Newbie with a heat problem


Well-Known Member
You can use chem and organic nutes. I do my plant get the best of both worlds.The soil is fine if its organic. I think its better to have some nutes in the soil it feeds the plant up to 4 weeks.
I was told by several people that chemical & organic fertilizers cancell each other out. They break each other down or something.


Well-Known Member
Hey, it's 38 degrees outside and 72 in the aparetment and I don't have the heat on. I think my neighbors running their heat too hot is making my apartment warmer, much warmer. This may be part of my problem. Other than banging on their door and telling them to turn their dam heat down, is there any other way to keep their heat from affecting my apartment?


Well-Known Member
I dont think that true at all. fox farms sells a trio grow big(chem) tiger bloom(chem) and big bloom(organic)

Yeah, but I think that's so you have a choice of organic or chemical grows with fox farm.

When I was at the nursery talking to that horticulturist she offered fox farm. I asked about organics because I already have organic fertilizer and she understood immediately. I've also heard it from a lot of other sources, but she was the last one to confirm it.


6500 k daylight bulbs trying to help with the veg... I started from bagseed with blueberry, i will try to add a pic to show you. How do I add pics


Well-Known Member
She also explained flushing to me and why I was an idiot to be growing in dirt, but it's too late to change now. I'll try hydroponics on my next grow


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Click on the link under the quick reply message link that's labeled "go advanced", once there use the browse link to search your computer for the pic. Don't forget to then click the "upload" link, then close the new window that opened and post the message.


Active Member
She also explained flushing to me and why I was an idiot to be growing in dirt, but it's too late to change now. I'll try hydroponics on my next grow
She is also there to get you to spend $$$. Maybe she is right on the whole nute thing. I will have to check on that.


My bad, I thought he was talking about my reflectors. lol
If he says reflectors I'd try that first
I think i figured it out so here you go... kinda ghetto i know but the budget was only 500 and i have some left lol gotta figure out the sex though.. I may clone for that though



Well-Known Member
you definitely only need 1 400 watt mh atleast for the first couple weeks, especially if your walls are white/mylared/polyed. The one issue i can forsee is that you don't have a decent reflector so you will have to hang the lights higher which will cause some degree of stretching. This is okay for you though cause you have a tall room. Flowering is where you want lots of light for those rock hard budss. Foxfarm ocean forest is totally organic. The tiger bloom grow big and big bloom are made to be used together throughout different periods in the plants life. You will find allllllll kinds of people absolutely loving fox farm and their ferts on here and else where. Going with clones will defintely allow you some room for greater temp variability because they will already be females. I use the 6inch inline from homedepot claims to pull about 250cfm they do less, buttt mine is absolutely kick ass second round through with it (first round was used in conjuction with a room bigger than yours) and this time i have a smaller room... you can check details in my journal if your interested. Anyways you can get them for like 30bucks or something. If heat really is dooming you you could consider wiring up some cfl's, both cheap and definitely don't produce as much heat. I would really try and avoid forcing yourself to move the hps and mh each day, that will become tedious and you could risk effing something up. That is kind of oxymoronic or ironic or whatever that its so cold outside yet heat is currently your achilles. But again one 400watt mh for the first couple weeks of veg will be more than enough. Best of luck dude.
I'm getting ready to start my first grow, hopefully tommorow. I got three 400w bulbs (1 MH & 2 HPSs), hoods, & ballast, but had a problem with them so I just got the lights hung a few hours ago. I also bought 2 UVB bulbs and will be growing 8 plants. It's set up in a walk in closet that's attatched to the bed room which is where the wall unit A/C is. The closet it approx 56" wide and 84" long with 8 ft ceilings.

I turned on the lights to check temp with the lights hung at 32" from the ground and put the probe from my Thermometer under the lights on the ground. No fans & no AC just to do a first test. The temp was 101 degrees.

I then turned on the A/C and set up 2 fans at the closet door, one stationary floor fan and one oscilating at about 4 ft from the ground, both pointing into the closet. I also closed off the bedroom to the rest of the house and put a towel under the door. It's now 88 degrees in the closet, I have to get it down a little more.

Outdoor temp is 39 degrees and temp in the rest of the apartment is 74 degrees. The heat isn't on, I get radiant heat from my neighbors. (apartment)

First thought was to open the sliding glass door that leads from the bedroom to outside, but then I thought about it and decided it was a bad idea. I don't want to get robbed and if I leave the door open eveyone's gonna know that I'm growing.

Another idea I had was to move the grow room out into the bedroom and cover the sliding glass doors with a comforter. This would provide a more wide open space and it would move the set up closer to the a/c. I'm sleeping in the living room anyway because the lights shine too brightly, the whole bedroom lights up. But moving it closer to the sliding glass doors is something I want to avoid. Again, don't want anyone knowing I grow.

The final idea I had was to raise the lights, but I don't know if 32" is too far away already. Can someone give me more info on light distance from plants for 400w bulbs.

Also if three 400w set ups are too much for 8 plants let me know so I can try turning one of them off. I'll be moving the MH to a veg area when these are ready to flower anyway, I just wanted to give them as much light as possible because I'm going to have to force flowering about a month into the veg. on this grow and I want to get the plants as big as possible.

If there are any other ideas that I haven't thought of please let me know.
you could solve your problems by getting a portable a/c unit put it inside the closet with the plants keep the closet door shut and that closet will get cold as you want it as long as the a/c is 10,000btu or more a good one will be about 300 bucks you should probly get a carbon filter to because depending on the strain smell can be crazy!:bigjoint:if the a/c needs to be exhausted just drill a four inch hole in closet door for exhaust and your grows can pay for new door when you move!:bigjoint:


Active Member
I think i figured it out so here you go... kinda ghetto i know but the budget was only 500 and i have some left lol gotta figure out the sex though.. I may clone for that though
Your plants look goog how old are they??Those cfls are point less. you are useing a 600 watt so every plant gets 100 wats a peice wich is good. I fyou were to get a air cooled hood you would be in good shape.


Active Member
you could solve your problems by getting a portable a/c unit put it inside the closet with the plants keep the closet door shut and that closet will get cold as you want it as long as the a/c is 10,000btu or more a good one will be about 300 bucks you should probly get a carbon filter to because depending on the strain smell can be crazy!:bigjoint:if the a/c needs to be exhausted just drill a four inch hole in closet door for exhaust and your grows can pay for new door when you move!:bigjoint:
Why are you telling him to get a portable ac especially 10,000 btu his grow space is 4.5wx7lx8h. I could see if he had a 8x10 room to cool but it is a closet. The 6in inline and filter will do just fine and save him $$ and his place wont stink to high heaven.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I was planning on making special reflectors at a 90 degree angle to try to help with side coverage to reduce stretching, but I don't have a power saw and Home Depot will no longer do more than 2 cuts no matter how many 2x4s you buy. If I manage to get more money later this week I'll build them, if not I'll make reflectors out of mylar and cardboard and do the best I can to give it a bit of an angle.

I was thinking of using all CFLs on my first grow, but after considerable research I decided against it. Too many people are ending up with light & fluffy buds and too many people disagree as to why. So there's obviously an art to it. I was planning on experimenting with it when I can better afford to.

Thanks for the info the inline fan, but if I can I'm probably going to go with the portable A/C and hook it up to one of those regulators. I might even try to get a portable a/c-heater-humidifier since those regulators would control all 3. When I went to bed last night at around 1 it was 76 degrees in the house and when I woke up at 10 this morning it was 68 degrees in the house. Obviously some of my neighbors run the heat like they just moved here from Arizona and then turn them off or down at night. So keeping this temp regulated is going to be a real pain in the ass if I don't.

With the MH & 2 UVBs running the room was just under 80 before I turned it off at 1am when the house temp was 76. So I think I'll be ok running these 3 bulbs to get me started. What I can add will all depend on what equipment I can afford to buy.


Active Member
What does uvb do for your plants???I havent heard anyone talking about it but you. Good luck with your ac(dont for get that its gonna get hot). My experiance must be luck