Are Birthers racist or just plain stupid?


Active Member
yep, i am sure that is what putin, ahmagonnaneedahandjob, bin laden, and others are saying right now.:dunce:

So you failed to answer my questions.

You are saying its wrong to greet and show respect to other leaders? Leaders should say we dont shake hands, we dont bow,... can they say hello? Or are you just saying the US is above every other country so they show us respect but not the other way around.

It was ok for bush to kiss to the saudi leader and then walk around holding his hand? I have no problem with it but based on your responses I am sure you went nuts.


Well-Known Member
I just want to know, what is wrong with being racist? Everybody is. . . it's just that some say it verbally and others bite their tongue and say nothing. Does something have to be spoken to be what a person believes to be true in his head?
I just want to know, what is wrong with being racist? Everybody is. . . it's just that some say it verbally and others bite their tongue and say nothing. Does something have to be spoken to be what a person believes to be true in his head?
Not everyone is racist... I don't think any race is inferior to any other in any way. I will admit I do sometimes make generalizations based on someones race but I also make generalizations based on lots of other shit as well and I know those generalizations are not always true.


Well-Known Member
threw any good argument you can find almost anyone racist.. just saying(DONT JUMP ON ME LOL)

jeff f

New Member
So you failed to answer my questions.

You are saying its wrong to greet and show respect to other leaders?
oh i dont know, maybe the fact that no other president in the history of this country has done so. we dont bow down to dictators or tyrants. we dont hold people prisoner for no reason. we are free. we do it the right way.

i dont give a fuck what bush did. why did you bring him in it? typical lib ignoramous statement. you people are cowards. i know ya are but what am i? you seriously dont have a brain in your head. but bush did it, well W was an ass. we all get that. we are ostly in agreement with that. our problem with bush is over, a new dog runs the show. step up and perform.


Well-Known Member
why is this attack by Hasan not a terrorist attack? oh b/c Obama is president... thats right.


Well-Known Member
oh i dont know, maybe the fact that no other president in the history of this country has done so. we dont bow down to dictators or tyrants. we dont hold people prisoner for no reason. we are free. we do it the right way.
wrong - other presidents have bowed to world leaders


Well-Known Member
why is this attack by Hasan not a terrorist attack? oh b/c Obama is president... thats right.
crazy azz guy who fuckin lost it...very very sad...terrorist well if that makes you happy to put a label on it then a terrorist he will be,,,,now what do we you calling him a terrorist now what we go blow up another country...I never understand these arguments...was Timothy McVeigh a terrorist.. ...What about Charles Manson..fuck hell what about Scott Roeder...all killers ....all killed American for some sick ass reason....oh I get it you have to be Muslim and kill in order to be a terrorist..only in America


Active Member
oh i dont know, maybe the fact that no other president in the history of this country has done so. we dont bow down to dictators or tyrants. we dont hold people prisoner for no reason. we are free. we do it the right way.

i dont give a fuck what bush did. why did you bring him in it? typical lib ignoramous statement. you people are cowards. i know ya are but what am i? you seriously dont have a brain in your head. but bush did it, well W was an ass. we all get that. we are ostly in agreement with that. our problem with bush is over, a new dog runs the show. step up and perform.
My point about Bush was that he did what was culturally correct when he was in Saudi. Its called respect. I was trying to point out this is nothing new with Obama and think we could all agree there is a lot more to be talking about than how leaders greet each other.


Well-Known Member
You come to my house you take your shoes off at the door..some people don't want to do that...they never come past the foyer


Well-Known Member
I can not wait to get up in the morning out of my goverment approved bed, get into my goverment approved clothes. Then leave my goverment approved housing, get into my goverment approved car (if i am lucky and have a job with carbon credits), then go to my goverment approved job, to make my goverment approved wage. I will do my goverment approved duty (what ever obama tells me). It will be great, I will drink my kool aid now.


New Member
I can not wait to get up in the morning out of my goverment approved bed, get into my goverment approved clothes. Then leave my goverment approved housing, get into my goverment approved car (if i am lucky and have a job with carbon credits), then go to my goverment approved job, to make my goverment approved wage. I will do my goverment approved duty (what ever obama tells me). It will be great, I will drink my kool aid now.
In this economy, you are lucky to have a job, thanks bankers and wall street.


Well-Known Member
I can not wait to get up in the morning out of my goverment approved bed, get into my goverment approved clothes. Then leave my goverment approved housing, get into my goverment approved car (if i am lucky and have a job with carbon credits), then go to my goverment approved job, to make my goverment approved wage. I will do my goverment approved duty (what ever obama tells me). It will be great, I will drink my kool aid now.
Thats the spirit !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I guess the kool aid reference was clever the first dozen or so times... do people still think it is? It's getting to be such a cliche around here. After a few hundred times, it's about as far from clever as you can get. Please, somebody come up with another one liner so the parrots can wear the new one out, and I can at least get a break from that old one.