007 there were two main factions that claimed descent from Butler's group. Aryan Nations has been called a "terrorist threat" by the FBI,[1] and the RAND Corporation has called it the "first truly nationwide terrorist network" in the USA.[2]

They're good Christians, Babs.
And you want to pawn them off on us?

You can keep them. Maybe they can teach in your prayer school.


Well-Known Member
This word, "hypocrites", I do not think it means what she think it means.

Should the person that gave me a neg rep be considered a hypocrite or doing so? No. They didn't like what I had to say. I certainly don't mind. I would have liked to have it signed, though I'm 99% certain who it was, it would still be nice for them to have stood behind their words.

Now if you want hypocritical that would be Babs and Green Cross saying we're horrible for coming in and attacking their religion and then both railing against the fact that there's no prayer in schools.

So it's wrong for us to argue against religion, but you want the right to force it on children. How delightful.

I haven't seen any evidence of someone being forced to not engage in their own prayer in school. They can feel free to show some. Of course Babs likes to exclaim about stuff like that and the Rainbow Parties with no backing evidence whatsoever. It must be nice to live in a world where you don't require proof for anything as long as it suits your viewpoint.

The important thing is that religion not be pushed upon any student by any other student, faculty member, or board ruling. There are Christian clubs in high schools and Colleges, but they are voluntary and not mandated upon the children. If you want your kids to pray in school, send them to a religious school if it's so important to you.

Imagine is a man walked up to your children and told them that if they didn't follow his rules and provide him with the love he demanded he would torture them by setting them on fire.

You'd want him dead for abusing your children.

Now put a bible in his hand and have him tell them if they don't follow "God's" rules and provide him with the love he demands , God will torture them for eternity in Hell.

That's child abuse. Plain and simple.

How many children lie awake at night, terrified of displeasing "God" and pretending around their parents that everything is okay.

Yet putting the "fear of God" into someone is supposedly a good thing. It's sick.

Watch "Deborah 13: Servant of God" and see how this abusive concept of God, hellfire, and sin can leave a child so damaged they become an Evangelist out of the sheer terror that they might burn.

If there were even the slightest chance that demons existed, the most effective place for them to do the most damage would be by authoring a demented book of scripture, that demands families split or do violence if any of them should be unbelievers, and that the mere questioning or denying that Jesus was a Messiah earned you stripes in hell.

If there was a creator, who crafted a universe with billions upon billions of stars, what concern would it have with this planet, peering into the lives of every living thing and demanding love and worship of it like some petty little dictator hovering over an anthill, making judgements against humanity that sound more like the ravings of misogynistic, slave driving, savages than a being of infinite grace and wisdom.

If a creator exists, it is not the small and vicious gods birthed by man.

It must be nice to live in a world where you don't require proof for anything as long as it suits your viewpoint.
Indeed morgen, it must be.
Worry about your own sexual proclivities and stick to that you phobic bitch.
Thank you for showing that you are an idiot who prides herself on ignorance and homophobia, and still considers that morality.

You're a homophobic cunt*, but I'm not sure if you're racist.

.......and you just keep right on telling me PRECISELY what I believe without requiring proof, because it suits your viewpoint.


Well-Known Member
This word, "hypocrites", I do not think it means what she think it means.

Should the person that gave me a neg rep be considered a hypocrite or doing so? No. They didn't like what I had to say. I certainly don't mind. I would have liked to have it signed, though I'm 99% certain who it was, it would still be nice for them to have stood behind their words.

Now if you want hypocritical that would be Babs and Green Cross saying we're horrible for coming in and attacking their religion and then both railing against the fact that there's no prayer in schools.

So it's wrong for us to argue against religion, but you want the right to force it on children. How delightful.

I haven't seen any evidence of someone being forced to not engage in their own prayer in school. They can feel free to show some. Of course Babs likes to exclaim about stuff like that and the Rainbow Parties with no backing evidence whatsoever. It must be nice to live in a world where you don't require proof for anything as long as it suits your viewpoint.

The important thing is that religion not be pushed upon any student by any other student, faculty member, or board ruling. There are Christian clubs in high schools and Colleges, but they are voluntary and not mandated upon the children. If you want your kids to pray in school, send them to a religious school if it's so important to you.

Imagine is a man walked up to your children and told them that if they didn't follow his rules and provide him with the love he demanded he would torture them by setting them on fire.

You'd want him dead for abusing your children.

Now put a bible in his hand and have him tell them if they don't follow "God's" rules and provide him with the love he demands , God will torture them for eternity in Hell.

That's child abuse. Plain and simple.

How many children lie awake at night, terrified of displeasing "God" and pretending around their parents that everything is okay.

Yet putting the "fear of God" into someone is supposedly a good thing. It's sick.

Watch "Deborah 13: Servant of God" and see how this abusive concept of God, hellfire, and sin can leave a child so damaged they become an Evangelist out of the sheer terror that they might burn.

If there were even the slightest chance that demons existed, the most effective place for them to do the most damage would be by authoring a demented book of scripture, that demands families split or do violence if any of them should be unbelievers, and that the mere questioning or denying that Jesus was a Messiah earned you stripes in hell.

If there was a creator, who crafted a universe with billions upon billions of stars, what concern would it have with this planet, peering into the lives of every living thing and demanding love and worship of it like some petty little dictator hovering over an anthill, making judgements against humanity that sound more like the ravings of misogynistic, slave driving, savages than a being of infinite grace and wisdom.

If a creator exists, it is not the small and vicious gods birthed by man.
Just when we though you had maxed out, you just had to top it off with supernova of ignorance.

Aryan Nations (AN) is a white nationalist neo-Nazi organization founded in the 1970s by Richard Girnt Butler as an arm of the Christian Identity group Church of Jesus Christ-Christian. As of December 2007 there were two main factions that claimed descent from Butler's group. Aryan Nations has been called a "terrorist threat" by the FBI,[1] and the RAND Corporation has called it the "first truly nationwide terrorist network" in the USA.[2]

They're good Christians, Babs.
And you want to pawn them off on us?

You can keep them. Maybe they can teach in your prayer school.
I did say "just replace a FEW of those words" just don't read morgen.
Your own words (LIES) fail you every time. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I did say "just replace a FEW of those words" just don't read morgen.
Your own words (LIES) fail you every time. ;-)
You can't turn us into christians by substituting some words Babs.

Here's something you might understand since you're obsessed with rep. 7 out of the last nine people to rep me in the past two days were people I've never interacted with on here, that were cheering me on for dealing with your nonsense.

If you want to compare atheists to Christian White Supremacists you only make yourself look stupid.

And yes, you do look like a hypocritical homophobe when you say your brother is a "flamer" (your word, not mine) but you ranted about bisexual women.

You're no different than the judge who says he has black friends but won't marry black and white couples.


You can't turn us into christians by substituting some words Babs.

Here's something you might understand since you're obsessed with rep. 7 out of the last nine people to rep me in the past two days were people I've never interacted with on here, that were cheering me on for dealing with your nonsense.

If you want to compare atheists to Christian White Supremacists you only make yourself look stupid.

And yes, you do look like a hypocritical homophobe when you say your brother is a "flamer" (your word, not mine) but you ranted about bisexual women.

You're no different than the judge who says he has black friends but won't marry black and white couples.

this is like the globetrotters vs a preteen girlscout basketball league...

Keep knockin' em' down Morgen! :bigjoint:

Check this out Babs, you too Braz and Maui...


What do you think of this chicks conduct?


Well-Known Member
You can't turn us into christians by substituting some words Babs.

Here's something you might understand since you're obsessed with rep. 7 out of the last nine people to rep me in the past two days were people I've never interacted with on here, that were cheering me on for dealing with your nonsense.

If you want to compare atheists to Christian White Supremacists you only make yourself look stupid.

And yes, you do look like a hypocritical homophobe when you say your brother is a "flamer" (your word, not mine) but you ranted about bisexual women.

You're no different than the judge who says he has black friends but won't marry black and white couples.
And morgen, you can't define ME, or my beliefs, by your blatant lies. Your entire argument has been so insanely off base.

Your own words prove you a liar again and again.

I did not call him a flamer. I said he is in VERY OBVIOUSLY gay......not one in the closet--know what I mean. ;-)

I did no such thing ranting about bi-sexual women.
My simple point was EXACTLY WHAT I SAID.........people are becoming bi-sexual because it's en vogue---look it up morgen.

And keep rolling with your lies and fabrications......I'll keep exposing them.

HEHE, kudos to you! YAY, you got +rep for your lies.....must be the antagonizing friends you have that frequent spiritual threads for the SOLE purpose to harangue.

Cj brags about "having" to neg rep to prove something, while you brag about GETTING postive rep for your lies and incessant need to badger good people.

Now you want to go on a black and white tangent? You're sad morgen.

And how very pathetic that you and cj (all your 'buddies') define your lives by the "rep" received on RIU, really is entertaining.


Well-Known Member
I don't care about the rep. But as has been pointed out to you again and again you raved and ranted about one negative rep from someone you couldn't identify for post after post after post, only to accuse the wrong person of it and have to get a virtual slap to show what a spaz you are. So it's a little fun to jerk your chain about it while it's still a sore spot for you.

I don't even believe anyone had mentioned their rep until you went on your little apeshit tirade.
But you've made such a point of blathering on about the neg, I know it's driving you bonkers.
Well, more bonkers.

I love that your primary argument consists of correcting the tense of flamer/flaming. Bravo.

And what does it matter to you if women are becoming more open with their bisexuality. It's not like they're trying to recruit out of schools for Sunday Bisexual School.

You say it's because it's "en vogue". Well, it could also be because admitting to being attracted to the same sex isn't the life ruining, possible death sentence that it used to be. At least in the less religious states. Matthew Shepherd might disagree, or he would if he was still alive. Things can change in 10 years, but you can't bring a dead kid back to life.

Unless of course you're a "True Believer"(tm). That whole bit about "True Believers" being able to cure with just their hands is awesome. Can they resurrect too? That would be awesome.

Only one question though... where are they?

I see a lot of doctors who went to school for 8 years or more to be able to practice medicine, yet all they had to do was truly believe in Jesus and BAM! Healing powers.

Mark 16:18 ...they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

But then the total lack of people able to do that would mean there are no true believers, and that would be sad.

Oh shit! I misread it. Now that I see the application of "they" in the sentence I see what it really means.

They (the true believers) shall lay hands on the sick, and they (the true believers) shall recover.

So the true believers are actually some kind of spiritual vampires for Jesus, sucking the life force from the ill to power the coming Tribulation.

The people must be warned. The children and bank accounts protected.

The Rapture is coming and God needs money.


Well-Known Member
What do you think of this chicks conduct?

After two minutes of viewing?.......I think she was in the band. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
What do you think of this chicks conduct?
She's a Poe. They were featured on Pharyngula a couple of months back. Really had people worked up because everyone knew someone like that. Shudder.

But she's definitely part of an acting troupe. They do skits on various topics such as this.

I wish I had an eidetic memory instead of a merely obsessive compulsive information addiction. :)

Okay, real sleepy time now.