Is Anything Real?


Well-Known Member
But how real is real? Thats the question. You may feel pain, but pain is really just an illusion of sorts. Along with everything, everything is just an illusion in opinion.
I dunno, that shit feels pretty real when you're IN it.

Nothing isnt black or white, it's nothing it lacks anything. Kinda relates to this but, if you made a box with all six sides being made of mirrors, and theres no light inside, what would you see in the mirrors??? Kind of a weird thought.
Now THAT is a trippy idea to ponder....

As for the meaning of life, I like Ayn Rand's philosophy best....and the Greek idea of pursuing the arete. You don't owe shit to anyone but yourself, live your life for yourself and not other people, all that jazz.


Active Member
I've done more than my fair share of hallucinogens, those are what made me interested in what reality really is. Of course if you take a psychotropic drug and see pink elephants you know they aren't really there lol, so I shouldn't have said "everything we experience is real" because some people like to trip, and alter reality, like me.


New Member
Real must be defined before answered.

We as humans have only perception.

My real is different than your real because reality is just a perception.


How do I know my perceptions are real?

How do decide how to perceive things?

What more do I have than my perception?

Would I have circles if I could not perceive them?

Are feelings real?

Is My Love real?


Active Member
Real must be defined before answered.

We as humans have only perception.

My real is different than your real because reality is just a perception.

re⋅al1  [ree-uhl, reel]

1. true; not merely ostensible, nominal, or apparent: the real reason for an act.
2. existing or occurring as fact; actual rather than imaginary, ideal, or fictitious: a story taken from real life.
3. being an actual thing; having objective existence; not imaginary: The events you will see in the film are real and not just made up.
4. being actually such; not merely so-called: a real victory.
5. genuine; not counterfeit, artificial, or imitation; authentic: a real antique; a real diamond; real silk.
6. unfeigned or sincere: real sympathy; a real friend.
7. Informal. absolute; complete; utter: She's a real brain.
8. Philosophy.
a. existent or pertaining to the existent as opposed to the nonexistent.
b. actual as opposed to possible or potential.
c. independent of experience as opposed to phenomenal or apparent.
9. (of money, income, or the like) measured in purchasing power rather than in nominal value: Inflation has driven income down in real terms, though nominal income appears to be higher.
10. Optics. (of an image) formed by the actual convergence of rays, as the image produced in a camera (opposed to virtual ).
11. Mathematics.
a. of, pertaining to, or having the value of a real number.
b. using real numbers: real analysis; real vector space.

Reality is more than perception, and we sense things before we perceive them. What we sense is only a fraction of reality. Reality itself exists the same way for everyone, how you decide to perceive it may differ
LMAO good one twiz.

He's having a seriously abstract thought vtguy. He may be thinking what I think when I think about that. (<Say that sentence 5 times at a moderate speed.) Your existence is a floating, momentary, incidental consciousness is the vastness of 'what is'.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I think i could just go crazy thinkin about some of this shit.

Any of you guys research into alien conspiracy and everything?

Ya know annunaki, grays, reptillians, etc.


Well-Known Member
You guys ever ponder your selves with questions that cant be answered?

Ya know stuff like

Is life real? How real can life really be?

Is there a god? If there is a god how did he become god? if someone made him god then who made the original god god? And if god made that person god then they must be the ultimate god, and if they are the ultimate god how did they become god?

Shit can really trip ya up

Or do you ever wonder shit like, does anything exist outside our vision? For instance, im sitting in my computer room cant see anything outside this room, is it still really there? Or do we create everything we live in and everything that happens to us as we go along.

People say at maximum we use 10% of our brain power, personally im willing to bet we use more, i wouldnt doubt it if we used 90% of our brain to create our enviroment and 10% to live in it.

These questions are baffleing, and im still drunk from last night and i need this stuff answered!
quit getting fucked up if you dont know what is real or not real DUDE:wall:


Well-Known Member
I think i could just go crazy thinkin about some of this shit.

Any of you guys research into alien conspiracy and everything?

Ya know annunaki, grays, reptillians, etc.
^ cause that shit just gets to intense when you look far into it. alot of speculation, but some scary and interesting shit.

Wait...reptillians..isn't that the idea that some people are...reptiles? like...giant alien reptiles?

Michael Phelps, you're about to lose what little credibility you had left..

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Im not sure on that, i have never read that people are reptiles.

Just the annunaki, that stuff is hella interesting. Not one doubt in my mind that ancient culture was helped by ancient astronauts.

Read the book chariots of the gods.


Active Member
Im not sure on that, i have never read that people are reptiles.

Just the annunaki, that stuff is hella interesting. Not one doubt in my mind that ancient culture was helped by ancient astronauts.

Read the book chariots of the gods.
Thats a damn good book man. Erich Von Daniken is the shit, I love his research. It's so compelling. Not a doubt in my mind either, that's the only logical answer so far.


Active Member
Real must be defined before answered.

We as humans have only perception.

My real is different than your real because reality is just a perception.


How do I know my perceptions are real?

How do decide how to perceive things?

What more do I have than my perception?

Would I have circles if I could not perceive them?

Are feelings real?

Is My Love real?
let's see...
As long as your perceptions go along with physical evidence you can be confident in their reality

Look at factual things that are known to be true to help you perceive them, don't rely on imagination alone.

You also have the senses, before perception you must sense. Perception is in the mind, sense happens out side the mind and sends a signal to it, to then be perceived.

Yes circles can and do exist, whether or not you may think it possible.

I'll answer the last two the same way. Your feelings and love are real, they are proven to be chemical reactions in your brain. Now whether or not they are true to your situation, only you can tell that. some people can trigger feelings and love for no reason. So sometimes it may be hard to tell whether or not your telling yourself the truth.


New Member


In order to prevent their untimely demise, you have to convey the concept of a circle to a good person who only understands squares.
You have a stick and 20 seconds. Ready, GO!!!

Hippie hint: fill in the gaps with your own rules.

For instance, replace the word "spook" instead of "circle"

Which flavor rabbit hole would you prefer?

Solipsistic, no, some detected a filioquesqe clause or two, but nothing more.


Active Member
In visible light, humans see this as black.
This is true, we also see that white light is white and not as the colors that actually make up that light. Given proper tools though such as a spectroscope we can see those colors. There are also other tools we can use in "darkness" so we can see, such as thermal cameras and night vision. We are diurnal
by nature and have no need to see all forms of light.