this is what id do. might have even done something like it in this past.
call him up, explain to him how ur sorry he got busted, tell him how u thinks thats just all fucked up.
then tell him ur interested in some of that purp he's been pushing.... (this is called the hook) set it up so YOU are in control of where he has to meet you to make the deal
here's why-
u need an alley or even better, a parking lot behind a building (that doesnt have cameras on it, duh) that only has one enterance to get in and out of. you want to be able to block the person in after he pulls in to meet you so theres no escape....
when he shows, have ur friend block the escape route with a car so your 'boy' cant pull off.
thats when the baseball bats, chains, whatever works come into play. it also helps to have more people involved, especially if they got robbed by this prick to.
so after the enterance is blocked with the car, smash his car to fucking peices... he wont get out... not against 2+ people with bats.
start by smashing the driver side window, this will get his attention and keep him from trying to drive off as the shock of it will mess up his thoughts.
then tell him you want your money. make sure he knows that he was dumb enough to 'actually think he was going to get away with it'
if he doesnt fork over whatever cash he has, smash a mirror off, dent the hood, do whatever you think is appropiate. but make sure the damage is appropriate.
the key points to remember:
first, u must put the fear of god into this fool. once he is terrified of you he will be your bitch for life. take a percentage of anything he does, if he doesnt pay, make another visit with some baseball bats. this is called 'protection'
second, you must send a message to others that you are not to be trifled with.
third, because if you dont send that message, this guy and all his friends are gonna make a living off of playing you for a fool
word travels quick on the street, IMO youve already waited to long.
just my opinion on the situation.
not like i know what im talking about tho