I don't think our situation is the result of some vast conspiracy...I think it has more to do with ignorance, political expediency, and just generally bad decisions.
There is no conspiracy. It's been in the light of day.
All you have to do is tell me why they(whomever, where ever and whenever) never told you the facts???
Theres your 'ignorance'. (not by your desire but from or because - they withheld information from you)
They only taught what they were told to teach.
That includes their 'Political expediency'.
Bad decisions? " Evil triumphs when good me do nothing"
So, you are right in many ways but .... theres more to the story isn't there?
You have all the facts (I hope) now conect the information. One thing AFYTER another. A + B + C + D etc.
Let the facts paint the picture!
Fuck words and opinion!
And political parties!
Hang tight with those that know in your sphere of friends.
You are only as good as the company you keep!