Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

This was not an act of terrorism. This was act of war.

Terrorism targets civilians. This was was a military target on our own soil.

We were engaged in a clash of civilizations. We were not at war with a nation, but with an ideology. I say 'were' because our coward in chief has already surrendered.

Now we must submit. The very definition if Islam.
This was not an act of terrorism. This was act of war.

Terrorism targets civilians. This was was a military target on our own soil.

We were engaged in a clash of civilizations. We were not at war with a nation, but with an ideology. I say 'were' because our coward in chief has already surrendered.

Now we must submit. The very definition if Islam.
Jesus, are you brainwashed. Arguing with you is useless. Talk about a one minded dude.
Actually, this "Man" had quite a few interactions with Jihadists. The truth will come out. He is definently the definition of a terrorist. He is definently a muslim. He has definently gone to the mosque where a Jihadist Imam held court, He had communications with suspected al qaeda members. WTF would you call him? I call him a muslim terrorist. My opinion. You can't just leave all these connections out of it. They should have stopped him long ago, but Political correctness kept them from it. Sometimes it may be better to be a little incorrect, And make apologies if wrong. What say you?

Agreed. These seem to be the facts at this moment. But still- he should have been questioned long ago. Just like kids who say they are going to 'shoot the whole school dead!'. I think he has to get somethings off his shoulders and out into the open BEFORE he follows through with his 'desire'.

How anyone can not agree with this is... a bit disconcerting.
Actually, this "Man" had quite a few interactions with Jihadists. The truth will come out. He is definently the definition of a terrorist. He is definently a muslim. He has definently gone to the mosque where a Jihadist Imam held court, He had communications with suspected al qaeda members. WTF would you call him? I call him a muslim terrorist. My opinion. You can't just leave all these connections out of it. They should have stopped him long ago, but Political correctness kept them from it. Sometimes it may be better to be a little incorrect, And make apologies if wrong. What say you?

medi, you and i seldom agree. well said brother, well said. this guy has a paper trail, yes paper trail as high as the twin towers. there were dots everywhere. remember, we are supposed to be connecting them? this was no nut case. this was a religious zealot, easily identifiable. now, find who was telling him that shit, and crack that nut. this isnt rocket science, we do it with organized crime.

and for the thoought police, stop guessing what might happen if a person goes to a specific church and start focusing on the reality of here and now. christians are not shooting up places. i can set up a police force looking for the boogie man, but i doubt it will make me safer.

tell me specifically what christians you want jailed? name them, now, what was their crime? do you want a list of muslims i would jail? the website isnt large enough to handle all the names. and, i can tell you their crimes, mostly murder. barbaric murder.

your statements that christians are just as dangerous is ludicrous and not supported by anything other than your opinion.
i say show me the audio of the conversations he had, or show me a picture of him talking to a known al CIAda member

where is the PROOF of ANY of this? Some guy sitting behind a desk on TV doesnt count as proof either, i mean hard evidence

so when you did your indepth investigative report about the executions on the base, hat were your findings?

sorry numbnuts, i dont have time to do that. are you saying that all the emails they showed, and all the different ties he had, actually meeting some of the twin towers gang, you are saying that all the news agencies are lying?

so fill me in on how you are getting to the bottom of this and where are you getting information from?
so instead of posting said evidence, you just sling mud


ive already listened to the evidence. he took guns and shot people to death in front of friends and family. he murdered 13 wounded 30 (i think those were the numbers). he was a muslim. he went to known jihadists preaching mosques, he told co workers that jihad was worth it. he wrote on blogs saying he couldnt wait to join the martyrs. exactly which evidence are you disputing? i would but dont have time to look them all up. but tell me the one you have the most problems with and i will research that one for your lazy ass.

people, please tell me this isnt the future of this country...towers they didnt blow up any stinkin me the
your statements that christians are just as dangerous is ludicrous and not supported by anything other than your opinion.

Well, like I said, fundamentalists (that would be you Jeff) do not believe that the Christian doctrine is detremental to the youth, so of course you wouldn't think it's dangerous. I would have thought that'd be pretty obvious...

But to people like me, atheists and other critical thinkers, people who've gone over the Bible, Christianity is nothing but dangerous. Not only for the acts committed right there in black and white but also, and mainly in my opinion, the brain numbing effect it has over people. The dismissal of the theory of evolution is a prime example. The Christian doctrine is directly responsible for the majority of the GOP's public policy (which would include it's foreign policy, which has indirectly killed over 2 million people this century already). It's responsible for discrimination against homosexuals. It's responsible for encroachments on 1st Amendment rights. It's also responsible for the majority of slavery in the United States, which was then used to justify it... I could keep going, but you get the point.

The dangers Christianity brings are indirect dangers because if Christians were still slaughtering people by the hundreds for disbelief (like they used to), sure seems like Christianity wouldn't have much of a long run in this day and age... but maybe that's just me... Everything evolves. Even religion (you of all people should know that eh, you're side is always the one claiming we're not allowed to use the Old Testament for Biblical justifications... Even though it's just as "devine" as the New Testament).

You want names?

Pat Robertson
Kirk Cameron
Ray Comfort
Kent Hovind (already behind bars where his hypocritical, homosexual, meth snorting ass belongs)
Ken Hamm
VenomFangX (youtube)
JesusFreak (youtube)
TheAtheistAntidote (youtube)

But none are as well versed, tolerant and loving as you, yourself.

You ares such a shining example of what makes Amerika great!!
Always changing the subject to bring threads into a direction that you would like! Such as person to admire, respect and follow!!
You should just run for president! Men of leeser skill, ability and intellect have done so !
ive already listened to the evidence. he took guns and shot people to death in front of friends and family. he murdered 13 wounded 30 (i think those were the numbers). he was a muslim. he went to known jihadists preaching mosques, he told co workers that jihad was worth it. he wrote on blogs saying he couldnt wait to join the martyrs. exactly which evidence are you disputing? i would but dont have time to look them all up. but tell me the one you have the most problems with and i will research that one for your lazy ass.

people, please tell me this isnt the future of this country...towers they didnt blow up any stinkin me the

well considering 9/11 was an inside job... might want to visit that thread and take a peek at what it has to offer

do you always eat what the media feeds you or do you turn on your logic filter first
But none are as well versed, tolerant and loving as you, yourself.

You ares such a shining example of what makes Amerika great!!
Always changing the subject to bring threads into a direction that you would like! Such as person to admire, respect and follow!!
You should just run for president! Men of leeser skill, ability and intellect have done so !


I brought up Christianity for a simple comparison. That's all. You guys can't acknowledge such things actually happening to Christians because that would be appalling! But you actively advocate the exact same treatment to non violent Muslim Americans (ones serving THEIR COUNTRY in the US military, fighting against the shit you are so scared of,none the less... So high your horse must be!).

Segregate the Muslims - good

Segregate the Christians - bad


No worries PandwanaBarter (please check spelling!! LOL!!)
You have the right to share as we all do.
I like reading your postes.
Wether or not I agee is ilrelevant.

Rock on! Learn what you will but- freedom is worth fighting for!!

Peace to you and all whom you love this season.

Happy Thanks Giving and Merry Christmas my friend!!!
well considering 9/11 was an inside job... might want to visit that thread and take a peek at what it has to offer

do you always eat what the media feeds you or do you turn on your logic filter first

:dunce: 9/11 was exactly what everyone watched happen live on tv. hijacked planes flown into buildings. nothing more.
No worries PandwanaBarter (please check spelling!! LOL!!)
You have the right to share as we all do.
I like reading your postes.
Wether or not I agee is ilrelevant.

Rock on! Learn what you will but- freedom is worth fighting for!!

Peace to you and all whom you love this season.

Happy Thanks Giving and Merry Christmas my friend!!!


Try learning how to spell or at least learn how to use a spellchecker and also stop "blogging" when you're drunk then maybe you will be taken seriously.

what about the building that didnt get hit by a plane

What about the planes and all the passengers on them that flew into the towers, the pentagon, and crashed in the field? let me guess, you think the planes were really missiles and the towers were taken down with explosives... Some gullible fools will believe anything they see on youtube.
Only a true ignoramus would compare far right Christians to radical Muslims. While it is true that some Christians have done horrible things in the name of religion, Christians do these things contrary to their religious teachings and not in keeping with them as do Muslims. Plus, examples of Christians committing atrocities are few and far between - one needs to go back to the crusades for examples. And by the way, Christianity was only wrongly used to promote slavery - it was in fact properly and heavily used to bring about the abolition of slavery (yes, Christianity ended slavery which is still practiced in the Muslim world). By and large, some Christians can be annoying, but there is certainly no parallel to the concept of "dar al Islam" in Christianity. Dar al Islam is a Muslim concept in which peace is obtained through global domination and forced conversion to Islam.

Anyway, here is an interesting video. The woman is Wafa Sultan, a psychiatrist and ex-Muslim. This appeared on an Arab TV network. Enjoy.

Here is one of many found on It is an interview with a 10 year old girl married against her will. Absolutely disgusting.
What about the planes and all the passengers on them that flew into the towers, the pentagon, and crashed in the field? let me guess, you think the planes were really missiles and the towers were taken down with explosives... Some gullible fools will believe anything they see on youtube.

trolling fail

your post lacks substance
Only a true ignoramus would compare far right Christians to radical Muslims. While it is true that some Christians have done horrible things in the name of religion, Christians do these things contrary to their religious teachings and not in keeping with them as do Muslims. Plus, examples of Christians committing atrocities are few and far between - one needs to go back to the crusades for examples. And by the way, Christianity was only wrongly used to promote slavery - it was in fact properly and heavily used to bring about the abolition of slavery (yes, Christianity ended slavery which is still practiced in the Muslim world). By and large, some Christians can be annoying, but there is certainly no parallel to the concept of "dar al Islam" in Christianity. Dar al Islam is a Muslim concept in which peace is obtained through global domination and forced conversion to Islam.

Anyway, here is an interesting video. The woman is Wafa Sultan, a psychiatrist and ex-Muslim. This appeared on an Arab TV network. Enjoy.

Here is one of many found on It is an interview with a 10 year old girl married against her will. Absolutely disgusting.

Nice points. Howeve, many people use the word Christian when refering to the conduct of the catholic religion.
A Christian is not a catholic and should not be disparaged by the conduct of the catholic regious system.

The Papacy is responsible for most atrocities attributed to christians

The video- wow! Nice info and glad it was seen by those of the Islamic faith.