What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

WE are beyond Glen Beck and all the other peop[le you may dislike.

You will know soon enough who or what we are.

I will say this- we are a decent media network created for the decent Americans among us.

"Hello Margarette - are you decent!!!???"

Libs can write, do radio and film too! So don't think for one second that this is NOT your cup of tea !

Come, come Dumb, Dumb... welcome to the world of Rock and Roll!!

Sad fact is libs are out gunned on every issue and in every educated and conceivable way imaginable.

Don't believe me look at your posts.

But you are still welcome whom EVER you might be.

(I'm the small nut behind the big wheel and we're Bubble Heads!)
so stay cool!

Come on now Mr. Big Talker and tell us all what the name of your program is. Is it on the radio or is it on FOX?
But in all actuality, the US can never go bankrupt...we will always be able to pay off our debts, in that we have a printing press...the problem is what happens when you use a printing press to pay off your debts.
The magazine will be in every community in America. It's a people based media network. Print, Radio and Film. Each community has there own full color print magazine and local audio network and filming operation.

I will tell all of you more when we open up the door.

We are at the end of our third national test market run. What we learned in the first was applied to the second and what we learned in the second we applied to the thisrd.

Do you really kno0w why they want the 'Fairness DOCTRINE??

COME COME DUMB DUMB Welcome to the World of Rock and Ro!! !!!

Can't wait to give you the site- an open for public site!!
What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

I t already has.
The sooner a person understands this the better.

You have to have IMAGINATION to answer this question. If you are as dumb as a bag of hammers (believing the the Government will take care of you) you have no hope.
Why? Because you lacked the imagination to understand just what the collapse of a country/world means.

Simple answer. Lock and load and load up. And then load up again and them IMAGINE what it will be like if you are the only oner that has anything- everything that everybody wants.

Imagin that and then. lock and load and load up (starting now)/

Only those who are smart NOW will /maybe make it through to the end.
More than likly not however.

It will be more fucked than any of us have yet to IMAGINE!
The magazine will be in every community in America. It's a people based media network. Print, Radio and Film. Each community has there own full color print magazine and local audio network and filming operation.

I will tell all of you more when we open up the door.

We are at the end of our third national test market run. What we learned in the first was applied to the second and what we learned in the second we applied to the thisrd.

Do you really kno0w why they want the 'Fairness DOCTRINE??

COME COME DUMB DUMB Welcome to the World of Rock and Ro!! !!!

Can't wait to give you the site- an open for public site!!

I see, so the program it doesn't exist. lol. You've got a bigger head than Glenn Beck and you're not even on youtube.
Our money isnt backed by anything other than by our williness to work for it. And yes they will just print some more the fed is an amazing scandal of banks if you want a realistic perspective on economics watch zeitgeist
OK. I've said this before, the U.S. CANNOT be bankrupt. Bankruptcy is a legally declared inability or impairment of ability of an individual or organization to pay its creditors.

We've been 'bankrupt' as a nation since 1933. Look it up. But you are riight. As long as the Fed prints all the 'money' we need (they get T-Bills in exchange) we can do what we want. As LONG AS THERE IS A BUYER!

bankrupt happeneds when there are no more buuers of US T- Bills.
So you are both Right and .....
Zeitgeist, a movie on conspiracy theories provides a realistic perspective on the world??

Education will help to see the facts behind what some say is a conspiracy. You are using the word in an off way. Most of what is presented is fact. The presentation is a bit, different.
Look at the facts being presented. Check them to see if they are true. Then you will see, know and understand- It's not what you say but in how you say it.

It's not hear but in how you hear it. And so on.

You have a mind for this. It's easy. CHECK THE FACTS BEING PRESENTED then see how the videographer / editor did what they did, how and why!
No dude, we are in debt, 13 trillion dollars worth. But a government can't be 'Bankrupt'.

You need to look it up. Stare with 'The New Deal '. Just after the crash and after the 65th congress. You will see it. You will understand it in a way none of us can typr here. You need to see it from the annals of history.

JFK saw it and began to do something about it.

Remember that. JFK
No dude, we are in debt, 13 trillion dollars worth. But a government can't be 'Bankrupt'.

When the currency collapses, the government will not be able to fund its operations. Other countries will not lend our government money when this happens because there is no tax base left to leverage against the loan (no guarantee of repayment).

Call it what you want. Certainly in this scenario you would say this state is "financially ruined" or "totally depleted; destitute", which are both definitions of bankruptcy.
Fuck collapsing currency, To hell with evil banks and that shit, I could give a fuck less about terrible leadership and all the shit you guys are talking about. We are still most powerful purchasing power and only superpower left. We have the strongest army. We are doing pretty well regardless.
The dollar is losing buying power quickly, and we've yet to see the full extent of the damage we have done to it. The Euro is already at $1.50, not too long ago the dollar was worth more than the Euro. The fact is we cannot legitimately pay our debts, and to pay them with a printing press would turn us into Zimbabwe. China is a superpower, and is soon to be the superpower. The US is gonna go downhill and quick.