I think removing the cap on SS tax for individuals is a good idea, wouldn't be so great for the employer match part. That is not any more socialist than having SS in the first place. In fact, it's less socialist because everybody is paying their share...not just their share until $102,000 of wages.
This 'healthcare' bill is a joke. To the people saying why a 2,000 page piece of legislation, you are right on. Dr. Paul's bill is like 3 or 4 pages and is pretty much saying let Americans pay for their health care with pre tax dollars. Carry insurance for major medical problems like it used to be. We need lessssss regulation, not more. Stop drinking Obama's kool-aid. Just because he kind of looks like and talks like Morgan Freeman doesn't mean we should let him do whatever he wants to with the country. Actually, I feel like he is kind of a pawn. Anyway, I don't want the government involved with my body and I think it is hypocritical to say you believe in the freedom of the individual to do what he wants to his body (ie smoke weed, do drugs, whatever) but that other people should have to pay for their health care. The bottom line is that government programs suck balls and breed incompetence and corruption and more bureaucracy.
Think of it as a Hollywood trailer: From the people who brought you: the illegal war in the middle east, the social security debacle, the Patriot Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, mass shortages of H1N1 shots, the 2004 election, the Federal Reserve, the war on drugs, and the 'stimulus' package now comes the most expensive piece of legislature in the history of the United States......
Please people don't listen to the hype! When is it ever a good idea to turn yourselves over to the government? Little by little we are letting them tear up our constitutional protections of freedom. We got the F out of Europe, now we want back in??? The US is the tits, we just need to stop these retarded wars and stop letting the federal government infringe on our private lives. Think about walking into a room of 300 lawyers!!!!!!!!! You honestly trust these people to get it right and to serve your best interests?
If you still aren't convinced the government can't do shit, check out this congress testimony about welfare:
It pretty much talks about how bad our welfare system is. Please no more incompetence!