Now this I have got to see.. What is the name of your show? Are you Glenn Beck??
WE are beyond Glen Beck and all the other peop[le you may dislike.
You will know soon enough who or what we are.
I will say this- we are a decent media network created for the decent Americans among us.
"Hello Margarette - are you decent!!!???"
Libs can write, do radio and film too! So don't think for one second that this is NOT your cup of tea !
Come, come Dumb, Dumb... welcome to the world of Rock and Roll!!
Sad fact is libs are out gunned on every issue and in every educated and conceivable way imaginable.
Don't believe me look at your posts.
But you are still welcome whom EVER you might be.
(I'm the small nut behind the big wheel and we're Bubble Heads!)
so stay cool!