What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??


I always maintain one full closet of emergency food. Started small with hurricanes and have now expanded it to triple the size.

These noodles are the bomb and since dehydrated...last forever. super delicious and great shelf life.

If I whisk on out of the country, I'm going to be giving away a ton of free food to me neighbors.... :lol:

And please, if you have large amounts of liquid assets, start moving it offshore. Not all of it, but the portion that you never touch.... the lock box accounts or holdings. Get them away from the shaky law which will form.

:-D Oh, your posts always have something a person can love.
Very nice stuff NoDrama. I have the weapons portion covered, and then some. I definitely need to stock up on the ammo though. What is the shelf life of the Pemmican bars? I started canning food recently and I am selecting foods for canning based on their longevity, so any foodstuff that lasts is of great interest to me.

Real Pemmican is made from meat,fat, salt, bone tallow, berries. It can last for years and years. Its kinda nasty if you aren't really hungry, but go without food for a week and it will seem like a feast. You don't have to add the berries.

Probably the number one hardship one will have to endure is the lack of electricity if it really gets bad. No one can really prepare for this unless they already live off the grid. Life will be drastically different.
That's a common mistranslation of middle earth language.... they don't love pemmican.... they love pelican. So tasty and the pouch keeps ur beer cold.
and guess what as of today the canadian dollar is just as powerful as the currency we once called "THE ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR"



ah yes so true
it is amazing how fast Obama was able to destroy EVERYTHING
When you have a President elected who starts to strip and shred the constitution ... it matters. they aren't all the same.
When you have a President elected who starts to strip and shred the constitution ... it matters. they aren't all the same.
And also presidents 100years ago were already stripping your constitutional rights before you were born... So it really has nothing to do with the current president or presidents in the past.. They're merely puppets...
Sure...puppets. Wake up. No President has reduced our personal freedoms more in 9 months. The upcoming treaty at Copenhagen will for the first time in our country's history hand over our sovereignty to a foreign entity.

Wake up.... they are not puppets. If they were, we wouldn't have all the wobbles from right to left and backtracking of policies. It would be a steady push in one direction if there was a man behind a curtain pulling the strings.
Sure...puppets. Wake up. No President has reduced our personal freedoms more in 9 months. The upcoming treaty at Copenhagen will for the first time in our country's history hand over our sovereignty to a foreign entity.

Wake up.... they are not puppets. If they were, we wouldn't have all the wobbles from right to left and backtracking of policies. It would be a steady push in one direction if there was a man behind a curtain pulling the strings.

CJ its been a steady push to the left side since 1913, once in a while you get an administration that sees through the BS and actually tries to help the citizen, but they usually get assassinated. Slowly and pervasively is how they do it. so subtle that hardly anyone notices.

You know its true. R and D alike have screwed us all. And on the flip side both R and D have stood up for us. Kennedy was the last D who really tried to make a difference in our lives and Reagan was the last R. The last 20 years they have accelerated the program of social engineering.

I agree. We need to put the Senate selection process back to the founding fathers intent. Half the lobbying would immediately cease to exist.
spoken just like obama would speak it

it's the same people running the financial game in washington. replace bush, put obama in there, and nothing has changed. under bush, the treasury secretary (paulson) was a previous goldman sach CEO. Under obama, treasury secretary geithner is the previous president of the NY federal reserve bank.

it's a revolving door between wallstreet and washington, and when it comes down to it there IS no difference between wallstreet and washington. the bailouts weren't necessary...executive salaries for goldman sachs averaged $14 million annually, and the company's assets are worth trillions. the bailouts and tarp money for these crooks was nothing but compensation and robbery of the american public and guess what? Goldman is on-point to dish out $700,000 in compensation for each of its 31,000+ employees.

the same financial policies continue, and are continuing now, at an exponential rate. the banks RUN the financial system...a communist system, btw, that is designed to destroy the middle class

in the words of George Carlin..."it's a big CLUB, and you and I ain't in it"

The above facts are worth remembering for life!! Budsmoker87 is right on target !
CJ its been a steady push to the left side since 1913, once in a while you get an administration that sees through the BS and actually tries to help the citizen, but they usually get assassinated. Slowly and pervasively is how they do it. so subtle that hardly anyone notices.

You know its true. R and D alike have screwed us all. And on the flip side both R and D have stood up for us. Kennedy was the last D who really tried to make a difference in our lives and Reagan was the last R. The last 20 years they have accelerated the program of social engineering.


When referring to Kennedy above- it was John F. Not Ted everyone.
Just clarifying the facts above.
I'm not proud of this but... I used to call him 'Ted -I'm dead in the head- Kennedy' before he died.
Kind of ironic now when you think about it. (I don't think about it anymore but thought some of you might like to).