*Going to see how GREEN my thumbs are:)

Thanks DST!

damn, lookin nice.. how many weeks are they into 12-12..? i see you went shopping, still have more stuff on your list ?
Thanks man!
Droopy as hell last night though.(yep, I sucked AGAIN!) Recovering pretty well this A.M. Can't wait to get the aero going. I'm just not around when the plants need water it seems and I'm really trying to let 'em dry/air out between waterings. Oh well, it'll be fine:bigjoint:

I have a few things to get still, but I probably won't get to it 'till after I build the cloner. I bought the cart before the horse, i know...

We're on day #25 of flower. 'Bout 3 1/2 wks. flower.
Cab temps have been 80*H-68*L.

My buddy just dropped this off. (Gawd, I got great friends!)
It's a silk screening screen he found. I don't know how many microns it is but it's pretty perfect for my lap and recliner;-)

...Looks like I'm gonna' have to build a little aluminum case:)
....Ahhh nice, still a lazy-boy recliner open in here. */em breaks out a volcano and sets it humming in the middle of the room*

Hey McFunk, Scotty here. Just ran through this (yes, unfortunately I was bookin' it the whole way) thread. Loving it! Nice cab, and the plants are gorgeous.

I'll be hangin around... keep it up. WE WANT THE FUNK / GOTTA HAVE THAT FUNK! da dum dam da da doo doo doo dooo do do dooo ahhhhhhhh
Aye funkmaster, what you makin? a kief box?

Sumthin' like that.
Ha! Hadn't planned to yet but My friend stopped by early this mornin' from a cross-country trek and he had purchased a bunch of these for us in Texas.
I'm building a trimmer.(not for me:finger:Hate trimmers)
and need a bunch of keef trays to slide in and out as they get full. Theses are perfect! It's aluminum framed(light) and tight as a drum and cheaper than I could build in small quantities.
I prefer to sit and trim w/ friends and music. :bigjoint:
So, this one's gonna' be MINE! ALL MINE! Ha! I might even polish the aluminum, coz I be freaky like 'dat:fire:

....Ahhh nice, still a lazy-boy recliner open in here. */em breaks out a volcano and sets it humming in the middle of the room*

Hey McFunk, Scotty here. Just ran through this (yes, unfortunately I was bookin' it the whole way) thread. Loving it! Nice cab, and the plants are gorgeous.

I'll be hangin around... keep it up. WE WANT THE FUNK / GOTTA HAVE THAT FUNK! da dum dam da da doo doo doo dooo do do dooo ahhhhhhhh

GOTTA have dat Funk! Yea, Baby!
Thanks Rollmeuponescotty!
Let me know when your around man and don't be a stranger!

Thanks DST!

Thanks man!
Droopy as hell last night though.(yep, I sucked AGAIN!) Recovering pretty well this A.M. Can't wait to get the aero going. I'm just not around when the plants need water it seems and I'm really trying to let 'em dry/air out between waterings. Oh well, it'll be fine:bigjoint:

I have a few things to get still, but I probably won't get to it 'till after I build the cloner. I bought the cart before the horse, i know...

We're on day #25 of flower. 'Bout 3 1/2 wks. flower.
Cab temps have been 80*H-68*L.

My buddy just dropped this off. (Gawd, I got great friends!)
It's a silk screening screen he found. I don't know how many microns it is but it's pretty perfect for my lap and recliner;-)

...Looks like I'm gonna' have to build a little aluminum case:)

You lucky sod, you know I have gone round practically every art shop in Amsterdam trying to find a silk screen!!! Damn, all those stoners must have been out and bought them all as I have found zip!!! Good darts McFunk!


p.s although I have just picked up a cool tube for 25 euro:lol: Off to source more supplies now.
You lucky sod, you know I have gone round practically every art shop in Amsterdam trying to find a silk screen!!!
I could send you some, DST. Lemmie know, man.

I have just picked up a cool tube for 25 euro:lol: Off to source more supplies now.
Righteous, man! Do you have a Craigslist or something similar? I've come to believe there's nothing I can't buy on Craigs, if I have the patience to wait for it to come up for sale. It's the place I buy all the stuff I'm gonna' do something with someday. Ha! Remember those 150 watters I bought last week? Literally, within 20min of finding those lights on Craigs, they were in my possession.
Maybe it's just a bunch of good karma commin' back:)

Break time at The House of Funk...

This is not a wormhole:)

Mmmm... Bubble~H.

That was so nice we had to have desert.
Mmmm... Huckleberry:bigjoint:

Now that we have our bake~on. And we 'ain't goin' no wheres...
My beautiful wife hands me Jorge's new book that came in today:) My woman rocks!
Ok guys.

It's killin' me but I have to change gears for time, money and Big Pictures sake.

So here's what I've decided.

The biggest change is going to be I'm aborting the Ticky Tacky Boxes for the big Funk Box and going with a big~ass parabolic SCRoG. For a bunch of reasons but mostly, I want the big box to be flexible enough to experiment over and over. ...and I want each planter and screen to be modular and an entity unto itself.(Nutrient and drain lines are quick disconnect.) Plus, the Ticky~Tackey Boxes will be better surrounded by the little(current)box.
AND I just don't want to buy more 150's. 10square ft is plenty for the little cab and that's what I think I'll pull in there. Not bad for 300w and a 2' Square footprint.

In other words...

Will be this...

...and this

Will be this~~~>

All the boxes are 4x4 vinyl post. 19"L (plus end caps). 3~2" net pots w/neoprene collars. Fed by 4 spaghetti lines grommeted through the top w/EZ Cloner(red) sprayers running from a common nutrient line of 1/2 pvc.

The screens on each box are PVC and are adjustable in angle to accommodate the parabolic shape of the lumen's.

Sorry bout the shitty drawing/paintbrush hybred. It worked for me though:bigjoint:

Thanks for stickin' with me guys!

i'm diggin the visions your having. i can see that canopy now.. u ever considered some flexible chicken wire ?

i think it might be lighter. and it'll curve just how u need. and thats design is perfect for tha way horizontal light is released
i like the idea, i'm dying to see if the side plants produce. is that some homemade bubble hash? i actually just made my own for the first time last night (aka helped my friend make it, I was mostly just staring in wonder)... good shit!

loving the direction of the grow, experimentation is often the most rewarding part of the grow (besides getting lit like a mothafucka)
i like the idea, i'm dying to see if the side plants produce. is that some homemade bubble hash? i actually just made my own for the first time last night (aka helped my friend make it, I was mostly just staring in wonder)... good shit!

loving the direction of the grow, experimentation is often the most rewarding part of the grow (besides getting lit like a mothafucka)

I can't wait either, Phreaky! It's killin' me. But I'd be bored if I didn't hang out on the edge.(if you havn't noticed I'm mega A.D.D. and sleep very little.)

I've never taken the time to produce any kind of hash, myself. I never seem to run out of what's been gifted to me and the good people who are doing the gifting have their hash game down tight.

I've put some serious thought and math into the big box and I'm confident. ...we'll see:bigjoint:

Well that was a fun read! Great work buddy, love the modular screen! Scribed cos I like your style!

Thanks Knickers!
Stick around, man! There's some coooool/funny muther funkers 'round here;)

an adjust-a-wing reflector woulda been perfect for your setup..

I believe you are correct, Sir! If I don't use a cooltube and go over the top with 2 more boxes/screens.(literally)

anyways, how long til' its set up nd ready to grow?

Well, I'm working on it now. Gosh, I really have no time frame 'sept as fast as I can cobble this sucker together:)

The little cab with the six women in it now should be done in a few weeks. My hope is to be finished with the Funk Box by that harvest ('cos I need that 400 and ballast.)

The Ticky Tacky boxes will ensue in the smaller cab with the two 150w when the Funk Box is running and relatively problem free.

So, I hope to have the lower area full of clones ready to go into the top by the time the 400 light is available to relocate to the top section of the Funk Box.
Make sense?
sometimes it does to me too:)

does light from the lower part leak into the top at all.. just wonderin..

Naw, It won't.

It'll be rubber gasketed top and bottom where the fill/drains are going through...
And the doors? Refrigerator seal is magnetic and air-tight. Cross your fingers,"T"!
sup, here's my quick response... glycerin recipe: LINK
my butter recipe is in my sig, I use about 1/2 to a full pound of herb trim/shake to about 2lbs of butter. then I add about 1/4 to a full gram of fine hash to each cookie i want to seriously fuck someone up.