2 girls 1 cup


Well-Known Member
this might have to be the ultimate fetish. might have to give it a try!!!.... haaaaa. hell fucking no!. ive been watching all these videos of peoples reactions to this video and i never new what the big deal was. no i see and thats just fucking gross just literaly threw up


Well-Known Member
lol. no damit thats my wife u asshole!!! wtf are u thinking y are tryin to start shit huh. u want one? lets go homie!!.... hahahaha naw. i think shes pretty close to the top females of the world


Well-Known Member
ha i agree she is very sexy.

WTF one of the girls put it in her mouth!? i only got to the part with the cup and that was it for me. hmm my curiosity is gonna get the best of me i know it!


Well-Known Member
It's a lot of tricks as well. I shit all the time, puke occasionally, and let me tell you it never fucking looked like that! My guess they just clear out their stomach, drink a ton of some "goo" made of probably like corn syrup and chunks of something. Low stomach acid and no digestion time... Haven't you ever bonged a beer only to chuck it up right after? Sometimes that shit is still cold!:spew:

As for that shit, dude, that chick is squirting like frosting up her ass hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
i would realy like to know the people that would go threw all that. if u got to break they have like 6 dif. videos of people reactions to it. i guse its just a publicity stunt?. who know rather its tricks or not its fucking gross and i just got done eating my second dinner as cuz i lost the 1st one.

It's a lot of tricks as well. I shit all the time, puke occasionally, and let me tell you it never fucking looked like that! My guess they just clear out their stomach, drink a ton of some "goo" made of probably like corn syrup and chunks of something. Low stomach acid and no digestion time... Haven't you ever bonged a beer only to chuck it up right after? Sometimes that shit is still cold!:spew:

As for that shit, dude, that chick is squirting like frosting up her ass hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Wow ummmm..... i just came back from the bathroom with tears in my eye's. i just had to go to the bathroom after watching that minute. I just started coughing when i made it to the bathroom. Not those regular coughs either im talking about those coughs that come from deep down inside. I dont think i'll ever be the same again......i need a bong hit


Well-Known Member
I had never heard if the vid. I lasted 10 seconds. I'm as liberal as you can get, to each his own but I don't need that shit in my life. Life's too short to waste it on that. However, If it floats Your boat....But the woman in 007's avitar, that's not a waste of time.