problematic first grow, new grow room.advice??


Active Member
ph test kits for pools and spas don't have the same range as one that tests for nute solutions/soils. Also, it's not your lights...i've vegged dozens of seedlings under 23 watt cfls with no problems whatsoever. You should really be starting them in small plastic cups, it's way easier to control your moisture levels. My guess would be your having ph problems, possibly temp problems as well.


Active Member
yea i know the bins are way to big, im just kinda ona budget and i had them already and saved a trip to the store ya kno, now there in smaller bins. and im not sure what my PH is, im waiting till payday so i can go get a ph tester
just saying, thats a huge waste of soil..



This is definitely fixable. You have 2 issues that I can see in addition to whats been mentioned. Your PH seems to be too high. My guess is around 8. You should flush the black gold with ph'd water to calm down the nutes a bit and to lower your ph before you pot your seedlings.

You also need more perlite. These little guys are a bit young to replant so fast. I like to keep em in 4" squares or 16 oz plastic cups for the first few weeks before transplanting them. The fail safe method of mine is to use a soiless nutrient free mix for the first stage, then pot into a soil that has my nutes. Just remember, although is says 6 months, you will still need to add some organic nutes for higher yields in the later stages.

ALSO: Run down to your local garden shop and ask for a nursery flat. The flat will catch all the run off which you can use to test the PH. They usually give the away for free. If not there only 99 cents. Also, you can get some small square pots for around 20 cents and regular 1 gal to 3 gal nursery pots for around 67 cents.

The problem here is that you need to correct your ph without over watering the little guys (hopefully not guys, sry). Then you need to test your run off to see if that is the issue. The towel has to go and for proper drainage, you will need five half inch holes in those containers.


Well-Known Member
I dont think flushing Black Gold soil is necessary. He just started using it. Also, Im not sure how safe it is to flush soil with time release nutrients in it. Its a bad idea to do it with Miracle Grow. Im not sure if they use the same type of time release nutes though.


Good Points,

I have just personally had better success with black gold when I have flushed it. Usually the ph is above neutral so the relative damage to seedlings can be high. I am no pro, these are just ideas that have worked for me.

As i read on in this thread, it appears that he does not PH his water at all. So my post may be overkill for this person. Black gold is a good soil, but I have better results when I flush it for seedlings.


Active Member
just checked them a few mins ago, they seem alot healthier looking
there both darker green and both poped out a new set of leafs =D

i over watered this one a tad, didnt realize how much better the new soil holds water


Active Member
just got done PHing my water =) its 6.5-6.8
and i also picked up a bottle of fox farm grow big soulution
hopeing it fixes the problem


Active Member
okay so i have a noob question...... haha
theres little leafs starting to grow at the begining of each branch ( or where it would b if they hadnt dried and fallen off) im just wondering if this is normal? lol just wondering
again, this is my first grow haha



Its not deformed, but any new growth after nute lockout means you have been successful so far in your attempts to correct. You soil looks dry and your plant is drooping I would say its time for a feeding. These just look too young for nutes man but it appears they might have a nitrogen def. Be VERY cautious when adding nutes man. these plants seem pretty sensitive so you may want to start out at 1/8 strength. Best of luck to ya.


Active Member
i have water them both with the nutes and one of em is still drooping but looks healthy and the other one is looking amazing, has grow 2 sets of leafs since yesterday =D and is dark lush green
i think ill mix up 2 seperate nute solutions one not as strong as the other (for the drooping one)
and im also germinating 13 seeds tonight, is the black gold soil okay to put them in? or shud i mix it with soil from my yard? my yard is pretty damn much a rainforest lol


Well-Known Member
Do not use soil from your backyard. You have no clue whats in it. Do you want a surprise package of pests, or bad fungi? I sure dont! :)

Id cut the black gold with 25-30% perlite. Improve drainage and aeration, and just in case the soil is hot for seedlings this will help cool it down some.

Oh and if you dont have HID lighting, dont do 13 plants. Thats way too many plants for CFL's.


Active Member
oh the seeds are some really shitty bagseed im guessing 4 or 5 of em will sprout, and 1 or 2 will make it the first couple weeks. there from some pretty gross weed lol its dark brown and smells like dirt.... figured i already have the lights and soil etc.. i might as well throw em in soil n see wut happens lol and thanks ill deffinatly mix the soil like that


Well-Known Member
the problem is that he is not watering them with water that has had its ph adjusted, my city water is over 8.